Title: Fred Has It Bad
Author: edjo
Pairing: Fred/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 597
Summary: 6th year for trio. Takes place at Platform 9 & 3/4. Our couple hasn't seen each other for quite some time. Basically, George watches as Fred & Hermione reunite for a Christmas holiday at the Burrow. Fluff.
A/N: What can I say, I was inspired. ) Not sure if it's a one-shot or not. Definitely not part of a story. Maybe a drabble series.
Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me. JKR, now that's a different story.

The snow was coming down in large fluffy flakes by the time the Hogwart's Express began to pull into the station. The force of the train's movement caused it to swirl about in magnificent circular patterns, giving the engine a lonely, isolated look.

"Looks almost picturesque, doesn't it Fred?" George said with a smile, turning to his twin. He laughed out loud as he caught sight of Fred several yards away, striding towards the edge of the platform where the train would eventually come to a halt. Fred has it bad, he thought, shaking his head in amusement.

"The train hasn't even stopped yet Fred!" Bill hollered teasingly from where he was standing behind George. Fred didn't even hear him, he was so intent on pushing through the mob.

George shifted slightly, pressing his chin down into his scarf to ward off the cold air. He turned back to the train, and happened to catch sight of Hermione's face, pressed up against the frosty window of her compartment as she anxiously scanned the crowd on the platform.

Her gaze suddenly fell on him and she hesitated a moment, watching him. Then she quickly made a face before smiling and pointing a finger at him accusingly. George smiled back, but she had already turned away.

He watched bemusedly as her eyes turned once again to the task of searching through the throng of people at the station. A few moments later her face lit up with a large grin, and then she disappeared from view altogether.

George looked back to where Fred was standing, and knew instantly that he hadn't seen Hermione yet. A slight thrill of anticipation ran through him as he imagined his twin's response.

The train was coming to a stop now, and George glanced back to the place he was sure she would exit from. A conductor came out first, and pulled down the step. Then she appeared in the doorway, quickly looking out into the crowd once more, a smile slowly spreading from ear to ear. "Fred!" she yelled, leaping down from the train and hurtling forward through the crowd.

George snorted with laughter as he saw his twin give out an extremely loud and joyous whoop before starting towards her. When they finally reached each other, Fred held his arms wide, and Hermione launched herself into them. Fred happily twirled her around a few times before setting her down, sliding a hand along her jaw and bending down to snog her thoroughly.

George could hear Bill laughing next to him, and quickly cupped his hands around his mouth, letting out a loud catcall. Bill followed suit, as did several other people watching on the platform. Still, it was several moments before the couple broke apart, both of their faces flushed a healthy pink.

"Fred looks downright giddy," Bill said in disbelief, nudging George's arm.

George rolled his eyes in response. "Oh you haven't seen anything yet, dear brother. In the next few days you will learn the true meaning of the word nutter." A flash of red hair caught his eye and he turned to see Ginny slowly stepping off of the train. "There's the rest of them then." He pointed them out to Bill. "I'll round up the lovebirds, if you help with their trunks."

Bill frowned, but then glanced back to Fred and Hermione, who were exchanging shorter kisses now, interspersed with much whispering. "Right then. You deal with them," he answered, quickly moving off in the opposite direction.

George smirked mischievously, and turning, began to move through the crowd.