Author has written 21 stories for Bakugan Battle Brawlers.
(copyright of avvie goes to...some chick)
"I am here! I am your ruler! Look at me! I am cool, but I am also very warm! Woooo!"
-Empress of Blood, OotS
▪ Blah, Blah, Blah~?!
recent rambles of a life well wasted
So I'm kind of sort of maybe back? After a bunch of months of computer/family/school issues and overall apathy I managed to toss together a filler chappie for Novelty Item (y'know, inbetween watching the fireworks for Canada Day).
Also, I like Bakugan even less now. I wasn't fond of it before. Now it's just "wut". But I'm kind of weird in the way that I absolutely need to finish all (or at least most) of the stories I had planned, even if I'm thirty and FFN is a ghost town by then.
Also, someone needs to be bringin' Vexos back~ (Yeah!) Those motherfuckers don't know how to act~
So yeah. Maybe expect more from me? I actually really just want to write crack right now, so expect more from Novelty Item. Maybe Immaculate Filth, but I actually want to tweak that one a bit. Will also be rewriting some of my older fics, cause I kind of hate them (like everyone else). :D
(obsessed with: Repo! the Genetic Opera, Red vs Blue, 8-Bit Theater, CyberSix, and Order of the Stick
+ and these green assholes
can’t stop listening to: the wiiiiiiind (and all the same old bands).
uber excited for: this mosquito bite to go away
▪ Oh Em Gee, It’s Me~!
thorny logs with sparkle moss trim; watch me burn?
ohaithar douchebag wut up
▪ Pairings~?
it's fun stuff
Basically, what I do is I just toss every character into a salad bowl, shake it up, pull out two at a time and see what I get. Metaphorically, of course. Canon normally has to be really fucking awesome and sweet and D'AWW~ in order for me to support it.
OTP is always Gus x Mira...for Bakugan. There's also Julian x Jose from CyberSix, which is . Newest creeping pairing is Snake x Ace from PowerPuff Girls...ormaybeHimxAceIdunno.
▪ Ongoing~?
that shit I should be working on
Immaculate Filth; She’s the sweetest thing in the world; what harm could she cause this simple fandom? The answer: Think the Apocalypse. [SatireCRACK, Chapter Three complete]
Mother Hen; Moments in which Gus’ secret maternal nature shines through. [Gus/Vexos-centric, Chapter Two complete]
Novelty Item; Shadow and Lync were always fascinated by certain inexplainable things, as Mira, most unfortunately, is about to find out... [crack, Mira/Volt/Gus vs Lync/Shadow, Chapter Four complete]
▪ Upcoming~?
According to This; ‘One and only’ and almost-perfect relationships – overrated. [Masquerade x Runo x Dan, AU]
And Who Are You; Mylene wondered (not being spiteful, not being petty) where the other girl got off being such a weak leader. [Mylene and Mira]
Apples and Dark Eyes; It hung just outside his window, round and shiny and red. All he had to do was reach. [Chibi!Hydron and Zenoheld]
Around the Bend; Conversations between two best friends detailing their flailing romantic lives. [Dan x Shun]
Bubblegum Pop; Here’s to hoping you have a brain in that pretty little head of yours. [Gus x Julie x Spectra, AU]
Bulletproof; If she could say that she was scared of a relationship and not just him, she would. [Alice x Masquerade, based off ‘Bulletproof’ by Kerli, AU]
Castles in Skies; The cracks between reality. [Spectra x Hydron x Mylene]
Cosmetic Stains; Embarrassing it may be to wake up with pink lip-stick hearts on the back of his hand, he held nothing against her. [Volt x Julie, AU]
Dear John’s and Kerosene; Breaking hearts in crisped-black letters, as though the cowardice wasn’t enough. [Volt x Mira, AU]
Death Metal; Let’s kick this up a notch. [Masquerade x Runo, AU?]
Deicide; He found the invisible bloodstains impossible to wash off. [Gus x Hydron]
Empty Pews; He was the Evangelist and she was Sin – crossing divine lines. [Gus x Mira]
End Transmission; And they cut the connection. [Spectra x Mylene]
Enough Never Is; Let’s leave these shallow lovers far behind. [Baron x Ace x Runo, Dan x Mira]
Etched Stones; Inherited destiny – he wallows in legacy. [Shun-centric, based off ‘Genetic Emancipation’ from Repo!]
Fairytale Ends; There is the sequence fantasy lovers, and here is her real prince. [Julie x Billy]
Feathers to Ashes; And he watched as the angel fell aflame. [Ace x Mira]
Fool’s Gold; And he had thought he had such a good eye for detail. [Klaus x Alice]
Idiosyncrasy; The contraposition of their personalities was clear from that first five minutes of idle chatter. [Lync and Volt]
I Less-Than-Three You; In which the literal is incredibly endearing. [Daisy x Klaus]
In Spite; One-upped, looking deep, failures. José loses his grasp of certainty. [José x Julian]
Lament and Fade; He looks for something like remorse beneath iced white, red, and blue, because then he can let go. [Volt x Mylene]
Little Bird Lies; Young child, would you like to hear stories about fair maidens and boys who cry wolf? [Lync and Alice, possible Alice x Shadow]
Lost Atlantis; Such a shame she’d have to send his perfect kingdom to ruin. [Mylene x Klaus]
Mutual Indifference; Webs of scorn and apathy; everyday they said ‘I don’t have to care about you’. [Vexos-centric]
Neon Grey; Of two shades that just try to be. [Shun x Julie]
Of Heroics and the Undead; All in a day’s work for the fantabulously pwnsome Shadow Prove. [crack, based off ‘Bad Idea’ by Lemon Demon]
One Loose Screw; It had to come together, oiled clockwork. Otherwise, what was the point? [Clay-centric]
Over the Top; What is and isn’t his place. [Volt-centric, based off ‘Unknown Soldier’ by Breaking Benjamin]
Porcelain Duplicity; Over mid-day tea and subtitled conversation, her broken heart tears him. [Klaus x Alice x manwhore!Masquerade]
Razzle Dazzle; Here was his stage, where supremacy would be witnessed. [Masquerade-centric, based off that one song in Chicago]
Romantic Bull; She, like, totally expected more out of this. [mild!crack, Shadow x Julie, AU]
Screw Ups and Let Downs; And two lives of service in between – lovers in the Vestal king’s army and their last moments. [Experimental OC x OC, minor Vexos appearances]
Smile for You; If only, if only, if only you were as good. [Chan x Joe]
Spotlight; This is the world of glamoured idioms; feel free to take your leave. [Kenta/Kenji x Jenny/Jewls]
Stagnant Lightning; Tempests in waiting and whistling winds. [Shun x Runo]
Thermodynamics; He never understood science anyways. [Dan x Mylene]
Torn Stitches; Opening the wounds time and again. [Gus x Spectra]
Tragic Comedy Divine; At the cusp of disaster, she understood the punchline. [Mylene-centric, minor Mylene x Vexos]
Watercoloured Pale; His touch was only good for freezing, and they were only good for being coloured over. [Gus x Spectra x Mylene]
Where the Wild Things Are; A ruler with papier-mâché crowns and wild rumpuses – but what of his queen? [Lync x Myuu, AU]
It’s Complicated; It’s one (horrible, tragic, doom-bound) thing to have a minor thing going on for your best friend’s sister. Another thing entirely when you also have a thing for your best friend. [Spectra x Gus x Mira, AU]
Red Alert; Oh noes! The nasty government has shut down the Bakugan Interspace! Anarchy! [CRACK]
Starry Eyes in Dystopia; Once upon a time, there was a Man who would stained the world with darkness. Once upon a time, there were also children who brought back the stars. [majorAU, pairing!rainbow]
Voices Betrayed; When there are a million shouting over you, who will hear you scream? [Shun x Mylene, requested]
▪ Say Whut~?
ranging from inspiring, hilarious, deep, or just stuck, what you wish you said
“Some people just don’t enjoy the good things in life…like little boys.” –GetYourOwnSocks.
“Curse my enemies forever / Let's slit our wrists and / Burn down something beautiful.” –No It Isn’t by +44
"I am God's gift; why would he bless me with such wit without a conscience equipped?" Fame -less than- Infamy, by Fall Out Boy.
"There's nothing more suspicious than frog's breath." --Dr Finkelstein from Nightmare Before Christmas
"So why care for these petty obsessions? / Your designer heart still beats with common blood..." --GraveRobber, from Repo! the Genetic Opera
"Face it, you're short. Pint-sized. Runt-sized. Mini-sized." "If there was a zombie attack, she'd be bite-sized!" --Two of CG's friends when discussing her and trying to make her understand the reality of her existence. :D
"Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world!" --Sir John Falstaff in Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part One. I'm definitely a Falstaffian. :P
"And here is my speech. Stand aside, nobility." --Pretty sure it's Falstaff. 8D It was in my English Final, so...
"I don't want to be a man. I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead." –Jace, City of Ashes
"My plans are always practical! It's the laws of physics that gets in the way of my success!" –Red Mage from 8-Bit Theater
“In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed!” –Red Mage again~
“Log rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, and over the neighbour’s dog! It fits in yer back, it’s great for a snack, it’s log, log, log! It’s log! Log! It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood…! It’s log! Log! It’s better than bad, it’s good…!” –I found this in “The Magikarp That Knew Too Much”, a reeeeaaaally old C6 fic that doesn’t exist on this site. No idea if this was where the quotations originated.
"If I'm fucking crazy / I guess that I'm bound to learn / That only the crazy / Can play with fire and burn..." --Young and Stupid by Hedley
"Ugly baby judges you!" --Ross from Friends
Fuck you, motherfucker, fuck you~ :3