
Doll Presents to You a Story of Obsession and Desire,

Need You Now!

Rachel Berry, a sweet and driven girl, with two loving parents.

(Rache's two dads are seen hugging her and wishing her luck on her first day back to school.)

A fashionable and eccentric best freind.

(Kurt greets Rachel at her locker/ shows off his newest outfit by doing a slow spin for her.)

Who dreams to star in Broadway one day, with maybe that cute new guy from Glee as her leading man.

(Rachels sings a duet happily with Finn.)

Her life would have been perfect.

If not for Puck, the bully who can't let her go, even if it means hurting her.

(Rachel gets a slushey thrown in her face by Puck who is laughing at her along with his friends.)

(Rachel hides alone and scared in a bathroom stall/ She shudders when she hears Puck calling her name.)

A school function puts her under the demands of Puck, the most popular boy in school and the high school quarterback. Who secretly wants her body, soul... and heart.

(Puck has Rachel pinned at a locker, "There are some rules you need to learn now Rachel. You'll dress like this everyday for me. You'll sit by me at lunch. You'll go to every pratice and game of mine and wait for me with cold bottle of water and towel in the bleachers. And last but not least no more of that douchebag Finn around you. There will be no one else period. Nobody looks at you. Nobody touches you. Nobody kisses you. You're mine. All mine.")

Will Rachel survive Puck and realize her dreams?

Starring Lea Michele as Rachel Berry

(Close up of Rachel singing)

Mark Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman

(Puck scoring a goal on the football field.)

Need You Now

A Puckleberry Story Coming Soon To Fanction.

Author's Note: Just a teaser for now, hehe. But the first chapter is being beta'ed right now! That reminds me I need a beta reader, my beta reader right now is temporary because she's not that familiar in this genre. So I'm still on the look out for a beta to help me along with this story. It is my first time writing for Glee and PuckxRachel in particular and I'm VERY excited about it. I just fell in love with them. The title was so difficult to pick out, in the end I choose the title of the duet they sang (I adore their song by the way) and I think it sums up their relationship and this fic together nicely. Oh and if any of you were on Quizilla or Fictionpress years ago then you might be familiar with Auctioned of to Him, my love for that story inspired, this though this is in my own style. This fic is supposed to be like a Darkward fic, swirled with classic, old, angsty films, and Glee inspired funny little sprinkles thrown on top. Okay basically, I wanted a brooding, dark and sexy Puck! And Rachel better be getting prepared.