Hello everyone! Earlier this year, I removed all of my stories because I needed to reevaluate my life and my writing. As a Christian, I try to serve God to the best of my ability every minute of every day. I'm human, and I fail every day. Sometimes it's a struggle, but I endeavor not to make the same mistakes each time. But I determined that my writing wasn't honoring God the way it should. After taking these past nine months to get my life in order, I have decided that I can begin posting stories again. You will see submissions of some of my older stories (some are edited and some have stayed the same) and you'll begin to see some new stories as well. But not all of the stories made the cut. Some of them will never be allowed into the open again, and that's okay. If you're curious, I also have a blog where I muse and reflect on daily life and Bible verses and my Christian walk. Musings and Reflections of a Growing Christian Woman I hope you enjoy my stories, old and new alike, and I hope you understand my decision, or at least respect it. Happy reading! |