This is a fanfiction.The characters are borrowed.

Sleeping Dreams

Sleeping Dreams

My body was bruised, cut and bleeding. Nothing out of the ordinary there. I've grown somewhat used to them… the beatings that is. But I don't think I'll ever fully get used to them, or fully understand why. I believe that my Yami just needs to blow off some steam- and what better a punching bag then me? But for whatever reason I just can't bring myself to hate him. The truth is- if he wasn't around, Gods I don't know what I'd do. Silly really. It seems that the one person who hates me the most I decide to grow totally dependent on.

Today was particularly bad. I was thrown into a wall- hard. Punched and kicked so much that I lost consciousness more than once and then just left there all but forgotten. It had taken me awhile to stand up. My left leg was kicked a lot and once I tried to put pressure on it I fell… right on my almost blackened arm. Ouch, that hurt. Tears filled my eyes for the fifth time this day, I wasn't afraid to let them fall for the pain's too much. Still I can't help but hold no grudge to my yami. I know he's been through a lot. He's been trapped in my Millennium Ring for five thousand years. Always covered in that darkness, I just can't imagine. I know I'd never survive that. I would be too weak. Although I could see why he liked to pick on me, I was after all his hikari. But I don't think he likes that arrangement. Fine.

My yami has full rein of my home. I don't mind though, after all he is the darker half of my soul. We're one and the same; okay not at all the same. We're totally different. I dragged myself to my room. Not wanting anything else in the world right now other than to lay down in my bed and sleep. I'd fix my wounds tomorrow, today I'll rest. Just rest. It's true that I resent the beatings. After all I don't really know why he does that to me. But I long for the explanation I know one day he'd give. But not today. Never was it today.

I stammered into my room. And there in my bed Bakura laid asleep. He's done it before, of course. Robbed me of my bed. It just meant I'd have to find somewhere else to sleep. But my leg hurt SO much. I rested against my doorframe staring at Bakura. It could be so easy to hate him. If only I could, but looking at his slumber I knew I couldn't. He tossed and turned in his sleep. Nightmares about God knows what. I always wonder what could give HIM nightmares. Something truly horrible is all that I could come up with.

I yawned. I was so very tired and no strength to find a different room to sleep in. The effort would be too much on my tattered body. I sighed. This was gonna hurt in the morning but I was almost asleep in the doorframe. Being near my yami had always given me a sort of comfort. Until he beat the shit out of me. But at least he was giving me attention. It seemed that the only time anyone ever paid attention to me was to beat me up! I took a step forward and stumbled- almost into Bakura. That would have been the worst thing ever to do. But I caught myself. I slowly… and quietly lowed myself to the ground. I don't think Bakura would have heard me anyways, at least not by the sound of his dreams.

I longed to reach over to him. To cradle him. Make his pain and frustration go away. To show him he had a heart. I never did though. I was too afraid to show him any affection. Let alone any affection that could be misplaced for pity. I was now on the floor of my room. It wasn't cold- I had a rug. Looking up I saw my yami's nightmare fading. He seemed to rest peacefully now. It amazed me really. How innocent he looked right now. Not that normal glare he often gave me or those smirks of triumph he gave me before leaving me to my pain. No. I think his true nature was before me sleeping. Just a little more time, I told myself as I dared to drift off to sleep near my yami. Somehow it felt so… right. Him and me.

Bakura's POV

Something old and long forgotten had been plaguing my dreams lately. I haven't had a good night sleep in over two weeks. TWO WEEKS! I cursed the Ring that had imprisoned me for five thousand years only to be released by my hikari. My hikari… what a joke! He was nothing more than a child really. He acted like it. Such stupid innocence! Whenever I see him I want to hurt him. Nothing personal. But did he have to act all… happy. The word rolled off my mind. Disgusting. Happy? -What a fake emotion. Now, however, whenever I see him I see fear in his bright eyes. Those chocolate eyes dim whenever I beat him. It brings me a small sense of satisfaction.

He walks around taunting me and my miserable existence day after day, usually humming a soft tune in his head. He doesn't know it but I hear it. I hate him for it. But he pays. It makes my life just a little more bearable if he's in pain too.

Ryou doesn't know I'm home. Or maybe he does. But he's humming one of those nasty cheerful tunes. And I'm already in a bad mood from my stupid, plaguing dreams. He doesn't notice as I walk right up to him until I grab his neck and push his head into the wall. I just need to blow some steam and Ryou's just the well-located person to do it on. He cringes and falls to the floor. I kick him in my rage. It doesn't matter because he's used to it. He's useless because he always just takes it. Just lets me beat the living daylights out of him. It infuriates me so much! And then the next day- as if oblivious to what I had just done he would act like it was nothing. Like all the pain I had inflicted- I know I inflected, was simply a thing from the past! This naturally makes me want to hit him more.

After I let loose some stream I went to the kitchen and had a snack. Feeling tired from the effort of beating up Ryou I decide to try that sleep thing again. Actually I dread sleep but my earthly body feels worn. I don't know why I chose Ryou's room. Maybe 'cos I can. Maybe just because I knew it would irritate my lighter half. But for whatever reason I chose fell asleep in his bed.

There you are Bakura. I knew you'd fall asleep sooner or later. Of course I always prefer the sooner. That voice. So… familiar- so natural I couldn't place it. So how are you and your Hikari doing? Playing nicely I hope. I turned in Ryou's bed. He's so innocent. So trusting. So alone. Remember how you met him? How glad he was to know that you came out of the Ring for him. So he wouldn't be alone anymore. But wait! He only freed you. You didn't come out for him; you didn't want him at all. Actually, wasn't he just the first thing you saw. And you were so mad. Mad at being trapped in the Ring for so long. But the hikari paid the price for your torture, didn't he? Oh wait. He still is! I turned again You hate your weaker half. I know. I can read your thoughts. Your e-v-e-r-y thought! But why? Oh yes because of who you are and who he is and his weaknesses. His cowardice. Funny. I thought you were the coward. Turn. Do you remember me yet Bakura. You should. But you don't. I know you don't. Little reminders every night until you clue in. The voice taunted. You know what you need… Suddenly the golden ring started to burn on my chest- again. I can feel the cold gold of the Ring even through my clothes; I know every inch of it. I can feel it more now, feel it pushing- pressing against my flesh. It burns like ice. I try to yank it off, try to pull it away but it's as if it's glued- melted into my chest. I feel it entering flesh! Trapped. I'm trapped with the ring inside me. I start to scream, can't help it, it hurts, it burns, it stabs… it hurts. I scratch frantically at my chest. Gotta get it out, gotta get it out, gotta be free. It's cold, so cold. The pain's terrible. I can feel myself loosing my grip on…

Suddenly the pain stopped. The voice stopped. My dream grew peaceful. I lost all feeling of pain and resentment. I slept peacefully. The most serene I'd slept since being trapped within the Ring. It was… nice.

Finally I opened my eyes. Yawning silently in bed I took a look around me, ah yes, I remember now I was in Ryou's room. Being in such a good mood I decid to just lay back and relax. That's when I hear it. A sound. The same sound being repeated over again. I sat up straight trying to figure out what it was. Damn it, I'm still twitchy!

Looking around the room from the hikari's bed I still couldn't figure out the sound. I put my foot down on the rug to investigate but it wasn't a rug my foot touched. It was hair? Quickly I looked down. Apparently Ryou had decided to camp beside my bed. Suddenly I was struck with the idea of putting my foot on Ryou's face. But decided against it. That really would ruin the serene mood I woke with.

Ryou's windows were open. No curtain to block out the light. And I had slept so well… besides I didn't want to ruin the peace that had settled over me. So I just laid back down. Oh I would punish my light. But not just yet. Except for whatever reason, I found myself looking at Ryou. I didn't mean to… but I was. Somehow my nightmares were connected to him. How could he- this little weakling, be apart of my nightmares? It seemed so preposterous.

The first thing I see when I look at him is his utter innocence. Sleeping so soundlessly- calmly. That innocence and understanding that usually drives me up the wall. Then the light shifted and it became very clear to me just how much pain I had inflicted on my Hikari. –Not that I cared, I just never noticed before. Ryou had always tidied himself up. Cleaned all the wounds and acted like nothing happened. For the first time ever I seriously wondered if maybe I shouldn't take my frustration out on my light. But then… what other use did I have for a hikari?

Ryou wore the same cloths as yesterday- which, I admit, surprised me. Did I hurt him that much? And his arm was the shade of grey. No. I told myself. But there was Ryou. On the ground- sleeping. Covered in bruises and dried blood that I'd inflicted. Have I always hurt you so much…? I felt a bit of guilt for my actions. But it was only a bit.

While I was lost in thought I didn't notice Ryou stirred. My light opened his eyes to see me staring at his body. The look of terror that washed over his face disturbed me. The fact that it disturbed me- disturbed me. I was very disturbed.

Ryou looked like I was gonna kill him. I wouldn't argue with that statement, if I wasn't in such a good mood Ryou would've been in excruciating pain. He tried to stand but had forgotten the pain from my last beating and fell with a thud to the floor. This seemed to cause more pain as he grabbed at the bruised arm that he had landed on. He quickly turned to me; his eyes were full of tears, "Sorry Bakura. I'm really, really sorry." He stuttered. Putting his weight on his other leg he quickly (and dumbly) hopped out of his room. It was a truly pathetic thing to see.

And I couldn't help but wonder why he chose to sleep near me in the first place.

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