Hello, all of you who decided to read this. This is ImmaBeatYouWithaCrowbar speaking as ImmaBeatYouWithaCrowbar, not Max. This, obviously, is my final author's note.

First off, I'd like to thank you all. Every single person who has ever left a review for this story, thank you so, so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate the reviews, even the criticism. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see that I finished this story with over four hundred reviews. They say that kids get more excited over these things…and, hey, I'm fifteen. I'm bound to be pretty dang chipper. (Hey…I just realized that I started this story when I was thirteen. DANG. That was an eternity ago, wasn't it?)

Even though I appreciate all the reviews, there are a few people that I have to specifically thank:

For Being the First Ever Reviewer:

Just Kami now - You should be credited with the existence of this entire story. You were the first person to ever comment on this story, and the only person to comment before I wrote the second chapter. I never would've gone past the prologue if you hadn't left that review.

For Being Dedicated Reviewers:

emotionalpoemgirl - Second reviewer! And you stuck around for a long time! :D

BlueStripedPolo - You were probably the one who most consistently gave me criticism. Thank you.

lillypad22 - It's not every day I get to meet someone who loves Iggy as much as I do. ;D

wolfhead - You are one of two people that really kept me going there for a while.

zammielicious98 - You're the other one that really kept me going through the rough spot.

For Reviewing Several Different Chapters in One Day Until I Was at 400 Reviews:

Terrace Lily - Haha, I loved your reviews. They were all so entertaining. xD

For Mentioning Me in Their Profiles:

Lacking Stealth - Thank you so much for mentioning my story in your profile. I really appreciate that. You don't know how much. And your reviews always make my day. :DDD

And everyone else who mentioned me and I might have missed…I know there was at least one other person whose name I forgot and whose review I couldn't find.

If there's anyone I forgot, I deeply apologize.

Alright. I thought I'd tell you all how this story started. You guys know how they've been making Maximum Ride into a manga series? Well, back when I was in eighth grade, I bought the first two books. On the back of the second one, there's a picture of Fang and Iggy. I looked at Iggy, then flipped through the book and looked at Nudge after she had her makeover. I was in a bit of a Niggy phase there, so I thought to myself, Now, what would happen if these two were to have a reunion after several years apart?

Well, you can all see what it looked like. xD

I figured if these two were split up, then everyone else was, too. They needed a reason to be brought back together…hence the prologue. That is literally all I had in mind when I began this story. And now, four new super powers, eight good-guy mutant OCs, an evil and super-powered mother, an asshole of an Eraser, and a blown up school later…here I am. Jeez Louise, eh?

(Oh, that's a bit of a lie. I had a brief idea of Phoebe getting dragged into the mess later on…but it involved a fall down an elevator shaft and/or off the top of the college dormitory, neither of which happened. xD)

So, as I'm sure you can all guess, I'm surprised as hell that I actually finished this story.

Next, I'd like to talk about the sequel. I told you guys that I'd write one if I got enough requests…and there was a unanimous vote. There's gonna be a sequel. Like I said, it won't be around for a while - a long while, due to Everybody Gone Mad. Also, I have another MR story that I'm planning on beginning when I'm a good deal of the way through Everybody Gone Mad, to be called Kings and Queens. Both of these stories are kind of like U and A in the sense that they're both gonna be long…haha. So, there will be a sequel, but it won't be around until I'm done with Everybody Gone Mad and a good way through Kings and Queens, which is likely to be at least a year from now. Haha, so, next January, I guess be looking for a story that says 'Sequel to U and A' in the description. I'll try and get out it on U and A's third birthday, but we'll have to see.

I guess that's all there is to say for now. There is one last thing, though: thank you so much for all your reviews and criticism! I love you all! :DDDD