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![]() Author has written 29 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Scooby Doo, Thor, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Lone Ranger, Looney Tunes, Incredible Hulk, and Hell Girl. May not be continuing After the Metarex. I have repeatedly gotten complaints and insults about my story from someone named jsw that keeps ordering me to rewrite it and either remove or kill Tails' parents because he hates them. He has been banned from several forums I go to, but continues to send abuse reports to the administrators complaining that I won't listen to him. I don't need some crazed cyberbully harrassing me over a story. I am currently looking into moving. The idiot next door has made threats, thrown manure and other trash all over my yard, cut my telephone wire, defaced my house, committed hate crimes against me, and the police have told me to stop wasting their time calling them. Anyone tells you the police care about people and upholding the law, they're wrong. I've shown proof of crimes being committed on my property and the cops just walked away without saying a word. After I have moved I will post exactly where this is happening and why you should avoid this dirty stinking town with its dirty stinking cops. I'd like to warn everyone with a forum to be very careful who you allow to become a moderator. A friend of mine made someone they didn't know moderator, and a few minutes later her entire forum of over 4,000 posts was deleted. Warning: If someone calls on you on the phone and says they need to fix your computer or it will crash, and you didn't call anyone about your computer, hang up! It's a scam artist. Somebody is writing a long flame against TailsxCosmo fans and TailsxCream fans fighting each other that I find just plain mean spirited, and because I said it's mean spirited I've been accused of fanning the flames of fighting between the groups. Their response was clearly based on what they want to believe people that disagree with them think instead of what I actually said. I don't want to see TailsxCosmo and TailsxCream fans fighting, which this writer seems to think anyone disagreeing with their flame wants. I certainly don't want to see Cosmo and Cream, two best friends, fighting, and if they believe their "story" showing fans how silly they are is going to make them stop arguing about who to pair Tails with they're very sadly mistaken. In fact it's probably going to have Taismo and Taiream fans even angrier since it insults both groups. Someone I know received an anonymous flame from someone called TLC. I suspect it's someone trying to get me in trouble on this site. Let me assure everyone, I don't send anonymous reviews and I don't abbreviate my name to TLC in them. If you get one it's not me! How is it that Yu-Gi-Oh can talk about graveyards and show skulls, and TMNT Back to the Sewer can have April and Casey talk about marriage, but Tails couldn't tell Cosmo he loved her, and Shadow seems to have died because we couldn't see a flower on a grave? And did you notice how episode 78 is more than a minute shorter than other episodes? They couldn't use one minute of that long opening with Vanilla and the Chaotix or Amy and Cream? Interesting fact about the Adam West Batman show. At the time Arkham Asylum hadn't been invented yet. So in one episode what mental hospital do they send Bruce Wayne to thinking he's gone crazy? Happy Acres. Holy two tailed foxes, Batman! Now, now, Robin. One shouldn't judge a person on physical deformities. You know what's frustrating? Trying to figure out details about Cosmo's people. TMS told us next to nothing. Seedrian isn't even their official species name. They never bothered to give them one. Seedrian was coined by a fan. All we know is, unknown invaders attacked them (possibly Molly's people, but they talked like the Metarex had started it,) the king went crazy, turned his soldiers into monsters, the queen ran away with all of the women, tried to kill the monsters, the king and four others survived as Darth Vader-like cyborgs, and they attacked and killed the women, except for Cosmo. The males seemed to love violence and weaponry, while the females seemed peaceful and in touch with nature. Everything else is guessed at. Some people have suggested Lucas/Dark Oak had a relationship with Hertia/Earthia, and her children were also his. Yet he had no problem having Scar Ship (actually named something like Death Ship in Japan) destroy his wife and children. What about the other Metarex? Did they have wives, children, sisters, mothers on the ship? Did any of them try to save them? Did they succeed? And how would Dark Oak have reacted to their attempts? TMS and Sega gave us a lot of questions, but no answers. At the very least, we deserve a major Metarex video game. Cosmo should appear in 3-D at least once. If Sega does bring Cosmo back some day, do all of the stories about Tails suffering because she's gone become pointless? I'm willing to let After the Metarex become redundant if Cosmo starts making video game appearances, how do other writers feel about this. Four more chapters of How Not to Learn Hobbies are planned for the spring carnival. I need more ideas for this one! After the carnival, I have fishing, wrestling, ice skating, the Olympics, and that's it! Maybe Cosmo will finally do something right. Or not. This series is probably about half finished. One more chapter of Cosmo and Tails Meet the Incredible Hulk!, and Sonic X Final Cast Party, and two chapters of Scooby Doo. These three should all be finished...eventually. I know, I'm way behind in everything! Please stand by. Amy Rose's New School may run six or seven more chapters. Ghost Story will run until I run out of story ideas. Gee, can you tell I like haunted house stories? Stories planned for the future: Sonic Meets Cthulhu (now called The Shadow Over Mobius): Amy finds the Necronomicon, and tries to use its spells to make Sonic fall in love with her. What was she thinking?! In his house in R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. 6 or more chapters. Chapter two being slowly worked on. Supernatural/Horror This was planned out years ago as a story about Disney characters. I completed about half of the story back then, but never put it out anywhere. Can Cream and Cosmo face the demon coming for Amy while Sonic, Tails, and the others look for help? Who is Hieronymous Jade? Unnamed Blaze the Cat story: Blaze comes from the future. So naturally, she's curious about who her ancestors in Sonic's time period are. But what if her ancestor turns out to be...Big?! Starting soon. May be only 2-3 parts. Humor/Family Unnamed Avengers story: The Avengers just got together. Team includes Thor, Iron Man (in his clunky old gold armor), Ant-Man, the Wasp, and the Hulk. Villains include Skull-Face, a walking skeleton! Starting soon. 5 parts. Adventure/Suspense Unnamed Bokkun and Cream story: Bokkun has no idea who he was before he was roboticized. When he gets a message from people claiming to be his family, he's overjoyed, and goes to see them, taking Cream with him. But what if Bokkun's family are not at all nice creatures, and Cream is now in danger? The serious side to Crazy In Love Or Just Plain Crazy? How big is Bokkun's family? You've seen how Cream's mom treats Bokkun. How will Bokkun's mom treat Cream? "Bokkun? What's hasenpfeffer?" 4 or more chapters. Beginning very soon. Suspense/Adventure What? A serious drama about Cream and Bokkun?! Does anyone know what sort of creature Muu-chan in Tactics is? There's a strong resemblance between her and Bokkun, making me think they may be the same type of goblin. Cream Meets Kikuri has proven to be unpopular, and may be rewritten from a cross-over into a one-shot based on this story with my fan characters replacing the devils. Starting soon. Unnamed future story: Everyone and their children gather for a tenth wedding anniversary. But there's a party crasher that might just destroy an until now happy marriage. Unnamed Rouge story: Does Rouge love Knuckles? Should she? Or is she just opening her heart up to suffering? My first fan character: Name: Simon Prower (nicknamed Sanguine the Sensational) Species: Fox, orange-red in color Age: 18 Outfit: Always dresses like a stage magician, including top hat and cape that sometimes glows like it has chaos emerald fragments in it (maybe it does?) Powers: Magician tricks. Tails finds him in his fridge. When he closes the door, then opens it, he's gone! Then he finds him in his cupboard. Limited chaos control maybe? Personality: Lazy, disrespectful, takes nothing seriously, just plain annoying! Friends: Not many (Rouge may like him, but then again, this might be just to make Knuckles jealous) Enemies: Amy and Knuckles, anyone else that take themselves too seriously, feels that Sonic has stolen his brother from him, but does nothing to make Tails like him more. Appearance: Looks like an older, orange-red Tails with a pencil-thin mustache (may be fake) Back story: When Tails' parents disappeared years ago, Simon was completely overwhelmed by trying to take care of himself and Tails, so he left him with Sonic. He shows up every once in a while, annoys Tails' friends, eats him out of house and home, but at least he'll go over to Eggman's house and annoy him too. Just ran Sanguine through the Mary-Sue Test for the fun of it. He came out too original to be a Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu or whatever. Apparently his originality is based on the fact that he's unpopular with the canon characters and isn't in love with his reflection. Do those two points apply to that many fan characters? Sanguine will be leaving Tails' Story in a few more chapters, but he'll be back for the sequel. I know, he's done nothing but complain and sleep since Amy yelled at him at the beach. His crazy behavior doesn't belong in the rest of Tails' Story. Expect this story to start getting depressing again soon. Second fan character: Name: Debbie Species: Cat/human Age: Same as Tails, but as tall as Amy Outfit: Always wears red and white Powers: None known. In fact, when she first sees Eggman, she panics. Well, she's great at climbing trees. Personality: Feels she's ugly and no one would want to be her friend, so she's depressed a lot Friends: Amy, Cream, Tails Enemies: Anyone who says she's funny looking. Appearance: Looks like a cross between Blaze the Cat and Zoey in Mew Mew Power. Back story: Debbie looks too human to be accepted by animals, but too animal-like to be accepted by humans, and this has made her sure that she's some sort of freak. When Amy sets her up with Tails, and he says he's not interested, she takes it to mean he's saying she's too weird looking for him to like her. Sanguine will be hanging around for awhile, but if no one likes Debbie she's gone. Let me know if you'd like to see her again. If two more people mention her she'll be back. Third fan character: Name: Ginger Species: Monkey Appearance: Long, prehensile tail she can use to hang upside-down with, grab people, and use weapons. Personality: See Tails' Story chapter 18 Other info: Vector sets her up with Tails. Poor Tails! Stupid Vector! Fan Character Group: Monster Hunters This is a family of ghost busters and their friends. Details incomplete, but will include: Name: Ringo Species: Cat Age: Same as Tails Relatives: Anzu and Momo (sisters) Weapon/Powers: Magic axe with wind powers Name: Anzu (Ringo's twin sister) Species: Cat Age: Same as Tails Weapon/Powers: Magic sword with electrical powers Name: Momo Species: Cat Age:5 Weapon/Powers: Magic wand allows her to cast various magic spells Name: Scorch Species: Demon Age: Appears about 12, but is actually over 100 Powers: Claws, fangs, firebreath, sorcery Name: Wisp Species: Human ghost (Momo usually tells people she has an imaginary playmate until she knows they can handle seeing a ghost) Age: 10 when she died Powers: Intangibility, psychic powers They first turn up in Sonic Hundred Ghost Story, then expect them to drag Tails into a monster hunt in a story I haven't even started planning yet! Note that each of them has an arch enemy, not yet developed. Name: Holly Species: ? Age: Two years younger than Cream Back story: Can't say yet, but she has a connection to a major character, even though they've never met. Powers: Unknown...so far! Name: Glow Species: Mink Age: 4 Powers: Able to glow in the dark, some degree of super strength Back story: Captured by agents of Doctor Eggman, Glow was forced to work in a rock quarry. She originally mistook Sonic for Metal Sonic. First appeared in After the Metarex: Sonic's Story. Anybody want her annoying Sonic again? Name: Boris Species: Badger Age: 11 Powers: Super strength enough to pick up a horse Name: Harvey Species: Ocelot Age: 10 Powers: Can create fireworks that cause little real damage except to an opponent's vision Name: Heather Species: Hedgehog Age: Same as Tails Powers: Unknown Back story: Heather is a mutant hedgehog with four arms who has been mistreated her entire life. She met Tails during the brief time he was hospitalized after the death of Cosmo. Extremely bitter, and possibly not quiet right, what will happen when she gets free? Pink Andromeda Species: Seedrian Relatives: Galaxina (mother,) Red Pine (father,) Cosmo (aunt,) Hertia (grandmother) Back story: Unknown Powers: Unknown Black Rose: This character will occasionally be mentioned in some of my Sonic stories. Who is the Black Rose? Keep reading! This character will be closely connected to major characters...eventually. The Black Rose's sister appeared in the Sonic Daily Comic. |