Author has written 3 stories for Lord of the Rings. 9/4/2004: I am terribly sorry, but it doesn't look like I will ever write under this alias or on this archive again. However, if you know the ways of the Internet, you can find unpolished bits of Only My Nephew elsewhere. Everything will be there eventually: chapters, fragments, musings and notes.9/25/2003: It's been a while, hasn't it? I am stunned that so many of you have asked about Only My Nephew. It makes me feel very guilty. What can I say? That fic just isn't working out. Long fics are HARD (for me, anyway.) Sigh. I'm very sorry I posted it before it was done. Many apologies to you all. That doesn't mean I am abandoning it! Perhaps someday I'll figure out how to keep all my ideas straight long enough to put something together again. 2/23/2003: Well, I posted A Crate of Lemons. Hope it is fun to read--we've worked on it so much I can't tell anymore. Wish writing wasn't so hard for me. This thing took three months! Garden Plot, too. And I'm still all tangled up with Only My Nephew. That story is not cooperating! 1/10/2003: My editor/co-author and I are hard at work on a short fic which may or may not end up a second chapter to Garden Plot. We'll see. 12/6/2002: I knew it, I just knew I'd regret posting a WIP! Well, just so you know I AM still working on Only My Nephew and will get another update out there when I can work my way past all the problems my changes to Ch. 2 have created. 10/9/2002: Nearly done with the first part of a chaptered pre-Quest Shire fic set in Brandy Hall. I plan to break my rule of never posting until a story is complete, because this first part almost stands on its own (and because it's been months since I put up a story!) Have to get it through my horrible ...uh, I mean, wonderful beta reader/editor first, however. 8/13/2002. Ah, folks. I am delighted that you are still finding my lonely little fic, and that you'd like more. I am trying to write more, but, you know, Garden Plot was a bit of a surprise to me, too. I was amazed when I finished it, and astounded during the writing of it; that it came together like it did, especially now that I have struggled with a few others. I just don't know if I have another one like that in me. Hope I do, though. Wish me luck! |