Author has written 13 stories for Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!. If you enjoyed my stories, please find the rest here. (http:///users/Aella_Antiope) You can join and subscribe to my stories (author alerts) on A03. As of this point (April 2014), I wont' be posting anymore fic on . All my fic will be posted on my Tumblr, or A03. I love writing in the KKM universe. At the moment my favourite character is Murata. Favourite pairings/pairings you’ll probably see in my stories: Wolfram/Yuuri, Murata/Yozak, Murata/Yuuri, Murata/Wolfram, Conrad/Yozak. Pairings which I wish the fandom had more of: Murata/Gwendal, Yozak/Gwendal, Conrad/Gwendal (Gwendal, Gwendal, Gwendal...I find it difficult to write him, but I love to read about him) and anything with Dr José Rodriguez and Shori, not necessarily together, but that would be interesting as well. Just some vague thoughts about KKM and my writing: I like canon, and I try to stick to it as much as possible, and I'm certainly big on canon characterisation. My thoughts on some of the canon mythos is a little left of centre from some views or even what the creator intended, don't like, let me know, but I'm unlikely to change it. The Balance Series - Murata/Wolfram/Yuuri In Chronological Order: Balance Playing Game - http:///works/173978 PWP archived off Dinner at the Shibuyas Matrimony - one week Deviant - six months Rift - http:///works/314037/chapters/503001 NC-17 story archived off (added 26 Jan, 12) Life's Choices - two years Just a Dream Borders eight years unedited version (older rating)= here http:///works/161958 Status of 'Marriage of Convenience': April 2014- this is discontinued. Disclaimer: All characters depicted in M rated sexual situations in my fanfiction are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in Australia, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from. |