Author has written 7 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series. Update May 2016: I removed the story Maze Run from the site. I felt bad leaving it there for years now, with no opportunity in sight of finishing it. My apologies to all who have commented and who were waiting. If ever I finish the story, I'll post it here complete! For years I contemplated writing a couple of stories about Kirk and co. I write for a living and the character building is what appeals to me most in storytelling, but I was curious about what it would be like to have the characters already so fully developed. Also, watching TOS episodes and thinking about TOS storylines evokes a nostalgia in me that I find gets me out of my writer’s blocks. But it wasn’t until I discovered fanfiction that I decided to go ahead. For one, the story doesn’t have to be doomed to the hard disk, a self-indulgent writing exercise. Secondly, I want to repay all those who have published their wonderful stories here. I write mostly Hurt/Comfort and am still trying to find a balance between the two. Definitely Kirk-centered. Bones comes easy to me as a side-kick, and I'm trying not to stereotype (or typecast?) him too much. Spock I have a lot of trouble with, but obviously he's always right off center. Some advice for those of you (thinking of) publishing here yourself. When I published my second story complete in one go, I was disappointed about the number of reviews and the Story Stats. When you publish piecemeal, the story gets bumped up to the top as you add each chapter, which gets you more traffic and reviews. It also keeps the readers wanting more and they voice this in comments, which is encouraging. Piecemeal publishing has its own issues, for both writer and readers, but you're not alone when writing the story. I love constructive reviews, comments, advice, etc. I'm always working on my craft and appreciate the help! |