![]() Author has written 40 stories for Lewis, Merlin, Gone, Inspector Morse, Sisters Grimm, Kingdom Keepers, Thick of It, A song of Ice and Fire, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and Lie to Me. About Me: I have a bit of a fidelity problem when it comes to my stories. I tend to start a story, gradually lose interest, start another story and another, and then eventually return to the first story. (Maybe that's why I like one-shots so much?) Anyway, I will usually regain interest in my stories eventually, so if you have enough patience to stick around for several months, it may pay off. On that notes, most of my multi-chaptered fics are currently on hiatus until I get the time and inspiration necessary to resume them. I write almost exclusively for "The Morse Universe" (primarily Lewis), though the occasional other-fandom fic will find its merry way into my head. But these fics are few and far-between, I'm afraid. There's just something about the Lewis characters and relationships that are very easy/very enjoyable to transition into prose. Plus, I'm just so obsessed that a lot of potential plot ideas come to me. For the most part, I tend to read and write primarily friendship and/or hurt/comfort fic. Though I will occassionally get a little shippy, especially considering that its getting safer for me to openly ship and write about my ultimate OTP (which I'd previously shipped in silence for at least 3.5 years) I LOVE feedback of any kind, but please try to word constructive criticism as kindly as you can. Jean Innocent is my sun and stars, and James Hathaway/ Jean Innocent is my one OTP to rule them all. I respect your right to disagree with my views but if you insult my queen or my pairings (or any of the ships listed below tbh), I will sic my direwolf on you. So that's basically me--or at least all you need to know about me in regards to my fanfictions. My Fandoms: Gone books by Michael Grant, Harry Potter (books and movies), Lewis, Endeavour, Merlin, Legends of the Guardian-King, Sisters Grimm, The Office, Castle, Ugly Betty, Star Wars, anything except Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, The Oz books, Disney movies, Gone With the Wind, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation, most Broadway musicals My OTPs:Merlin/Gwen (Merlin), Holly Flax/Michael Scott (The Office), Maddie/Abramm(Legends of the Guardian-King), John and Abagail Adams (1776, HBO's John Adams and real life), Aladdin/Jasmine (Aladdin), Quinn Gaither/ Lana Arwen Lazar (Gone books), James Hathaway/Jean Innocent (Lewis), Nick Charles/ Nora Charles (The Thin Man series), Andy Dwyer/April Ludgate (Parks and Recreation)Malcolm Tucker/Nicola Murray (The Thick of It), Theon Greyjoy/Jeyne Poole (A Song of Ice and Fire), Daniel Mead/ Amanda Tanen (Ugly Betty) |