A/N: If anyone watches cartoons (probably just me lol), this pairing kind of reminds me of Total Drama's Aleheather, since they are both antagonist and the fact one is Spanish.
I've been writing a lot of Rachel, and Santana is a nice departure from her.
I had so much fun writing this and I hope you have as much fun reading this.
1. First Day of School
"Are you ready yet?!" Santanna shouts impaciently as she files her nails waiting for Sebastian to come out of the bathroom. God she swears he's such a girl it takes him longer to do his hair than it takes to do her own!
"Well sorry! I haven't attended a public school, ever! Even my pre school was private." Santana rolls her brown eyes, her boyfriend is completely lost with out the damn Warblers uniform. Finally she hears the bathroom door clink open and gets up grabbing her purse, getting ready to leave when she sees Sebastian undressed and rolls her eyes letting out a Spanish curse. You have to be kidding her.
"What do you think this tie, or that tie?" Sebastian asked her.
Santana put a hand on her hip, "That one," She says tilting her head to the side at the polka dot one, "That is, if you want to get thrown into a dumpster on your first day."
Sebastian furrows his eyebrows he doesn't like her imply, that he'd be some kind of bulllied dweeb, he is the bully, not the other way around.
"Here!" She exclaims snatching the ties and saying "Let me do it. I obviously know what's cool and have a better fashion scense than you."
"Says the girl who always wears her cheerleading uniform," Sebastian retorts but checks out her ass in her short Cheerio skirt as she bends down to get him a pair of pants, "Not that I'm complaining."
"Here!" Santana says pratically pushing him into his bathroom along with the clothes she picked out.
"How do I look?" Sebastian says making a three-sixty degree turn for her as Santana appreciates how nice his body looks in a blue American Eagle shirt, blue jeans, and fresh white Nikes.
She shrugs, "You will do, I guess." Sebastian smirks as he catches the way her eyes linger on him before she is grabbing his arm and heading out the door, to his sexy convertible, she was a senior, head Cheerio, and had a brand new hot boyfriend on her arm.
Goodbye Finchel, the new it couple is definitly Sebtana, she thinks smugly.
2. Jealousy
Neigher would admit it.
But they were always jealous people. And this new unfamiliar relationship has them feeling more insecure than ever before, they begin to question themselves.
Even with his inflated ego he worries, Will she go back to liking girls?
When Sebastein heard about Satana and Britney hanging out at the mall, he became absolutley livid. Chairs were thrown, picture frames scattered across the floor, tables were left upside down and is apartment was filled with broken glass, trinkets and ornaments.
Santana was left with hickeys all over her sore but satisfied body, he clearly intended to marking her as her and remind her that he was the only one that could do those things to her.
Even with all of confidence Santana's portrays she was always insecure on the inside and wonders to herself, Will he go back to liking guys?
And when Sebastian's eyes lingered on a male a moment too long for Santana's liking she is quick to throw a liteny of Spanish curse words at him as she went all "Lima Heights" wherever they happened to be that day.
They never learned how to properly express their emotions and this was their way of saying, I love you, please don't leave me.
3. Messages
Santana feels alive when she with him.
He matches up to her in every way possible.
No matter what Santana throws at him, Sebastian is always prepared with a smart come back, and their relationship never gets old, boring or ruetine.
The way her relationship with Britney has become. Santana is getting tired of explaining every single little thing to her and she often ignores Britney's simple and sweet text messages in favor of Sebastian witty and exciting ones.
'It's okay', Santana tells herself, as she laughs at Sebastian's smart ass text and composes her own reply back, 'Because it's not really cheating if it isn't physical, right?'
4. Tangled up in Me
Sebastian and Santana are so alike. Their personalties are so similar, after they get over their animosity towards one another and are truely together, they connect so well and spend every moment around eachother.
They share smirks and gazes that only the other understands.
They exchange inside jokes only they understood, leaving their friends baffeled, then they laugh together at their clueless faces and later Santana leans into Sebastian's ear and whispers some remark making him laugh harder.
They are so close and sop confortable with eachother Sebastian learned more about Santana in the mere weeks that they have been dating than her best friend since childhood, Brittany, has ever known about her.
They become so wrapped up in eachother it is hard to tell where she ends and he begins as indivuals.
But they are fine with that, welcome it even, because they never shared this type of connection before with anyone and its new and exhillerating.
5. Just the Way You Are
They are both sure when they finally got together, they would want the other to be more masculine, and the other more femenimine, considering their sexual preferences in the past.
But Santana is surprised with how much she enjoys Sebastian's masculinity; his boyishly handesome face, his strong muscles, his deep voice, and his superior height.
He loves her body in return, they way it is so small, soft, and silky and the way she fits so perfectly against his. Sebastian encourages her to wear the most femenine clothes possible to accentuate her womanly curves and Santana knows he would probably freak out if she ever considered cutting her long dark hair.
6. College Days
"I didn't really take you for the girl attracted to freaky looking dikes. I mean really San, do you see what she has on?" That familiar voice teases in her ear as he leans over her a hand resting easily against her desk.
Santana rolls her eyes. She really should be studying. But she always had to had the need to get the last word in any arguement. It only figured the person who liked fighting with her the most in the past would just happen attend her college. "What did you want Sebastian?" She sneered turning around to face his handesome face away from her boring textbook.
"I think you know what I want, to get back to where we left this off at." He said enticingly wrapping his arm around her slim waist, bringing memories back to her of that night after Regionals. Santana did not feel tingles from his touch. She was just dying to be held, she's been away from Brittany too long, yeah that was it.
Santana heard someone scoff in the background and saw forgotten woman who was looking at her earlier storming off with her stack of Virginia Wolf books in toe.
Oh God, Sebastein was right, she was dressed freakin' weird, to think I actually smiled back at her!
"Since when are you so desperate for human contact you'd sleep with... that, how about trying me on?" He says seductively into her ear, and Santana realized his arm was somehow still around her and forced his arm off of her waist.
Santana retorted, "Not a chance, Fieval. I have Britney."
"That look you were given that troll didn't read, "I have a girlfriend". Let me guess, simple Brittany didn't graduate and now you guys are trying the long distance thing. But it's not working out that great since long distance relationships never do." When Santana hesistated to reply, shoked how right he was, he smirked and continued, "Thought so. You know I live right over here, so I can satisfy you whenever you want. Face it; I look better, I fuck better, and I can keep up with you than anyone else here."
"Get bent." Damn Santana that is my best comeback what is wrong with me today?!
Sebastian smirked again as he leaned up wiping non excistent dirt and wrinkles from his tan khakis. "Think about it." He said winking at her before he struts out the libarary confidently. Still as sexy as ever. God what is wrong with me today?!
The following week Santana breaks up with Brittany and conviently forgots to mention up the reunion she had with the former Warbler.
Santana hates herself for not being completely honest with Brittany. She hates herself more when she finds Sebastian's dorm room and knocks on the door.
7. Help me Forget
Sebastein is so diffent from Brittany.
And Santana needs a way to forget about her, she's fed up with visions of Brittany sitting on her ex-boyfriend's lap as they shared an intimate kiss running on endless replay in her mind.
That's why she choose to go to Sebastein's that night. He was so different from Britney and she was sure she would forget about her cheating girlfiend in his arms.
His body was hard, angular, muscular and toned, unlike Britney's soft, pliant and curvy body. His hair darker and shorter than the blonde's. His eyes an entirely different shade from her ex girlfriend's and it helps her forget.
Santana enjoys the way he dominates her, controlling bitch she is, but it became old her having to tell Britney everything to do, she enjoys the way they make love, hard and fast instead of tender and sweet.
She realizes she missed the way it was with a man and a woman, she enjoys the way he fits so naturally into her and fills her so perfectly and completely.
9. Misunderstandings
"So what are we doing this friday? You want to go to the nursing home and laugh at all the old people again?"
Sebastein chuckles and checks his reflection in the bathroom mirror laughing at the memory. "As entertaining as last weekend was, I'm afraid I can't go this week, baby."
Santana doesn't ask him why can't he, after all she blew glee practice off for him.
And she's defintly too proud to beg him to go with her.
But Santana isn't dumb, she realizes the actions of a cheating partner. After all, she's been involved in one or two cheating situations.
As Sebastein cancels more of their dates and comes up with more lame excuses, she realizes with dread she's beggening to lose him.
And no way was Santana letting that shit go down, they weren't over until she said so, and right now she wasn't quite ready to let Sebastein leave her.
So Santana came up with a brilliant plan, she was going to remind Twink just how good he had it with her and whoever this person was, he or she could not compare with her.
"Hey, San?!" Sebastein called out as he walked in to the dark apartment. Suddenly a light in the dining room flickered on, and he saw delicous looking food spread out all over the table.
Sebastein took a moment to smell the hispanic food before he calling out her name again and was about to look for her when he sees Sanatana approaching him in a revealing, short and tight black dress that makes his mouth go dry.
"Hey baby." She says seductively her hips swaying with every step, just the way she knows he likes, as she approachs him before wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders and kisses him.
Sebastein has had maids, butlers, chefs and nurses in the past. But never has he felt so spoiled as he felt right now. He has never been this full in his whole life, the food Santana prepared was amazing and after they were done she urged him to sit and relax, and did the dishes as he watched TV.
"Here Sebby," She said handing him a tall drink of soda, "Is that enough ice?" She asked sweetly really freaking him out.
Not that Sebastein was complaining or anything, but he wanted to know what the Hell had gotten into his girlfriend. He was sure she'd be pissed as Hell at him for canceling their dinner dates using various and admittidly dumb excuses to be able to go ring shopping and made sure to purchase an extra expensive ring just to calm her down her feiry temper when he got home. But instead of being cursed out in Spanish like he thought he would, he's getting treated like a King. Well, he figures, if this was what marriage would be like between a man and wife, he's sorry he didn't try the whole straight deal sooner or pop the question earlier.
"It's fine babe." He says taking a sip of his drink, standing up to his full height, ushering Santana to sit down as he gets on one knee and askes for her to marry him. He watches amusidly as her face went into shock and her mouth widens open.
"What? When? Where? Why?" She askes.
"What did you think I was doing all those days?"
10. Glee
Sebastein stands tall and proud under the cruel remarks and insults from her glee club directed at the newest member, who joined McKinely in order to be closer to his girlfriend.
Santana is proud of her boyfriend's strength and confidence as he handles their accusations with ease. She knows their accusations are partly justfied because the last time something like this hapened, it hadn't turned out well for New Directions. Rachel's panicky concerned face as she looks between her and Sebastein were obviously from memories of Jesse and their ugly fallout still clear in her mind. And she reminds Santana eveything bad that can happen, but if Sebastein ever dared to egg her, she'd be sure to cut his balls off and have the last laugh.
Santana knows it was ony smart to not trust Sebastein, he isn't the nicest guy in the world, far from it actually, he's been their bitter enemy in the past, exactly the type of person she would expect to join McKinely and New Directions just to spy on them and run back to Dalton to tell the Warblers anything he learned.
But she knows better, she knows this is real. Santana is postive of it. Sebastein has never asked her in the past about the set list, or choreograpghy, even when he had the chance. Santana can tell he is doing this all for her, the way his emerald eyes stay locked on her's the entire time her glee class throws harsh accusations at him. Besides she knows Sebastein and knows he would never attend public school (he loathes public schools) in order just to spy, there had to be a better reason, like being close to her.
Santana sits with her arms folded together stubbornly in the back, but no matter how bitchy and tough she seems she isn't sure if she could handle everyone going at her the way Sebastein is so eloquently. Santana can dish out insults but she can't take them very well and she appreciates the fact her boyfriend is doing this all for her.
Finally, because really it is about fucking time, Mr. Schue quiets the class and Sebastein causually and confidetly strolls to Santana's seat in the back row, wrapping an arm around her shoulder making the glee class errupt once again.
"That's it!" Santana yells completely fed up with their poor attitudes, "I don't want none of you bitches and freaks talking bad about my man or us anymore, am I clear?" She is surprised how easily the term "my man" comes back to her and there's nothing but silence before everyone turns around.
11. Bad
Sometimes they questioned if they should really be together.
Alone, they were bad people, rude, conniving, mean-spirited, self centered and cruel.
Did being together only make them worse?
And if so, why did it feel so right?
12. Three words.
They won't say it.
They are both too proud to say it first, so they each wait for the other to bend and say it first, then he or she will return it.
But neigher of them do.
They can't.
And so they drift apart, each dreading the fact they were too cowardly to say those three little words.
A/N: I have more drabbles written, and reviews make me update quicker *hint hint, nudge nudge*
Feel free to tell me which was your favorite and least favorite in the reviews, and if I kept the characters in character.