Author has written 8 stories for Mass Effect. I'm a thirty-mumble-something living in a desert and writing about things that catch my fancy. Right now I am loving Mass Effect 2, praying for more DLC and Mass Effect 3, and obsessing over a certain character that can be seen from my writing (and drawing) Current fics: (Mass Effect) A Dance of Minds--Story from Thane Krios's perspective about the strange turns his life takes after meeting up with Commander Shepard and agreeing to join her hopeless mission. --Update 9/21--Happy Equinox! In celebration, I give change 19. Still working my way through my story arc, but it's coming together nicely. --Update 11/29--Okay, so never-ending infections and not being able to see clearly puts a real damper on fanfic writing. Chapter 20 is now up, with many ideas for chapter 21! --Update 4/4/11--Oh my gosh it's April already! Where has the time gone? OH YEAH I'VE BEEN WORKING TEN HOUR DAYS SINCE JANUARY!!!! So yeah. I do not have writer's block, I know what I want to do with ADoM but actually having time and brain to sit down and WRITE it is not going so well. Thank you to all you wonderful people who have been so patient with me. I pinky swear (hi NSAS) that I'm working on it! I am absolutely NOT abandoning my poor brainchild, I'm just being abandoned by my poor brain! --Update 6/5--...what? I'm still alive, I promise! Work might finally be slowing down (oh god please) so I might have the brain power left each day to sit down and type text. I *still* know where I'm going I just need to get it down in the proper way! Thank you to everyone who has been so patient, and for the kind comments and reviews being left. Am I Real--Shepard and Kaidan and how their relationship should have gone (On Hold, continued when my Kaidan voice returns) Unusual-Shepard is capture on a Pirate Ship and Thane is the Pirate-AU serious-crack fic (Oh Hold but will be continued) Commentary, concrit and feedback welcome, as well as the occasional request. |
Feron (0) GaggedCenobite (5) ghost.713 (6) Juliette Louise (19) kiwibliss (4) Kolyat Krios (0) | Ladyithildiel (1) Lobeira (3) LunaMax1214 (4) lyssalu (4) MyFix (1) Pirate Thirteen (13) | SerNature (7) Shavon Black (4) spymastery (45) Tifa-Carbuncle (7) |