
He froze for a split second in surprise, but recovered swiftly to drive his bisectional tongue into her mouth. This time, rather then biting down, she welcomed him in. He explored her mouth with a ruthless efficiency, pushing her arm from his neck to pin behind her back.

She wasn't completely sure why she had kissed him, but she was sure that whatever happened next, it was going to be enjoyable. Certainly preferable to the alternative. Experimentally, she bit down on his tongue again to taste the texture and shape of the muscle.

His tongue hissed out from between her lips again. "A change of heart, and so suddenly? How very intriguing." He licked at her ear. "I wouldn't complain, but I confess to curiousity. What has brought this about?"

She threw her head back to glare challengingly at his alien face. "Give me a gun and we can try this again. No? Then I'll make my own decisions."

"A very practical choice." His single black eye regarded her. "As you will, then."

He spoke no other words before he jerked at her hips, and the next thing she knew, she was flying through the air. Her eyes were greeted with his tight, muscular rear as he tossed her over his broad shoulder. Her hair fell over her face, obscuring their destination. He seemed to have no shame about their state of undress when he emerged onto the deck of the ship.

"Where are you taking me now?"

"To a place where I may enjoy you properly, my beauty. You shall see."

She resigned herself to being a passenger on his shoulder for the moment. All she could see was lashing hair and flexing thighs anyway. She had to admit, though, the limited view was extremely enticing. Shepard couldn't resist. She clapped her hand to the physique before her face and gave a hard squeeze. It was warm and hard under her palm. She slapped it again, harder, and was rewarded with a strained grunt from her captor.

She saw his foot kick a door shut before he lowered her onto a yielding surface. She scraped her hair back from her face to see that they were in a spacious cabin, obviously belonging to him. Round open portholes let in ovals of sunlight and salt air. The creaking of the ship was muffled by thick rugs.

He settled beside her, his mouth already working its way up her body to delve the well of her mouth. Lighted streamers danced up her bones and across the insides of her eyelids. She dug her nails into his rear, sure now of what she wanted.

He pushed her knee up against her chest, touched his thicker finger to her cleft. "You are quite eager, little lovely. Brace yourself. This will be...close."

He knelt between her pale thighs and pushed into her. She felt herself give way as he carved new channels into her flesh. She was no virgin, but he felt so much larger then a human man. Unusual ridges and protrusions rubbed inside her, not-quite-pleasantly at first. She dug her nails into the silk sheets at the sharp stabs of pain.

"Ahh. Human woman..You are so..very tight. Moreso then I expected.." He strained into her.

She was adjusting to his girth and the slight tingling she had felt earlier was returning with a vengeance. His teeth bit into her shoulders. A low boiling was starting in her groin and sending tendrils out to the rest of her. She wrapped her hands around his throat and pulled his face up to her lips. When he sheathed himself in her to the fullest, she barely heard him grunt, but she felt the impact rock through her body. She bit his lip hard enough to draw blood.

She could feel the fire about to consume her. She was so close..a few more thrusts, another touch.. He swelled even larger within her, his cry of release unmuffled by the pressure on his lips and throat, suddenly loud in her ear.

"Arashu defend me, my sweet siha. Siha."



She flailed and shrieked, nearly clawing her way out of the cocoon of sheets. Her fingers had a white-knuckled grip on the blanket. Thane was sitting next to her, his hands on her shoulders as he shook her and called her name.

"Great sweet mother of the gods. What the HELL just happened?"

"Are you well, siha? You have been groaning and struggling for the last several minutes. I haven't been able to wake you until this moment."

"I..." She put a hand to her tangled hair in utter confusion. "I must have been dreaming." And oh boy, what a dream. And it had ended too soon, dammit. She was still worked up, an unrelieved flame smoldering in her gut.

Thane looked at her in concern, his arms closing around her waist. "Do you wish to sleep again tonight, or would you prefer something more calming, siha?" His touch, meant to be comforting, reminded her of her unconsummated dream.

Maybe there's a way to take advantage of this after all, she thought, moving closer to him.

"Hmmm. No, I don't think I'll be able to sleep again after that. Why don't you come up with a distraction?"

He tilted his eyeridges at her--two eyes, she thought--before smiling wryly. "You are incorrigible, siha. What is a humble assassin to do with you around?"

She began fondling him, more cheerfully rubbing in the best places to get the reaction she wanted. "Thane, you are anything but humble," she laughed.

As he pulled her against him, she reached up to caress his cheek and wondered rather desperately if there was anyplace in the galaxy that she could buy a red eyepatch.

A/N: *cues cheesy porn music*

Not to worry my children. There is more then meets the eye...patch...

Please leave a review if you can, requests are welcome too.

Disclaimer: Thane and Shepard are property of BioWare. PIRATE Thane is from...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE