Author has written 5 stories for Vampire Academy. I take requests for one-shots, two-shots, one-digit-number-shots. Rose's engagement ring in I Guess It Happens Chapter 18: http:///images/channel_set_wedding_band_silver_ring.bmp I'm accepting Beta requests. Hi, i'm Lydia! I'm 18, residing in Singapore. It's a little sunny island in Asia. Currently double majoring in Maritime Business and Maritime Law. I have a side interest in psychology as well. There's nothing much about myself. I enjoy reading, and i'm in love with comedy. I have developed an interest with golf as well. Most of the ideas, including jokes, are really what happened in my life. You see, I come from a family full of jokers and I myself became one. My best friend and I are known by all our lecturers and schoolmates as the jokers. Why? Because simply, we can. Like Charlie Chaplin once said, A day without laughter is a day wasted. I live by that statement, which is why I poke fun and make jokes anyway I can. I love making people laugh, it makes me laugh as well. But I understand that it's not always all fun and games. There are serious times too. I'm open to prompts for one shots, and ideas for my stories. Or simply, if you have any ideas and want to see them in a short story, i'll be more than happy to write them and give you full credit for the idea. I've been absent from Fanfiction for a very long time, and I sincerely apologize for that. I've been incredibly busy, with minimal time left to start writing again. But I thank you for you endless support, and hopefully, I'll start again soon. |