I just read Seven Days and it's really inspired me. I have to say that it's one of the greatest plots I've ever read. It's short, but extremely efficient. The ending was so sweet too. ;_;! I've decided to make a G27 version based on it C:. I'll be updating both of my fanfics at the same time. It just depends on the one I feel like writing a the time. Anyways, do hope you enjoy this. It's my first time writing in a first person perspective so I'm sorry if I fucked up majorly on the tenses. o_o.

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Seven Days in any way.

I closed the manga book shut and carefully slid it into the compartment under my desk. Picking up my pencil, I stared at the teacher for a few seconds before looking out of the window with a bored sigh, twirling the writing utensil in my hand. One hand was kept on the book. I was too lazy to move my hand, not that I needed it anyways.

Classes were always like this for me. Always trying to find a way to pass the time. It's not like I could understand what the teacher was saying if I tried, so why bother? School was such a waste of time. I've even considered skipping, but frankly, I don't have the balls to.

Usually, I'd fall asleep and wake up to a bitching teacher, but now, even my friends were trying to keep me awake somehow. I guess it was inconvenient to have to wait for me for two hours after school. It's not like I want them to wait for me though.

Today, Yamamoto gave me a manga called `Seven Days` to read and told me it was short, but really good. What he didn't tell me was that it was a Shounen-Ai story. Though I have to admit, it was a cute story with a really good plot. I barely even noticed the fact that they were both guys.

I sighed in relief as the lunch bell rang and wasted no time in closing my books.

`Yo, Tsuna!`

I looked up to Yamamoto's grin and smiled. `Hey.`

`How was the manga I gave you?` He asked as he pulled up a chair.

`Hey, Tsuna, Yamamoto.` Gokudera, my other friend, pulled up a chair as well.

`Hey.` I smiled at Gokudera as well before turning back to Yamamoto. `It was good. Kept me awake. Thanks for giving it to me.`

`Haha, no problem! A friend showed it to me a few days ago. Doesn't it remind you of Giotto though?`

`Sorry, who?` I gave him a blank stare.

`Pfft, that guy?` Gokudera scoffed. `He's just a player.`

`Mmm, I dunno. It's not like he asks any of the girls out.` Yamamoto was still grinning as he disagreed.

`He should learn the definition of 'no'.` The silver-head grunted as he opened a can of juice.

`Who are you guys talking about?` I asked in confusion.

`Hmm? You don't know?` Yamamoto looked at me with surprise.

`Am I supposed to...?`

`He's that player that transferred from Italy three months ago.` Gokudera grumbled, taking a swig of his drink.

`He has good looks, money, and brains. Of course, all the girls are swooning over him. I wouldn't be surprised if he got 100 confessions in the first day. He refused them all, but they just came back the second day. On the third day, he accepted one, but it only lasted a week before they broke up. The confessions came back again so he accepted another one, but once again, it didn't last more than a week.` Yamamoto explained further.

I raised an eyebrow. `So he's been going out with all these girls for only a week for the past 3 months like those guys did in 'Seven Days'?`

`Pretty much.` The baseball player grinned. `Ironic, isn't it?`

I shrugged and opened up my lunch. I didn't feel hungry though, so I just stared out the window again.

Part of me was curious as to who this Giotto really was. He was probably a jerk, just like all the other players in this school. But maybe, just maybe, he was different. After all, it was the girls confessing, not him, right? Players were the ones who normally confess...

For a moment, I wondered what it would be like in their world. Having money, looks, and brains...who wouldn't want those? Well, it's impossible for me. I'm Dame-Tsuna, after all. The worst of the worst in my school. I had no looks, no brains, or any money. I was even shorter than the average girl, not that I could do much about it anyways.

My dad had abandoned my mother and I when I was around 5. I don't really recall much about him, just that he was a heavy drinker and would often pass out in the afternoon from drinking.

My two friends, Gokudera and Yamamoto, are the only ones in this school who don't tease me. Yamamoto is just a cheerful and nice person. He's just as dumb as me and lacks more common sense, but he's a pro at baseball. Gokudera, on the other hand, was popular among the girls as well. He's the delinquent-type, but on the inside, he really is a nice guy.

`I wonder what it'd be like...` I murmured absentmindedly.

`Hmm? Are you curious about Giotto and the confessions?` Yamamoto looked at me, a bit of surprise covered his features.

`N-no, that's not it. I was just wondering what it'd be like to have all the money and looks. That sort of stuff...` I explained, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks.

He laughed. `Oh, I see!`

I forced myself to laugh with him and decided to give my lunch the attention it craved.

Lunch passed and Yamamoto gave me a few manga books to read during the afternoon. I didn't pay much attention to the name and the story as I started reading. My eyes traced the outlines of the characters. I had a passion for art, but I never drew in class because I was too bored. I mean, how would you feel inspired listening to your teacher bore on and on about a useless subject?

Once again, I was thanking God when the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I yawned, stretching in my chair. I smiled at the sound of my bones cracking. It felt good on my spine. I hastily packed my books away and met up with Gokudera and Yamamoto at the front of the class. After returning the manga books with an appreciative smile, we walked out of the door and began to walk down the hallway before loud squeals burst out. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, wincing from the ear-splitting shrieks.

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes were that every other guy had their hands on their ears. The next thing I noticed was the blonde god standing in the middle of the hallway. Oh, he was a god, all right. With his tall, muscular frame and long, sturdy legs, he could probably even make a guy faint...a gay one, that is. His eyes were a deep blue cerulean that could hypnotize anyone who stared into them. His blonde hair was disheveled and messy, but it still somehow looked amazingly breathtaking. Despite his uncaring demeanor, he looked like the perfect being. Hell, even I had a hard time looking away.

The god smiled, and as if on cue, every girl in the hallway swooned, feinting on each other in happiness. I rolled my eyes at the cliche moment, lowering my hands cautiously. After all, you never know how dangerous fan girls could be. The god looked around, scanning the crowd, probably searching for someone.

I turned towards my two friends.

`Hey, is that who I think it is?` I whispered.

Yamamoto nodded. `Yeah, that's Giotto.`

`I'm not gay or anything, but holy crap, he really does look good.`

He laughed. `I know right! I thought the same thing!`

Gokudera, on the other hand, looked pissed. `He's a second year, what is he doing on the first year's floor?`

`I dunno.` I shrugged. `It looks like he's looking for someone?`

`Maybe his girlfriend of the week?` Yamamoto grinned.

The delinquent huffed. `I wasn't aware he was dating juniors.`

`Excuse me?`

The three of us looked up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. It didn't shock me that Giotto was standing in front of us, after all, we were standing in the middle of the hallway. He could have been asking to get through for all I knew. No, what shocked me was that he was staring straight at me.

`Are you Sawada Tsunayoshi?`

His voice alone sent butterflies into my stomach. It was deep, yet soft at the same time. Nearly as hypnotizing as his eyes...nearly.

`Uhh...` I gaped at him in disbelief. `Yeah...?`

He smiled, ignoring my rude manners. `Could I speak to you privately for a minute or two?`

I exchanged glances with Yamamoto and Gokudera only to see that they were just as dumbfounded as I was. Actually, Gokudera just looked pissed and overwhelmingly suspicious. So, I had no choice but to accept...I mean, what else was I supposed to do? My open mouth was already rude enough. I knew that, but I couldn't force my body to close it.

`Uhh...okay...?` I tilted my head uncertainly.

He smiled again and motioned for me to follow him before walking off. I exchanged another glance with my two friends before turning to follow him.

`We'll be waiting at the entrance, Tsuna!` Yamamoto grinned, being his cheerful self as he dragged a raging Gokudera in the opposite direction.

`O-ok...` I nodded and ran after Giotto.

Waves of jealousy and suspicion stabbed at me in all directions. I tried to ignore the glares of the rabid fan girls but it was quite difficult to ignore about a hundred if not more death stares.

We began to climb the western set of stairs and, to my relief and disappointment, the crowd didn't follow us. I was disappointed because it was extremely awkward with only the two of us. The only thing heard was the echos of our footsteps against the stairs. I switched my gaze from Giotto's back to what was behind me warily. I was honestly expecting someone, or something, to jump us...or him jump me. It wasn't the first time someone pulled a stunt like this just to beat the shit out of me where Gokudera and Yamamoto couldn't help.

The butterflies in my stomach doubled as Giotto opened the doors of the school roof and stepped outside. I stopped by the doorway, hesitant to follow him any further. One hand lingered on the doorknob. He stopped walking and leaned down on the railings, looking up into the sky.

My curiosity overwhelmed me and I stepped forward, letting the door slam shut behind me. I stopped a few meters away from him, ready to make a quick dash for the door.

`S-so, what did you wanna talk about...?` I asked uncertainly. One of my hands came up to clutch my elbow, squeezing it.

He sighed and turned around to lean against the railings again, his elbows partly over the edge. His eyes were closed, as if he found this to be bothersome...and it probably was.

`I have a favor to ask of you.`

Well now...I didn't see that coming. I didn't see that coming at all.

`W-why...? You have everything, why couldn't you just do it yourself...?` I nearly slapped myself the moment the words left my mouth.

He pretended not to notice. `It's something only you can do.`

Okay. Was that supposed to be a joke? Because I didn't find that funny at all. Everyone in this whole school already knows I can't do shit. So what does he, a god, want from a failure like me? I just stared at him in disbelief, doubting every word he said.

When he figured I wouldn't respond, he continued.

`Go out with me.`

I had probably stared at him for a good ten minutes before blurting out the first thing that came to my mind. `No comprende.`

Giotto rolled his eyes. `How is it that you know a word in Spanish when you can't even fully speak Japanese?`

I didn't answer. Truth be told, I had no idea how I knew that word either. I was just in my own little world, pretending none of this was happening...until his voice jerked me back into reality.

`So what's your answer?` His tone was sounded almost impatient.


Another roll of the eyes occurred as he began to make his way towards me. `Some people in my class have a few pictures of me that they should have. They told me they'd blackmail me if I didn't play a game with them. Well, I don't mind if the pictures go out, it'd just be a lot of trouble for me that I don't have the time to deal with. Anyways, they wanted me go out with you for a week just for shit and giggles. So, I have no choice but to ask you to help me.`

Ok, so he wasn't gay and he wasn't trying to swing me in that direction. Good to know.

I'm a nice person, not trying to be modest or anything, so I felt an obligation to help him. Not to mention the fact that he could force me to help him. I wasn't up for anything painful, so I decided to go with option one.

`Fine, I'll help you then.`

He smiled. `Thanks. Do you have a phone?`

`Eh? Uh...Yeah, I do...` I hesitantly pulled out my cheap phone that my mother got me for a birthday present. I told her I didn't need it, but she insisted. Somehow, she always gets her way with me.

`Alright then, let's exchange email addresses and numbers.` He pulled out his phone too.

I didn't even have to mention that it looked extremely fancy. He grabbed a hold of my phone and entered in his address before handing both phones to me.

`Put yours in.`

I nodded slowly and did as I was told. I briefly considered putting in fake information but quickly trashed the thought. He probably wanted my number to drag me around as proof or something. I'd like to stay alive as long as possible too.

It felt weird to have such an expensive phone in my hands. It was almost like I wasn't fit to hold it in my hands, as if I was soiling it.

I handed the phone back to him after hastily punching in my information. He took it, murmuring a small 'thanks' before smiling. His hand reached forward and patted my head, ruffling the hair slightly.

`See you tomorrow.`

I could only stand in a daze as he left.

And so begins the first day...