Poll: Who do you want Tsuna to end up with? Vote Now!
Author has written 5 stories for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Well, hello! It has been some time since I wrote something. I lost my motivation to write since I thought no one was supporting me and it is kind of sad, you know? Please, please READ AND REVIEW!
A huge fan of Kuroshitsuji, Uragiri no Boku Namae wa Shitteiru (Betrayal Knows My Name) and Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn. LOVE the pairings: HibarixTsuna (1827), MukuroxTsuna (6927), ByakuranxTsuna (10027), DinoxTsuna (D27), XanxusxTsuna (X27), YamamotoxTsuna (8027), YamamotoxGokudera (8059), SqualoxTsuna (S27) and FonxTsuna (F27). In short, I love anyone as long it is paired with our adorable Tsuna (: AGAIN, feedbacks and reviews are wanted. ALWAYS. |
blueporing90 (1) KeatonGrin (19) Metamorcy (128) | MinusOne (0) needchocolatenow (7) sigyn-chi (32) | thPeekaBoo (86) |