Author has written 13 stories for Fruits Basket, Labyrinth, Legend of Zelda, Batman, and Merlin. Welcome to the Crazy House! Whelp. When you've got a lot of fandoms you've invested your blood, sweat, and tears might as well start reading and writing fanfiction for 'em. Right? Yep, totally makes sense. PS: I'm still more of a reader, than a writer, but I'm gonna try to write more. Fandoms I Love: Anime (FMA, Ouran, KnT specifically), BBC (Sherlock especially), Castle, Comics (Batman, Superman, Avengers, etc.), Fringe, The Legend of Zelda, OUAT, Sleepy Hollow, and more! |
confusedants (1) elecktrum (29) | FictionLover987 (5) forthright (47) | hauntedlittledoll (82) |