Author has written 31 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Valdemar universe, Gundam Wing/AC, Digimon, Final Fantasy I-VI, Fantastic 4, Metal Gear, and Final Fantasy XII. December 2010, updated once again: Hello, everyone. I'm still mostly posting fics on LJ and then archiving them here when I remember to/if I can be bothered. Over there, I maintain MGS_Fanworks and run a challenge or exchange every so often. I archive more regularly to my AO3 account, because unlike they believe readers are mature enough to choose what they read rather than having a site make that decision for them. I've already had one upload ban for posting something about sex here, and that makes me reluctant to post most fic here, period. Let me know if you want an ArchiveOfOurOwn invite or a Dreamwidth invite - I have plenty to spare. |
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