![]() Author has written 2 stories for Gakuen Alice. July 21 2012. Hi guys, I'm pretty much dead on fanfiction. May update White wings once a year. Sorry again. If I get heaps of PMs like I did last time, I may get back on the story but right now its not looking good. I wouldn't count on me updating often though. Sorry guys. 1. Koko 2. Tsubasa 3. Mikan. 4. Hotaru 5. Ruka. 6. Natsume. 7. Sumire. 8. Nobara 9. Persona 10. Yuu 11. Misaki 12. Yuka 1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? No but I think It might be good...XD I'm sorry but Misaki is older than Natsume... I just find something funny about that... 2. Do you think four is hot? How hot? Umm...is that a trick question? In the least gay way possible I think Hotaru is pretty hot...just saying (I'm not gay!!) 3. What would happen if twelve got eight pregnant? Yeah... yuka getting Nobara preggy? No way! Not in a million years! 4. Can you recall any fics about nine? Yeah! Tons! There are a lot of ones about Persona and Mikan... 5. Would two and six make a good couple? Yeah umm. In what world are Tsubasa and Natsume ever going to be a good couple? 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Yeah Ruka is VERY gay here. But if I have to say ummm... Ruka and Yuu... Ruka/Persona is WEIRD!! 7. What would happen if seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? WOAH!! Sumire walking in on Yuka and Tsubasa doing it? Hmm... She'd probably say "How are you guys gonna explain this to Mikan?" 8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. Oh... They are brother and sister. I mean c'mon Yuu and Mikan IS SUCH a HARD THING TO WRITE!! Oooh what about Mikan helps him get a girlfriend? (He needs one) 9. Is there such thing as a one eighth fic? Yeah definitely! Nobara and Koko- not such an unbelievable couple!! Actually they would be pretty cute!! 10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. It could be a Mother daughter relationship between Sumire and Yuka... Ummm let’s see "My other Mother" 11. What would happen if seven discovered three and eight in a secret relationship? Sumire would scream at the sight of Mikan and Nobara making out! Then she would jump out the window... and then after she recovers she would tell Natsume so that he would fall for her. But that is NEVER gonna happen You hear me? 12. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw eleven? Umm...maybe ……Misaki? 13. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Umm...Tsubasa, Hotaru and Ruka? Hmmmm...Wonder how that’s gonna work out... 14. If you wrote a Song-fic about eight, what song would you choose? Ice Ice Baby! (Vanilla ice) XD it’s not that good but it’s the first that came to mind! 16. When was the last time you read a fic about five? Yesterday. There are alot of good Ruka/Hotaru ones out there! 17. "(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (7). (1), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3). "Koko and Sumire are in a happy relationship until Persona runs off with Sumire. Koko, brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with Misaki and a brief unhappy affair with Yuka, then follows the wise advice of Ruka and finds true love with Mikan. WOAH!! That could actually happen!! Think about it...I mean there aren’t any gay relationships in here... 18. if you wrote a two/three/six fic, what would the warning be? Tsubasa, Natsume and Mikan huh? Seems like a pretty good combination to me!! Hmm... "Warning: Extreme jealousy may occur (I mean c'mon Tsubasa and Natsume? Every girls dream!) 19. What pick-up line might eight use on five? Oh LOL! Nobara trying to ask Ruka out? "Umm...Ru-Ruka?...Do you wanna...maybe...do..don’t...do...some-something...on...(runs away)" 20) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower one? Tell Hotaru to use the Baka gun! "Do it with me or die!" LOL! 21) Would eleven shag nine? Drunk or sober? Misaki would be able to shag Persona sober. I mean if tsubasa was being a jerk and Persona isnt exactly "ugly Instructions: Put your iPod or music player on shuffle and the song that pops is the answer to each question. 1. How does the world see you? Forever by Chris brown (Not really sure what this means... maybe I'll dance forever? WOW get ready for a lifetime of bad Dancing!!) 2. Will I have a happy life? The last day of Earth by Kate Miller Heidke (yeah no comment O-o) 3. What do my friends really think of me? Beautiful, Dirty Rich by Lady GaGa (Yeah...if that’s true than THANK YOU!!) 4. Do people secretly lust after me? If I never see your Face again by Rihanna and Maroon Five (So...no?) 5. How can I make myself happy? Lovegame by Lady GaGa (Hmmm...Does this mean what I think it means?) 6. What should I do with my life? You belong with me by Taylor Swift (Yeah, so I'll fall for my best friend, but I'll be in a different crowd and then he has a bad girlfriend and then we get together. Yeah too much work for me... Just thinking bout it makes me dizzy.) 7. What is some good advice for me? Differently by Cassie Davis (I should try to be Different... yeah I get this one!!) 8. How will I be remembered? Hush Hush (I will survive Remix) by Pussy cat Dolls (I have no idea what this means… maybe it’s a SIGN!!! A SIGN THAT I WILL SURVIVE!!!! ) 9. What is my signature dancing song? Funhouse by Pink (Really good and catchy song, but rather hard to dance to don't you think?) 10. What do I think my current theme song is? Fireflies by Owl City (Great song, but my theme song? Nope. Wait if it is then does that mean that I dream of fire flies? Hmmmm) 11. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Breakin Dishes by Rihanna (So a break up and a LOT of broken dishes...) 12. What song will play at my funeral? Halo by Beyonce (Yeah...seems appropriate) 13. What type of men/women do you like? I kissed a girl by Katy Perry (I AM STRAIGHT I TELL YOU!! STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW!! ALWAYS WILL BE!!) 14. What is my day going to be like? Waking up in Vegas by Katy Perry (So a hangover? I'm not legal yet...) 15. What will tomorrow bring? Shut up and Drive by Rihanna (I can't drive...I wish I could though?) I saw this in someone else's profile and I thought it was really awesome. I changed a little though... I like to sing. I like to write I like to be myself, but always get judged because I act crazy sometimes Whenever I laugh too loudly people give me weird looks. Why? I have no idea. All I’m doing is being happy. If you mess with my friends, be ready to burn in hell cuz I will GET YOU. I treat people the way they treat me, so if you called me a bitch, don't be surprised when I call you the same Ill laugh with you, ill talk with you, ill be your friend if you let me :) I love life, and I love to live my life I love my friends I’m scared of being alone I’m afraid of losing someone If you're nice to me ill be nice back I love to make people laugh Sometimes I’m afraid of dead animals Whenever I have nightmares I’m afraid they'll come true If someone calls me a freak it hurts, but ill never let them see I’m too sensitive for my own good I love writing stories because I love to hear if someone likes it Tell me the truth and ill tell you the truth I hate lying; it always makes me feel bad I can be conceited sometimes, but I try my best not to be I’m sometimes a bitch, but I never mean it If I ever do mean it, then u TRULY deserve it I hate being mad I hate using the word hate I love music...it calms me, it makes me, it sets me, it lets me live and it keeps me living I can be poetic...sometimes I love acting like myself ( weird, outgoing, laughing too much, dancing and singing at too random moments, making stupid and rather lame jokes that people laugh out of pity.) Sometimes I have to get out and LIVE my deepest, most desire, my burning wish of all time, my most dreamed of thing and most wished for hope in my world and in my mind, in my life and in my dreams is... That one day I'll make a difference in the world. |