![]() Author has written 9 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Maximum Ride, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games. Tips for writing fanfics: 1. Don't call me a hypocrite, but staying in character is MUCHO importante! I know that I might get a little out of character sometimes in my own stories, but I try my best. If you're doing a Max Ride fic, then do you really think that Max is suddenly going to start wearing high heels and makeup and slutty dresses? No, so don't do that. 2. Use proper grammar. I'm not sure if this is just me, but I really hate it when I read a story and everything is spelled wrong, commas are non-existent and improper punctuation is used. I can spot these things out pretty easily, and it's pretty distracting and makes the story much less enjoyable. 3. When writing an OC story, make sure not to start it with "Hi, my name is..." That's pretty much like waving a red flag and yelling "Don't read this story!" 4. Also when writing an OC Story, or adding new characters to a story, don't make them a Mary Sue. You know what a Mary Sue is. Those people with pretty, super-long names that don't exist in real life. Those characters that have "strikingly beautiful eyes", long, shiny hair, and are gorgeous as well as super smart and destined to do something great, because those people don't exist. One of the things that make a story enjoyable to read is that the characters connect to the reader, and no one reading the story is stunningly beautiful, has a beautiful name and is looked up to by everyone. When writing a summary here are some things you shouldn't do: 1. Write "I can't write summaries." - You can't write summaries? Sucks for you. I guess I won't be checking out your story. Why? I have no idea what it's about. All I know is that you're an epic fail at writing summaries, which means you're a fail at writing in general. We understand if you're not good at writing summaries, but we still want to know what the flipping story is about, so just try your best. Another thing not to write is "just read it, the story's better than the summary." If you don't have a good summary, nobody's going to take the time to see if your story is different. Believe me. 2. Tell us to "PLZ PLZ PLZ READ!" - If you beg people to read your stories, they're not going to read them. In fact, they'll probably be thinking "What the h is wrong with this dude? Is his story so bad that he has to actually beg people to read it?" If you want someone to read your story, write a good summary. Not make them feel pity for you. 3. Bash us over the head with your pairing. - A lot of summaries for MR stories go like this. "Tons of fax. FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX." and for PJO, go a little like "Oodles of PERCABETH PERCABETH PERCABETH and more PERCABETH." Well, it seems that there's Percabeth in your story. How do I know? Because you told me 50 kazillion times! Say the shipping once. Just once. There's no need for it to be stated MORE THAN ONCE. And please make sure your summary consists of more than just the shipping. People would like to know what it is, but they'd also like to know ANY OTHER DETAIL ABOUT THE STORY. Not just the shipping. Get it? Got it? Good. 4. Use terrible grammar, spelling, etc. - A good summary is not "so the flok gos on a advenchur & then itex capchurs them & they have 2 escayp and theres fax". It seems that people think that words in a summary don't have to be spelled correctly, and they can use chatspeak in it. Well, you can't. If I were to read a summary like that, I would go *sigh* another 2nd grader spamming up the MR fandom. Now if a summary was well-written and contained virtually no spelling errors, had good grammar, and actually used punctuation marks, then I would read it. 5. Write "[Insert shipping here] (because I know people like that stuff.)" - Uh, what? Do you mean to tell me that the only reason you incorporated Fax (or Percabeth) into this story is because it'll make more people read your story? So, you added this element into the story just because it'll get you more reviews? Sell-out. You're supposed to write stories about stuff you like. If the only reason you're writing is because of the reviews you'll get, then you shouldn't be writing at all. Here's my FictionPress. |