Author has written 5 stories for Degrassi, My Little Pony, Harry Potter, and Avatar: Last Airbender. My name is Mandie. I often use made-up words, I find them far more efficient than the ones the dictionary provides. Though I do enjoy a good recreational perusal through my over-priced dictionary. Then again, all words are "made-up" technically, right? American education system I was in AP English for two years in high school, so how is it that I still go to read something that I wrote a few weeks or months prior and literally cringe at how stupid it seems? I have stories for My Little Pony, Degrassi, Harry Potter, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. The only story that is centered on romance is the Degrassi one, ‘Tigress’. It is also the only one with what I guess I should call “explicit” content. I'm not a fan of stories that center on romance. That's what happens when you raise a girl on Disney Princess movies and when she finally reaches young adulthood it's all booty shorts and poorly conceived Vampire romance novels: she hears the word romance and runs for the hills. (I love the song 'Bad Romance'--I want your ugly, I want your horror, I want your design. How could you not like that?) I love writing stories that are very ridiculous and funny, it’s a good outlet for my bizarre sense of humor that people in the real world don’t really tend to understand. My Harry Potter story is my absolute favorite, I have so much fun writing it even when it gets stressful. And it can be stressful. People think I don’t write my stories diligently; but the truth is I re-read them and re-read them so many times. I end up writing whole new paragraphs, deleting and re-creating whole scenes, then I have to go back and re-read it again. I usually change a million more things, then I have to go back and read it again from the beginning. My proofreading process is painful. Side note: I hear rumors that Fiona from Degrassi might become interested in Imogen. Hell to the yeah—like, ultimate wet dream for me. I feel the need to write another story. |