![]() Author has written 44 stories for Naruto, Vampire Kisses, Wuthering Heights, Wizards of Waverly Place, Twilight, Total Drama series, Yu-Gi-Oh, Merlin, Passions, Glee, Roswell, Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, and Once Upon a Time. My avatar is my hubby! Haha, anyway, Hey!!! I'm Doll or Erica. (Not So) Interesting Facts about ME!!! -I usually hate (or am not fully happy) everything I write. -I'm so north east coast, Tri state area. It's not even funny. Jersey Shore is my life. I love fashion, bling, tanning, getting my nails did, etc. -I have very traditional views on life and I'm shy. I've been making up stories in my head since I can remember but with my shyness it took me years to post on Fictionpress and later on here the years have improved my quality of writing I like to think. -I have a very loud opinoun on my fandoms. I am a totally dedicated, loud, overbearing, loyal dork about my favorite parings, least favorite pairings, favorite characters you get the point. -I'm married. If you'd like to talk join my forums, or message me. I always message everyone back and I love having conversations to people about fandom because in my life nobody writes or watches my shows. That awkward moment when you realize the glee cast are now those creepy people that graduated a year ago but still hang around their old high school. You know you're a Puckleberry fan when you... -Noticed how Puck is the one who brought up Rachel was the one who missing and didn't come back to Lima for the holidays. -Notice how in Artie's dream scene, when Rachel got knocked over, Puck is one of he people that helped her up. -'Fanfiction brainwashed you into thinking Puck and Rachel spent a wonderful childhood together.' (wiki) Random (Fan)Fiction Pet Peeves: 1.) I hate it when I'm reading a fiction, and they want a some random girl instantly seem like a dumb slut, so they describe them as blond with big boobs. Stereotype much? 2.) When I see good writing with a lot of unneccessary and hateful flames. 3.) 1 word. Mary-Sues. 4.) Whole things dedicated to OCs. -Some people enjoy it, I understand that. But I can't get into it. When I want to write something not dedicated to the peice of art, I put in Fictionpress.com which is dedicated to original stories/characters. 5.) OOC 6.) Emasculation. Think about it, if he was real how would he feel if somebody was trying to take away their manhood. 7.) A male is preggers!!! *facepalms* WTF?!?!... that's just so wrong. lol 8.) When I can find hardly anything dedicated to one couple but an over load of a another couple. 9.) Yaoi that bashes the female in the story. -It's probably a female writing it! Or a female reading it! When usually it's the female in the real version the guys are going nuts over, not eachother. Just leave the girl out if you want yaoi. 10.) People that don't even ATTEMPT to spell check or review their work. -Have PRIDE in your art! Try to improve your writing! I have and I'm better arthour I think for it! 17.) Destroy or Bashing A Character. I hate it *( When I heart a character that you may not like, so you destroy his or her in your work. 18.) Long Hiatises -"OMG!!!! It's been MONTHS! Is the author DEAD?!?! No!!! I wanted to see what would happen in the next chapter! Come back! Please! Update already!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!" 19.) People make an innocent cartoon or something else into something bad and perverted. 20.) Harem fics. 21.) Summaries that say, "summary sucks." -Even if you say "better than it sounds" immediantly following, I don't believe you, if you can't write a decent summary, then you probably can't write a decent story. So I'll pass. 22.) summaries that are written. like this. -i will not read your story if you don't even know when to captialize. maybe I will when you start first grade and learn captilization. 23.) People that complain about flamers. -I know, everybody hates a flamer, but remember when Beyonce fell on stage and begged her fans not to put it on youtube? What did they do. Put it on youtube. And those were her FANS! Flamers don't know you, they don't care if they hurt your feelings, this will just give them more motive to flame you and make you seem whiney 24.) Never ending stories. -Do you know how emotionally invested in a story I have to be to put myself through the commitment to read say a story with thirty-six chapters?! But fifty or ninty something chapters! Forget about it! I like when a story has a start and finish. 25.) Stories that are shorter than 1.5K in length. -This is the opposite for another pet peeve of mine, stories that are too long, like stretched out stories I am too lazy to click on a story which only has a few hundred words to read for a minute, than go back looking for a story I can actually spend more than a few moments enjoying. 26.) AU events don't make any sence. -I just can't get into a story if I think the events your are describing would never really happen. Plain and simple. 27.) When I'm trying to enjoy reading a story, but I remember that I've read almost the same thing a dozen times before. -You're an author! You can write anything you dream of! So be inventive! Be original! Don't make me read the same thing over and over again. 28.) Any story involving stereotypes of gypsy or Romany culture. -This makes me want to spit. You are acting prejuced against my culture with your false stereotypes. 29.) People that apologize about the pairing they are writing about in the disclaimer or author note's. -If you are worried the readers not liking the pairing and flaming you, well, if they disliked it so much they shouldn't be reading it! Don't apologize about a pairing you like! People should feel free to write what they want to and not feel sorry about it! Puckleberry Fanfiction Pet Peeves: 1.) Rachel cusses. -Okay, Rachel doesn't cuss on the show at all, in fact she hates that type of foul language. So unless you have a reason for why Rachel has a sudden potty mouth, IE she's been hanging out with Puck and he's become a bad influence on her, I don't see why Rachel would cuss for no apparent reason. 2.) OMG Finn or Jesse they are suddenly ABUSIVE to Rachel so Puck can save the day! Yay! -Okay, I don't like this crap at all. I can't get into a story where one character is bashed so much he doesn't even remotely resemble his pesonality on the show anymore. Finn is nice. Not abusive. That's just the way it is. Why would he suddenly act completely different? And when did Puck become a knight in shining armor anyway? Puck is a bad boy, he's nobody's Prince Charming. And why would Rachel even stay in that kind of situation? She's very independent and strong woman. I can get behind a story which shows the real flaws in Jesse's or Finn's behavior. Like that Finn isn't that bright or he never stands up for Rachel, but I can't get behind a story that villanizes someone just to make another character, in this case Puck, look good in comparrison. 3.) Everyone in glee club is super mean to Rachel who is the poor victim. Which means Puck can come and save the day again! Yays! -Sighs. This type of story makes me super depressed. I can't even make myself finish reading it. It's just too fricken depressing. Oh, and I like Mr. Schue, gasp. I don't want to see him suddenly become this monster to Rachel, who by the way, said he was her favorite teacher. Oh because one of my favorite teachers used to bully me relentlessly too. Oh and the rest of the glee kids are super mean to Rachel too. I know Tina or Kurt might have said some mean things to Rachel on the show, but they were justified. Remember Rachel is abrassive, bossy, wants every solo and critiques other's singing ability without holding anything back, this would get under anyone's skin. Plus again, I hate seeing Rachel as a victim. Rachel is stronger than you guys give her creditfor. And while she's not a capital B like Santana, she can and has stood up for herself. Rachel wouldn't take this behavior lying down. Rember when she thought the glee club wasn't treating her right, Rachel left. I don't see why she would put up with all of this. 4.) Rachel cries. All. The. Time. Usually because the one, two, or three. -I'm sorry, but if I could majically enter your story I would judo chop Rachel, how many times can one person cry, my dear Lord? After she's cried for fiftyith time, no matter how much her life sucks and how many people hate her, I hate her now too! Because she is making ME freakin' depressed. 5.) Puck is some little love sick puppy after Rachel. Awl. -Puck is self proclaimed bad ass. Puck is rude. Puck is a self described manwhore. Why would he suddenly act this way? 6.) Ignore the fact Puck bullied her. -Because in my enchanted Puckleberry land, I like to pretend this never happened. 7.) Threesome stories. -If I search for Puck and Rachel stories, that means I want PuckxRachel. Plain and simple. 8.) Santana, Britney and or Quinn are total bff's with Rachel. -This really bothers me, that for example Will (who is a decent and well intentioned man on the show) can be portayed in your story as very cruel towards Rachel, but Santana, Britney and Quinn are super best friends for life in the same story?! Um, are you forgetting Santana, Britney and Quinn were the ones on the show that were the most downright horrible to Rachel? 9.) Rachel becomes pregnant. -Hello baby gate 2.0. Shots myself in the head with a shotgun. 10.) Rachel is totally badass, so Puck falls in loves with her instantly, because she is just that cool. -No, no, no! I want the old knee socks wearing, perfectionist Rachel Berry! I don't want to read about a totally different OC Rachel that I've come to know and love. If I wanted this type if story I would search around for LaurenxPuck. 11.) Puck hates Finn. -Because hello, they were never best friends, sheesh what kind of strange world do you live in! 12.) Rachel has an eating disorder and or is sucidal. So Puck can come and save the day again! Yays! -Once again I hate a poor woo-is-me Rachel. It makes me like, super depressed, that just isn't cool. 13.) Too many pairings, friendships included a story. -Seriously, there is a lot of people on glee, you're not required to include everything. 14.) Long, long songs that take up most of the chapter. -I know glee uses several songs an episode. But that doesn't mean you have to copy and paste six song lyrics into a chapter. I enjoy listening to songs on the show but I just find it awkward to read, I rather see dialogue or chartacter interration in a sttory than that. 15.) Nicknames. -I'm sorry, but when has Puck ever called Rachel Caroline? BlainexKurt Fanfiction Pet Peeves: I don't really read these stories I just wanted to point out something some else made. 1.) Saying Kurt hates Blaine's hair gell usage. - I like boys with spiky hair. Do you see me changing all the boys to have spikey hair in my fanfics? No. I don't like it when author's changes characters just to suit their own preferences. Kurt never said he doesn't like it when Blaine uses hair gell. Infact I'm sure he uses hair products himself. So, if you have to say something, say something about those stupid bow ties. Sam was right it does make him look like a young Orville Redenbacker. Sebatana Fanfiction Pet Peeves: 1.) Any title or summary involving the words "Smooth Criminal" or which takes place during or directly after their duet. I like their duet too, don't get me wrong, it's just been played out in way too many fanfics! Come on guys, come out with a new plot line. Seriously. 2.) When Sebastian's parents are portrayed as racist and mean towards Santana. I think Sebastian's parents would be left wing and very supportive of Sebastian's sexuality if they weren't I think Sebastian would be more like Dave very hesitant about being open about his sexuality and not as confident as he is. I think Sebastian's parents would be very supportive of their relationship because Santana father is a successful lawyer, Santana can afford breat surgery and her own car. And also with Santana they have a chance to have biological grandchildren! And even though they are supportive and open minded people some of Sebastian's father's business partners aren't and it would look much better to have a beautiful girlfriend to them. |