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Poll: Who is your favorite Harry Potter Character? Vote Now!
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Joined 08-06-09, id: 2039003, Profile Updated: 05-19-12
Author has written 2 stories for X-Men: The Movie, and Harry Potter.

Hey, My name is not really relevant here but you can call me Kira. I'm an avid reader and a compulsive writer. My favorite colors are black and red, my favorite animals are the wolf, they hyena, and the lynx in that order. I'm 20 and always up for a chat so if you want to talk to me leave me a message and if we get along well enough i might even tell you my site so you can meet a few more of my friends.

Favorite Pairings (as they occur to me):

Remus Lupin/Ginny

Remus Lupin/Hermione



John Winchester/Jo Harvelle







(Notice a common theme)

Character Profiles

[The following profiles are of characters created by me]

Kya Fringe

Birthday: August 22

Sex: Female

Age: 17-19

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 125 Pounds

Physical Description:

Kya has dark brown eyes (bordering on black) and dark brown hair (style may vary). On occasions in which she loses control of her emotions her eyes often turn black (when she is sad or angry) or a dark cherry red (when she is deep in thought or feeling mischievous). She can, at her leisure, choose to reveal her large white-tipped wolf tail, and ears whose color (naturally a dark brown to match her hair) change with her eyes when her emotions stray too close to the surface. Her signature ability is the hereditary power to transform into a very large wolf that, in its natural form, is equivalent to her height as a human (i.e., 5’11” at the shoulder) and whose fur naturally takes on the same characteristics as her hair in that it’s color greatly depends on her emotions, while her eyes remain a cold shade of steel-grey.

Personality Description:

In a way, she is a truly balanced person. She has a good sense of self, but she has periods of worry and self doubt. She doesn’t like to be alone a lot, but she doesn’t like being constantly surrounded, either. She can be shy in some situations and bold in others. She can tell people how she feels, but she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. She isn't "TOO" anything: She isn't too shy, She isn't too aggressive, She isn't too extroverted, She isn't too introverted. However at any one time she can be any combination of these things.

She tend to adapt herself to match the situations in which she find herself. She may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of her personality. People tend to perceive her as they want to perceive her. They may even tend to idealize her a bit. Then, when she do something that doesn't fit their concept of who she is (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke) they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real Kya?

Fixed Abilities:

There are several abilities and skills that Kya posses which will not change unless specifically indicated at the start of the story. Those abilities/skills are as follows:

The power to take the form of an unusually large wolf as described in the section above labeled [Physical Description]. Can vanish and reappear in a small wisp of black smoke at any given position within a 2 mile radius as long as their are no solid objects in the way. Enhanced senses and strength, agility, coordination, reflexes, flexibility, speed, endurance, and healing. Stealth (including but not limited to: theft, lying, and evasion). Can, at times, produce and ear-shattering howl. Abnormally strong and sharp nails and canines. Highly adept at hand-to-hand combat. Optional visibility of tail and ears. Talented Marksmen. Tracking.


[Please Note That Kya’s Appearance May Vary Depending On Story]



Wolf Dimensions:

[I worked out all of the math on this using Wikipedia as my reference for dimensions relative to one another so here they are]

Height at Shoulder: 5 feet 11 inches (180.34 cm)

Body Length: 11 feet 8 inches (360.68 cm)

Weight: 373 lbs. (169 kg)

Tail Length: 2 feet (60 cm)

Ear Length: 8.6 in (22 cm)

Additional Information:

[This mostly has to do with information pertaining to specific fanfictions]

Harry Potter:

Wand: Sequoyah, 12 inch, Hippogriff feather and Chimera Scale core, inflexible.

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