A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this story. This story is about Nico and his girlfriends. Like every chapter is a different girl.

Disclaimer: I do not own any familiar characters from PJO. I own my OC's.


She was gorgeous, everything that he wanted. Except, she wouldn't let him kiss her. She doesn't talk too much or too little, she doesn't annoy him, her looks are phenomenal, she knows when something is wrong, but she won't let him kiss her. She would have been perfect, if he would have just let him kiss her. That was the only thing that pisses him off.

"Nico?" Allie's voice pulled him from his thoughts. They were at a bowling alley, bowling with Percy and Annabeth. They were double dating because he didn't want to be alone with Allie. There was just something about her that was a little creepy.

She was a mortal. A regular human. He thought that some of the girls at camp were hot but he thought that it was a little creepy that they were somehow related.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at her, his black shaggy hair falling into his eyes. He flicked the hair out of his eyes and she smiled. Her lips were screaming kiss me and he just wanted to lean in and press his lips against hers. But he resisted and stayed in place.

Her blue eyes were smiling, just like her plump pink lips were. Her brown hair fell in ringlets around her face and rested on her shoulders. Her freckles were standing out tonight.

"It's your turn to bowl," She said, pointing at the bowling alley. He grunted before getting up and getting his sixteen pound bowling ball. It was black and it had his name scribbled on it in big letters. He took a deep breath and brought his arm back. He brought his arm forward and let go of the ball, watching it sail down the middle of the alley. It hit the pins, knocking them all down.

"Yes!" He screamed in triumph. He turned and swiftly walked back to his seat.

"Cheater!" Percy shouted at Nico.

"How could I cheat? You saw me bowl! No cheating involved!" Nico protested. Percy crossed his arms across his chest and stared at Nico. Nico stared at him back.

"Cut it out you two! Nico did not cheat! It's your turn Allie," Annabeth said. Allie smiled and went to bowl. Nico sighed and saw down in his seat, watching as Allie's hips swayed back and forth as she walked to get her ball. She bowled and got a strike.

"I got a strike!" She cheered, jumping up and down while clapping her hands like a peppy cheerleader. She ran over to Nico and straddled his waist. She touched her forehead to his and for a second, she leaned in to kiss him. But instead, she whispered against his lips, "I got a strike..." She got off his waist and sat down in the chair next to him, giggling like a little school girl.

"You are such a tease," Percy said and he got up to go get his ball. Allie frowned at this.

"We have to go to the bathroom," Annabeth said. She grabbed Allie's hand and yanked her to the bathroom. Percy got half of the pins down and he waited for his ball to come back up. Nico got up from his seat and went up to Percy.

"She's a tease and you know it. You hate tease's. Just dump her already," Percy said. He got his ball and threw it down the alley. It hit four of the pins, leaving one standing. He stomped his foot angrily and they saw back down in their seats.

"I can't. She might let me kiss her tonight. I just have a feeling," He said, sitting down in his seat and staring dreamily off into the distance.

"Earth to Nico. Have you gone nuts?" Percy asked, waving a hand across his face. Nico turned to look at Percy and Percy knew what he was going to say.

"That's what she said," They said at the same time. They broke out into laughter.

When they were done laughing, Nico said, "Okay. If she doesn't kiss me tonight then I will for sure break up with her." Percy patted him on the back and the girls came back.

"My turn!"Annabeth said happily. She got her bowling ball which was orange and had her name printed on it all over the place in different handwriting. She took a deep breath and looked at the pins, trying to see which way to bowl was much more strategic. She went a little to the left and threw the ball down the alley. It hit all the pins except for pin seven and pin ten.

"Dammit!" She shouted angrily and stomped her feet.

"Do you want me to bowl?" Nico asked. She threw him a death glare and he slumped in his seat. She grabbed her bowling ball and threw it down the alley, not really caring where it landed. It knocked down the ten pin and she stomped back to her seat.

"It's time for me to go home..." Allie said. She turned to face Nico and put her hand on his arm. He sighed and got up. She only lived right across the street from the bowling alley so it won't take long to bring her home.

He got up and brought Allie with him. "I'll see you guys later." Nico said to Percy and Annabeth. They nodded okay and Nico and Allie walked out of the bowling alley.

"I had a fun time tonight," Allie said, looking at Nico as they walked through the parking lot.

"Me too," He said. He looked at her pink lips and back at her eyes. They crossed the street quickly and quietly. When they got to her front porch, she turned to face him. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Call me..." She said before walking into her house. Nico walked away from the house and didn't look back.

Kisses on the cheek don't count, He thought.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed that. Review please!

Sorry if it seemed like Nico is OOC. I'll change that in the next chapter.
