Reviews for Tigress
Guest chapter 13 . 7/1/2019
Guest chapter 8 . 11/8/2017
Good good
Jemekins chapter 13 . 8/12/2012
i'm still hoping that you're gonna update this pls chapter 13 . 6/7/2012
i love this story i can't wait for chapter 14
langsohryu chapter 13 . 4/26/2012
love love love. please update this. this is so interesting!
Rista chapter 13 . 1/15/2012
Eagerly anticipating the rest of the story. I'm expecting a big update when you post! There isn't enough Folly J stories to begin with, but yours is the best characterization I've seen of Fiona by far. Perfect parts calculating, melancholy, dramatic, passionate, snobbish, indulgent, ardent, tbc... SOON, I hope!
Follyj4ever chapter 13 . 12/18/2011
I love this! 3

Please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens when Holly J comes over!
Sara chapter 13 . 12/15/2011
This story is so addicting. I read all of it at once and just couldn't stop reading. I love the way you write and the unique approach to the story. I rarely see something this complex. I mean I can feel the emotions you convey through the characters. It's really great! Please update soon!
PinkPoodle543 chapter 13 . 11/27/2011
Oh good, two more chapters(: It's almost as though you can read minds; I was merely thinking of this story only a couple days back.
Freshman-Generation chapter 13 . 11/26/2011
Oh my god, I totally forgot about this fic until I got an email about it. Oh Folly J, I have abandoned you since the summer. Nice update though!
asc gdgv chapter 11 . 4/30/2011
I am a huge Folly J shipper, since the beginning when they hated each other, so I was happy to find this story. It's so cool that you started it so long ago.

I read it all in one sitting and have to say that your characterization of Fiona is spot on. This is the best Folly J story I've read (there's a lot of crap on ) and I hope you'll continue to update it.

And I understand about the Pokemon. Which game are you obsessed with? I bought white and LOVE it.
TaylorolyaT chapter 11 . 4/26/2011
Yay, you're back! Great as always, I can't wait to see what happens with Fiona and Holly J. (:
Animeleader chapter 11 . 4/25/2011
Good job! Keep it up. This fic is very interesting. :D
DarkDefender89 chapter 11 . 4/25/2011
yes, there are boys reading this. lol.
DarkDefender89 chapter 6 . 4/24/2011
This is a really good story. Not just interesting, but well written. Not many of the stories on fanfiction are. I like that the emotions are complex.
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