Author has written 7 stories for Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and NCIS. hey, the name's Mistress Desdemona. I love reading good fan-fiction, so if you see a story you tink I might like, go on and tell me about it. Yes, that's right, Just Good Friends is gone. I took it down because I am not a skilled enough writer to bring it out of the depths of mediocrity in which it was wallowing.I also took Face Value down because I could never quite get it past the developmental stages, and I've kind of slipped out of the Potter fandom. Hey, I've got fiction to read and a life to live, so don't expect much in terms of long fics from me. I'm currently living in the world of one-shot. I'm planning on archiving my SG stories elsewhere under the author name starfox. So, if you read it somewhere else under that name, it's not plagarism, I just like to keep my Gate-fic and my Potter-fic under different names. Also: If you read, please review. Con-crit is especially welcomed; encouraged, even. If you like something, tell me; if you don't like something, tell me. If you're feeling undecided, tell me. If I have made a teeny-tiny grammar mistake that happens to be your pet peeve, tell me. I can't improve if you don't tell me what you think. Besides, it's nice to know who's reading. |