Disclaimer: nope, I don't own YuGiOh.

IANA: ok, I know this is crazy, but hey, imagination doesn't hurt right? I'm dying for nice reviews, T_T, I'm not a great writer, but I'm trying to be! ^_^

Hint: the gang now is in an all boys' school; Tea and Serenity are the only girls in the school. *Nod* *nod*, I know it doesn't make sense, but pleeeaaase give it a chance and read it. Gwen is my make up character, ^^

//blah// thinking



My friend is a girl

Chapter 1

"YOU WHAT?" Gwen' s open jaw can almost touch the ground.

"You heard me, young lady, you are going to Domino high the all boys school." An old woman with an annoyed and serious face said.

"AS A BOY?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Gwen's yelling can almost be heard at thousands miles away.

"Stop yelling and get changed right now!" the old lady ordered. "Domino high is the best high school in this city and it's the national top five. You are very lucky to have a chance to go there. They don't have a room for a girl right now, so you just need to feign to be a boy for about 2 months. Then you can go there as a girl. Remember, only the principal knows this, so don't let anyone else knows."


"No but."


"Stupid guardian lady!" Gwen murmured under her breath when she puts on the short hair wig.

In Domino high school, grade 9-C.

Joey: hey, Yug! I heard that we're going to have a new boy today!
Yugi: oh, really? That's nice, maybe we can be friend with him.
Tea: a boy again? Don't they ever send another girl to this school?
Serenity: yeah, we're the only two girls in the school.
Bakura: but this is an all boys' school, it's already a surprise that they let you stay here.

(Bakura got two dead glares. --;;)

"Class, class!" the teacher tries to exclaim over the 30 voices. "We're going to have a new student today and his name is Auroyu Chinhuru." In the front of the class, Gwen, I mean Auroyu stands there with annoyed eyes. She looks at the boys with a disgusted face.

"Do you mind to introduce yourself Auroyu?" the teacher asked.

"Ok, my name is Auroyu Chinhuru. I just moved to this city and I live with my aunt." Gwen's heart shakes again when she looks over the classroom. //man, this is sick! Why the hell do I want to pretend like a boy?//

"Ok, Auroyu, you can sit beside Yugi and Kaiba."

Gwen saw a short boy with mixed color hair waving his hands happily. She walks toward him. //he seems nice, maybe I can be friend with him.//

"Hi there!" Yugi smiled and start to introduce the gang. "This is Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Tea and Serenity."

Gwen: o_O?? There are girls in this school?
Tea: -_-U yeah, nothing surprised. But Serenity and me are the only girls here.
Gwen: // damn you, stupid principal! Why can't I just be like those girl?// ^^;; hi, um, hey which one is Kaiba?
Joey: aw, man, you don't want to know him. He's the biggest jerk in this world! (Poor kaiba, people always thought he's a jerk. T_T)
Bakura eyes Gwen that the boy behind her is Seto Kaiba.

Gwen turned around and greeted, "hi Kaiba, nice to meet you." Then her eyes meet two cold blue eyes that are half hide behind his brown hair. Kaiba glares at her and said, " mind your own business."

Gwen was shocked. // You bastard, nobody can talk to me like that!//
She then moved her body close and ready to yell, but she was dragged back by six strong hands.
Joey: yo man, calm down! I told you to stay away from him.
Tristan: yeah, you don't want to mess with him, he even call Joey a puppy dog!
Joey: -_-;; Tristan you little punk! I'll get you!
Everyone: o_O;;
Bakura: I think Kaiba just doesn't want to be disturbed by us, give him some quiet time.

(Bakura got another two dead glares, --;;)

So Gwen's first class was over in an angry mood, but she's glad that she made so many new friends and two 'girl friends'. // Nobody talks to me like that, Seto Kaiba, just you wait.//

But Gwen can never knew what's waiting for her after lunch.

After lunch, gym class. -_-U

Gwen: o_O what? We have gym? We have gym? We have gym?
Everyone: -_-U, calm down, Auroyu.
Yugi: yeah, don't worry; I'm not good at it too. Once I run 100 meters in 5 minutes.
Everyone: o_O;; so Yugi, you are the turtle that gym teacher's talking about.
Yugi: hey, watch it! I'm just trying to comfort Auroyu!
Gwen: -_-;; um, Yugi, actually I can run 100 meters under 15 seconds.
Yugi: o_o

Bakura: then what are you worrying about?
Gwen: // of course I'm worry about my body! I'm not going to change in the boys' changing room! AAAHHHHH!!!!// -_-U
Tristan: hey, earth to Auroyu! You look like you were yelling inside your mind!
Gwen: //-_-U how does he know?// *smile nervously* nothing, I just hate gym, that's all.

Then, she turned around and walks to the changing room.

Joey: you know, he's kinda weird! He doesn't look much a boy to me! (Hah? When does Joey become so smart? But you can never discover my evil plan! MWAHAHAHAHA! -_-U)

Tristan: -_-, Joey, you said that about Yugi and Bakura before.

(Joey got two dead glares and Tristan got one. --;;)

In the changing room:

Gwen was changing inside the shower room. She doesn't want anybody saw her. //man, I must get changed before all the boys come in!// after she gets changed, she looks into the mirror.


Gwen:// my chest is bigger than boys'. O_o// //AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! They'll find out! What am I going to do?//

But with no choice, she walks out the changing room.

The gang: o_O
Joey: Holy cow!!! What on earth is wrong with your chest?
Gwen: -_-U, um, nothing. I, um, fall on my chest yesterday and it gets swollen.
Everyone: o_OUUUUU o-kay.
Gwen: *notes to herself to get a bigger gym T-shirt next time*

Tristan: aw, man! My @#%$* hurts!
Everyone: -_-UUUUU
Bakura: o_o Tristan! You don't have to say it aloud!
Tristan: what's wrong with that? We all boys right? Besides, Joey kick my @#%$* yesterday just because I wink at Serenity!
Joey: o_o, you better stay away from my sister!
Tristan: I'm your best bud!
Joey: my point.
Tristan: o_O???

Tristan starts to complain how his @#%$* hurts and tries to touch it. Everyone else: -_-UUUUU
Gwen forces herself a pity face, but inside her mind, she was yelling. //AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS SICK! BOYS ARE SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!// (no offence to boys ^^;;)

Gwen: *disgusted* I'm going to get some water.
She walks away with a disgusted pale face and ready to vomit. Then, she arrived to the water fountain and drinks some water.

Gwen: ah, better now. * Still think about Tristan's complaining about his @#%$! * //stop it! You stupid brain! That is so sick and nasty, I'm not going to do this two more months, NO, HELL NO!!!!!!!//

Then Gwen saw a shadow on the wall and she turned around, it's..............

To be continued............

IANA: hehehehehehehe, poor Gwen.
Gwen: this is so sick! Tristan, never go near me again!
Tristan: how the hell do I know you are a girl?
Bakura: but still you shouldn't say it aloud. -_-U
IANA: ok, stop arguing and help me ask for reviews!

Bakura: oh, right. Please give IANA some nice and kind reviews; this poor girl is dying for them. ^_~
IANA: *sniffle* *sniffle* yeah.
Seto: no one will pity you. -_-U
IANA: hey! Why not? Am I not cute enough?
Seto: *nod* *nod* yeah, look over there. *Points at Yugi*
Yugi: *sniffle* *sniffle* pppplllllleeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee give her some reviews, *wuwuwwuwuwu* ppppllllllleeeeaaaaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!! ^_~
Fan girls: awww!! *Dreamily* so cute!
IANA: -_-U I see what you mean.
IANA: but anyway, reviews with suggestions are always welcome! ^_~ Just don't bash me in the reviews about my poor grammar and spellings; I'm trying to find an editor. Fortunately for me I didn't fail English class. -_-U but unfortunately for you. -_-U