Author has written 14 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Hunter X Hunter, and Naruto. I joined when I was 13. My last fanfiction submitted was when I was 15. I am now 21. And I look back, the things I wrote, tragedy or not, makes me laugh. Though I still am proud of my plots, everything was very badly written and needs a lot of editing. The dialogues, the cheesy scenes, I can't believe I wrote them. But I guess it's part of growing up. I am now in university, and creative writing is no where near my major. I feel like as you grow up, if you don't believe in what you love, then everything will slowly slip away from you. I now hate those stupid 13 year old, writing angsty little stories and ask stupid questions like "can I take your plot? I will give you credit." But I think I'm guilty as they are because I had been a 13 year old. (Except the part of asking taking someone else's plot, that's just stupid.) So when you read something of mine, you may laugh at how badly written everything is, but that was part of me that I now no longer have and I miss it dearly. And if you read something that touched your heart, then I'm glad. I'm too young to feel nostalgic. Shit. |