Author has written 2 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Inuyasha. I am...*bumbumbum* the Exterminator Sango! And here: are the rules to the road of happiness...1. It may take only 17 muscles to smile, but it only takes FOUR muscles to raise your hand and slap the motherf*er across the head 2. Getting out of jury duty is easy, say you're prejudice against ALL races :D 3. I will put anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, in my mouth *sniff* because that's who I am 4. Now, you tried, and you failed miserably, so the lesson is, never try... 5. Do not sleep, for the homicidal clowns will eat you 6. Now that you have chosen the Exterminator Sango as your new god, soon you will feel, that all your nightmares are INDEED REAL! ...That is all |