Disclaimer: *sniff* lucky I don't own yugioh, or I'm gonna make the whole show into a soap opera.... ^^;;;

Everyone: *glares*
Greetings From The Heaven

Chapter Two

Yugi, is that you?
"Hey," Tea tried on her best smile. "What's up, guys?"

"Oh, nothing." Joey looked at her dully. Tristan shrugged and looked away. Tea's eyes saddened immediately. She tried her best to put on a happy act, but it was useless the way it was. What could you do? It wasn't like your best friend died everyday. //But,// Tea struggled with herself, //But we should stay closer more than ever! Where's the friendship? Where's the spirit of friends? Why do things have to be this way?//

Tea smiled weakly and looked cheerfully at the boys. "I have something really important to tell you guys."

"What is it?" Joey looked up and nudged Tristan to pay attention. But clearly, they weren't very interested.

"This," Tea took out the greeting card. "This!" her soft whisper suddenly became exclaim. "This is from Yugi! As he promised!"

Joey and Tristan looked at Tea like she was crazy, but timidly, they took over the greeting card and looked at it.

Hi, Tea:

How are you? Merry Christmas!

Best wishes,


Joey and Tristan looked up with unsure eyes, they stared at each other. Suddenly the consuming desire of being with Yugi fired up these three young people's hearts. They suddenly missed Yugi so much, they suddenly wanted to see Yugi's smile so badly. However, nobody said anything. Joey sighed, he patted Tea on the shoulder lightly.

"Tea, you have to know, Yugi is died. Nobody and nothing will get him back. We miss him too, but you should start to get back to your normal life." He smiled kindly. "It's time to have a life without Yugi."

They didn't believe her.

Joey and Tristan were smiling weakly at Tea. But those smiles hurt Tea's heart so much. They didn't believe her. they thought she was lying, they thought she was crazy. They thought she made the card herself! it was no use to struggle, they didn't believe her. and a life without Yugi was just so different. Losing one best friend meant you have to lose another two. But it was not the destiny you could change.

Tea sat back to her seat quietly. The happiness of hearing from Yugi was fading. Maybe, maybe she was crazy. Maybe she made the card herself and she couldn't remember. Maybe it was a crazy dream. Maybe she just missed Yugi so much. And maybe, it was time to start a life without Yugi. The hurt, the pain; if oblivion could bring you the happiness that everyone wanted you to have, have the happiness then.

Everyone quieted down as the teacher walked into the classroom. The teacher gave the class a strange smile, and said, "class, I'm glad to tell you guys that we have a new student today." Suddenly her expression became serious, "I hope everyone will be one your best behaviour."

She nodded to the door, a shadow outside the classroom pulled open the door. A tall figure walked into the classroom. He smiled, a shy but attractive strong smile.

"Class, this is Yami. He just transferred here yesterday. Because, of, umm," the teacher stared at the transfer paper for a while. "Well, family reasons." She smiled at Yami, but she didn't look at him eye to eye. It was like she was scared of him.

Loud whispers started heat up the temperature of the room. Yami looked around uncomfortably. He didn't know why, but everyone here seemed act really strange around him, even the principal. People had been giving him those weird stares ever since he walked into the classroom.

Tea stared at Yami with shock. But soon enough, the shock became emotional act and crying. "Oh my god!" tea covered her face with her hands shakily. She sniffled madly and tried not to cry out loud. But she became the class center attention quickly. Everyone moved the sight from Yami to Tea. Miho nudged Tea and tried to calm her down. Joey and Tristan got up from their seats and went over to Tea. They threw a frightened look to Yami as they past him by. However, Tea cried harder and shook her head again and again. She pushed away everyone and ran out from the classroom. "Oh my god!" she shouted as she ran past Yami.

In the washroom, Tea stood against the wall and whimpered furiously. Her reddened face was heated up and her face had twisted from the way it was. "God, help me!" she shook her head, "it can't be, it can't be!"

Back in the class, Yami didn't know what he do but become the class attention. He tried to act normal, but how could he? Everyone in the class looked at him with those frightened, scared, strange eyes, like he was a ghost. He even started to suspect that if he was naked, or something on his face, or whatever was impossible to happen happened.

First day of Domino high, with this "friendly" class, Yami wondered if he could still come to school tomorrow, maybe he'd like to transfer to another school now.


"Yami." Mrs. Misuki, the teacher stopped Yami when he was about to leave the class.

"Yes, Mrs. Misuki?" Yami stopped and smiled politely.

Mrs. Misuki stared at Yami and shook her head slightly. She sighed kindly and looked at Yami like she was thinking about someone else.

"Yami," She finally spoke. "I'm really sorry about today."

"Is there something wrong with me? Why is everyone so, so...frightened? And that girl..."

"You see, Yami..." Mrs. Misuki swallowed in hard. "Well, you look like a boy so much."

"I look like...?"

"This boy named Yugi, you look like him so much, almost exactly the same. But of course, you two are different."

"Oh, that's...strange, I guess." Yami looked around confusedly. "But it'll be interesting to meet him in person."

Mrs. Misuki's face suddenly turned pale. She looked like she was going to faint. She put her hand on the table to support her to stand still. "You, I, umm, I'm afraid that you won't see him in person..."


"He... died." Silence conquered the whole room. Yami finally realized why everyone was so frightened. He suddenly realized why his presence was so strange to those people. But meanwhile, he started to feel a little uncomfortable to hear that someone looked like him, died.

"And that girl, whom ran out from the classroom." Mrs. Misuki smiled weakly and explained. "Her name is Tea Garner. She is Yugi's best friend. Yugi's death was a shock and uneasy thing for her to bear. And you suddenly appeared, I believe that she didn't take it so easy, she, well, just shocked, so don't take this thing personally. I think she didn't mean anything hurtful."

"I understand, Mrs. Misuki." Yami turned to the door, he looked back and sighed with a relief, "thank you for telling me this, it's really helpful."

Mrs. Misuki smiled and watched Yami walked out from the door. "Oh wait!" She shouted after Yami.

"Yes?" Yami stopped.

"If, I mean if, you see Tea, please, umm, talk to her." She shook her head. "It'll be really comforting for her."

"Oh." Yami didn't know what to say. Talking to a girl who made fun of you in your first day of a new school? Well, she didn't make fun of him, but she made it look like he was a monster or something. "Well, I will." Yami faked a smile. "If I meet her."


Yami walked inside the schoolyard. He sighed. people were still giving him this "you are scary" look. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. It was strange alright, he actually looked like a guy who was in his class before. By the look of the situation now, he knew he didn't want to see that Yugi's picture.

Yami suddenly stopped, he gazed at a brown hair girl. She looked familiar. Oh right, she was the girl named Tea who acted really paranoid today. He looked around and checked on if there were anybody around her. Nope, she was alone, sitting on the bench, looking pretty sad. Yami decided to talk to her, for whatever reason.

"Hey," Yami walked to Tea and greeted her.

Tea looked up to Yami. Her eyes widened. she stood up and backed away a few steps. "Wha, what do you want?" She asked unnaturally.

"I just want to be a friend." Yami said and shrugged innocently.

I just want to be a friend.

The same thing Yugi had said when they first met. Same quote, came from different mouths, with different voice, but they felt the same. The warm feeling filled Tea once more. She put her guard down. She forced a smile on her glum face.

"Well," Yami looked unsure. "I don't know how to put this, but, umm, Mrs. Misuki told me about, umm, your friend. I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything I can do, please tell me, since, I look like, umm, your friend." Yami didn't know what's wrong with him. he never talked this way before. Even to girls, he was a popular boy, there was no problem for him to talk to girls, but it seemed extremely hard to talk to this girl.

Tea looked up to Yami. He looked so much like Yugi. You could tell they are different, but only from the expressions. They were two different people, but, but! they had the same hair, same look, and same way of dressing. (--; dammit, I can't say what's the similar parts of Yami and Yugi... can I say Yugi is Yami's chibi? ^^;;)

Yami watched as Tea fell back to her memories. He became a little impatient. "Well, can we talk? Or do you just want to leave it like that?"

"Oh, sorry." Tea forced a shyly smile. "You just looked like him, and I really miss him." Tea fell back to silence, but the crystal like tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I just miss him so much..."


To be continued...
IANA: ok, I finally have the second chapter up. Next chapter will mostly focus on Yami/Tea's conversation. First of all, I don't expect the second chapter to be as popular the first one. As I said, the first chapter is like a short story, and it's actually a different story from the plot I'm going to have later on. Ok, you know what's funny? this is the second time I'm having this problem: is it going to be yami/tea or yugi/tea. --; I had this problem on my other fic. But I kinda have some ideas this time, if you have any specific requests, please tell me. Thanks for your support for the first chapter. Well, review if you trust my ability to continue by having a good plot. (Mostly people don't trust me...) anyways, see you in next chapter! ^^

IANA: oh, by the way, I really hope you all read my other one shot fic, called Love Is Love, I really try to spread a message in that fic, if you have time, please read it. I'm not asking for reviews, I just think it's important for people to know the right to love, the freedom of loving. Thanks. ^^