Well, this is it. The last chapter. I have to admit that I didn't think that I would be so sad to see this story end. It's really been a blast to write. Thank you to everyone who stuck with it. And a special thanks to everyone who reviewed. You guys were a great source of inspiration and kept me writing even when I was ready to pull my hair out and throw my laptop out the window. I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
It had been two days since the stand off at the Bunny Ranch. Lisbon, with the help of Rigsby and Cho, had fudged the report to Minelli slightly, conviently leaving out the part about Lisbon going undercover as a 'woman.' He seemed to buy it and was so grateful that they had closed the case that he had given them the next week off. Provided, of course, that they got all of their paperwork done and on his desk by Sunday night. It had sounded reasonable at the time, but with Jane being in the hospital, they had been taking turns sitting at his bedside.
Jane had been lucky that the bullet went straight through his shoulder. With minimal mending and a blood transfusion, he had been awake and demanding to leave the hospital by the next afternoon. Lisbon's team had been there strictly to make sure that he didn't try to pull a fast one and escape on his own.
Now Lisbon sat at her desk, trying desperately to focus on the folders in front of her. Carelessly tossing her glasses on the desk, she rubbed her eyes trying to ward off the impending headache. All she wanted to do was go home, pour a glass of wine, and soak in the tub. The knock at the door yanked her back to her office.
The door cracked and Risgby stuck his head in. "Hey boss,"
She narrowed her eyes at her. "What are you doing here?"
Rigsby stepped in, his hands raised. "It wasn't my fault, boss, he..."
"Where the hell did he go?"
"Easy, Lisbon." Jane stepped out from behind Rigsby. His arm was in a sling, but he didn't look any worse for wear, except for that smug grin that made her want to smack him.
"As I was saying, boss," Rigsby continued. "he made me bring him here."
"Don't worry," Jane said. "the doc gave me the all clear."
Lisbon snorted. "He probably couldn't wait to get rid of you. You're a lousey patient."
Jane chuckled as we watched her. She had resumed her roll as Special Agent Terry Lisbon, hard as nails detective, but he had to admit that he kind of missed Teresa in her slinky dress and heels. He would have to figure out a way to bring a little more Teresa out. In private, of course.
Rigsby cleared his throat. "Uh, boss, Cho and I were going to take Jane out for a closed case dinner. You coming?"
Before she could answer, Cho appeared in the doorway. "Jane, there's someone who wants to see you."
"Mr. Jane!" Mouse flew through the door at Jane, who knelt down to gather the boy in his arms as best he could. "They wouldn't let me come see you at the hospital. I wanted to, but they wouldn't let me."
"It's alright, kid," he noticed that the boy still had his arm in a sling, almost an exact duplicate of Jane's. It was a painful reminder of what they had all been through in the last week. "I think you've seen enough of that hospital for awhile. I know I have."
"That's what I told him." Mrs. Malloy stepped into the office. She smiled at Jane. "I'm glad to see that you're alright."
"Me, too." Mouse chimed in. "Are you going to come visit us when we move?"
Jane glanced at the boy's mother. "Move?"
She nodded her head. "Didn't they tell you? They're turning the Bunny Ranch into a place for women and their children who want to get our of abusive marriages. Ms. Van Pelt has volunteered to run it. It was all arranged by Agent Lisbon."
Jane looked in amazement and admiration at Lisbon who deliberately avoided his gaze, but he couldn't miss the pink tinge that suddenly appeared on her cheeks. She cleared her throat loudly. "Yes, well, the police are finished with the crime scene, so they gave the go ahead."
"And your husband?" Jane asked.
"He's off on a drinking binge. I don't expect to see him for a few days."
"And if he tries to show his face at the house, he'll have to deal with me." Rigsby said proudly.
Lisbon eyed him. "Are you getting a new job or something Rigs?"
Rigsby's eyes went wide. "No, I...I mean...I just told Grace that if she had any problems to call." Everyone giggled as he stumbled over his words, all the while turning a lovely shade of red.
"You're gonna come see us, right?" Mouse's eyes pleaded with him, and Jane couldn't help but smile.
He reached over and tousled the boy's hair. "Sure kid."
"Come on, Robert. I'm sure they have a lot of work to do. And so do you and I."
Mouse looked crestfallen. "Alright."
Cho nudged the boy. "Hey, I happen to know that Rigsby keeps chocolates hidden in his desk drawer. You wanna go look with me?" Mouse nodded eagerly and was out the door, followed by Cho and a grumbling Risgby.
Mrs. Malloy shook her head. "The great things about kids is that they can switch gears so easily. But I did want you to know that we are very grateful for everything you've done. Both of you."
He placed a hand on her shoulder. "If the two of you need anything at all, please call me." She nodded, and he could see that she was holding back tears. "Take care of yourself, and Robert." He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the cheek before she turned and quickly left the room, closing the door behind her.
Once they were alone, Jane turned to Lisbon who was watching him. With just a few steps he was standing in front of her. "Thank you for keeping your promise."
"They're good people. They deserve a fresh start." She suddenly found something very interesting on the floor.
Jane sensed her hesitation. Cupping her chin, he lifted it so that she was forced to look him in the eye. "And what about you, Agent Lisbon? What do you deserve?"
Suddenly finding it hard to breathe, she tried calm to mentally calm her nerves. "I was just doing my job."
"Oh, you're much to modest, Teresa." He moved closer until their faces were only inches apart. His heart began to speed up as he reached up and removed her hat, and he was certain that hers was doing the same. "I think that I shall have to find a way to thank you..." He was cut off abruptly as she lifted onto her toes and planted her lips firmly to his. Her hat dropped and was forgotten as he pulled her closer with his good arm, deepening the kiss.
Teresa had surprised herself at her bold action, but it quickly passed as her body began to respond to his soft touch, and as he pulled her closer, she could feel his own body's reaction as well. They stood, not moving, standing in a tableau that neither wanted to break. So engrossed in each other they were, that they didn't hear the door open.
"Boss, we're ready to go eat..." Cho's voice trailed off and he glanced at Rigsby.
Not even bothering to break apart, Teresa and Patrick waved them off without a glance.
"Uh, ok, then," Cho said. "we'll save you a couple of seats." He closed the door.
"They're not going to meet us there, are they?" Rigsby asked, already knowing the answer.
"No way."
As they began walking back through the bullpen, Rigsby smiled. "Grace should be waiting downstairs. I asked her to have dinner with us."
Cho stopped and eyed him. "That's just great. Not only do I have to keep witnessing the boss and Jane groping each other, but now I have to endure watching you and Grace ogling each other over dinner."
"I guess we'll just have to find you a girl, Cho."
Cho snorted. "Yea, right."
A delicate clearing of the throat caught their attention. Standing at the door to the stairwell, Grace stood, looking lovely as ever in her regular suit attire. But She wasn't alone. Next to her, with her raven hair pulled back in a loose bun and her her doe eyes shining shyly was Janice. Janice was also now sporting a skirt suit that did nothing to hide her curvy figure.
"Agent Cho, Wayne," Grace said. "you remember Janice. If it's okay with you, I invited her to have dinner with us."
Rigsby smiled and nudged Cho. "Of course it's okay. Right, Cho?"
Cho coughed nervously, trying to clear his throat. "Uh, yes, that would be...nice."
Grace gave Wayne a knowing grin. "Let's go then."
The two men opened the doors and ushered the ladies through. Before they followed, Rigsby stopped Cho. "You were saying?" Cho simply rolled his eyes and followed the larger man out the door.
Fade to black.
THat's it, hope it wasn't a disappointing ending. Anyways, I'm taking a break from writing Mentalist stories for a bit (I'm sure I'll get inspired again when season 2 rolls around), and I'm going to be working on an NCIS story. SO, if anyone's interested, check it out. It's going to be called MOTHERLAND. Hope to hear from you guys soon. CIAO!!