The word "bada**" is used. So, a warning—here it is.

For Luna's Sake

Spike blinked his eyes sleepily and he could not help but hope the girls would just leave already. He loved them all, but right no he just wanted to sleep; and going to bed now would only humiliatingly highlight how much younger he was than his pony friends. He was unable to stifle another yawn, only this time it changed halfway through and painfully became a belch of magical exhaust. Through his grimace, eyes narrowed in pain, he saw the magic plume dissipate to reveal a scroll.

Before he could recover Twilight's magic called the scroll to her. Sensing a suitable distraction coming up, he took the opportunity to head off to sleep unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Twilight was delightedly unfurling the scroll with her magic. Her friends awaited the news in interested silence.

"It's a message from Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle announced. "She says she wants us all to come to the castle for a sleep over with Princess Luna." Twilight's voice had taken on a surprised tone by the end of her explanation. She did not sound particularly happy by this declaration.

"A sleep over?" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash brashly, her tone suggesting she thought the Princess might have been a bit bonkers. Of course, her unending and almost frightening protectiveness over their ruler would assure this to be untrue. Then again, with most things that Rainbow Dash loved, it was commonly her policy that while no one else could disrespect her beloved ones she herself could treat them with little to no grace.

"Princess Luna?" Pinkie Pie asked at the same time Rainbow Dash spoke. Her tone was much more pleasantly confused, though it seemed she immediately forwent her surprise at hearing Luna's name for the anxious thought of a potential party.

"That's right. She says she remembers how angry Luna had been before she became Nightmare Moon. She has a theory that this anger stemmed primarily from feelings of loneliness because everypony would be asleep during Princess Luna's night and she never had a chance to make friends," Explained Twilight Sparkle. There was a touch of sadness in her voice as she recalled her own struggles with making friends—though her isolation was initially by her own choice.

"Well, we can't exactly say no to the princess could we?" Apple Jack joked, her eyes on the horrified expressions of Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Why would we want to?" Rainbow Dash shouted, "A whole night in that fancy castle; hanging out with the Princesses. I think Princess Luna is pretty cool with the whole evil Queen of Darkness thing."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked as she shrugged apologetically. "She may have threatened us with eternal night but she was totally badass as she did it!"

"You certainly sound like you're a big fan of hers, Rainbow." Pinkie said in a stern voice (well as close to stern as Pinkie Pie could get).

Her accusatory stare made Rainbow Dash nervous. "Well…she's just totally cool, you know? You are so many more things to me Pink," Replied an too-obviously guilty Rainbow Dash with a wink.

"Good to know," Purred Pinkie Pie in a satisfied and smug way. A couple of the girls had to roll their eyes, knowing that both the guilt and accusation between the two was artificial and a method of flirtation.

"I-I don't know girls. Nightmare—I mean Princess Luna was so….loud and…intense when she was here last," Stuttered a clearly anxious Fluttershy.

Twilight looked understandingly at Fluttershy before sighing resignedly and moving to put an arm around her frightened friend. "Well, that's exactly why Princess Celestia wants us to try and befriend her. Girls, she needs to have somepony to talk to. Then she will know how to talk to ponies and how to behave in social settings. I'm defiantly going to help her, and I hope all of you would want to as well."

"Well, when you put it that way, I certainly cannot refuse to help out a pony in need." Rarity airily replied.

"You're darn tootin' I'm gonna help out as well." Apple Jack said.

"I—I guess if she really needs us I'll go to." Fluttershy nervously replied.

"Woo Hoo! A party in the palace! You bet we're defiantly in!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she flung an arm around Pinkie Pie, who then sported a huge grin.

"Psh. Do you think you and Pinkie will be able to stay off each other for a whole night?" Rarity asked cheekily. Rainbow Dash's only reply was to stick her tongue out in Rarity's direction, though her red cheeks gave her embarrassment and pleasure away.

"Great I'll send Princess Celestia a reply right away. Oh, she says she wants us to be there tomorrow night." Twilight Sparkle stated as if she were ending a business meeting.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow once again. She flew into the air giving her girlfriend a wink before flying out of the library, making sure to fly fast enough to ruffle Rarity's hair on her way out.

"Humph. That pony!" Rarity Cried indignantly. She too went to left, followed by everypony else as they called their goodbyes to Twilight and each other.

Left alone in her Library home Twilight shook her head at her friends' antics. She recalled Rainbow Dash's blatant wink to Pinkie Pie and blushed as that line of thinking immediately made her think about Princess Celestia. Her beautiful princess who was out of her league by…well, leagues. So tall and ethereal, intelligent and knowledgeable, she had been alive or thousands of years and it was clear in her fair mind and boundless heart. Though, Twilight feared that heart would never hold her as anything more than a prized pupil and perhaps friend.

She sighed once again thinking about spending the entire night at the castle. Would Princess Celestia stay up with them or leave the younger ponies to their "adolescent" fun? She felt a wave of embarrassment when once again faced with the reality of just how much older Princess Celestia was than herself.

Shaking her head of heavy thoughts, she retired to bed, knowing she would be having dreams of her beloved Princess.


I don't know how to write country accents I'm going to tell you that straight off…


I like My Little Pony…not the internet meme it has become. As I frequently say "Anything born interesting and unique dies as an internet meme". So if my story strays from the fandom's random obsessions I have one thing to say yous guys: good.