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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Legend of Zelda, and Breath of Fire. Avatar: WANTED Navi is wielding Mr. Cricket Bat...yeah I know I suck at drawing Name: It's...a secret :P Birthday: 19th June, 1993 Age: 19, I can legally buy alchohol...and MUFFINS!!! :3 Gender: Male...last time I looked anyway. Star Sign: Gemini...I always knew I had an evil twin...COOL!! Physical Description: Stories: Hyrule Games: In Progress. Starting to write chapter 21. Dark Origins: Complete Shattered Courage: Complete Blade of Mirrors: This one is on hiatus and I don't know when I will work on it again. When I do I am planning on re-writing the chapters as I am not pleased with how the plot has progressed. Things that I will redo will include. I am working on an idea for a new story involving an epic adventure, random stupidity, a crazy goddess and a completely deranged author. Title is undecided as well as several characters, bosses, places etc. I hope to get this one out when I am done with Hyrule Games. Until then everyone must eat MUFFINS :3 Something About Me: Favourite Games: I always play new games so I'm hoping to update this list soon. Favourite Books / Comics: Dragonlance, The Inheritance Series, Rangers Apprentice, Deltora Quest (first series I ever read), Farseer Trilogy, The Tawny Man, Riftwar Saga and really any book written by Raymond E. Fiest, Artemis Fowl, The Key to Rondo, Trinity, Spear Weilders Tale, Dragonvarld Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Rowan of Rin, Sherman's Lagoon, Hagar the Horrible, B.C, Crock, Footrot Flats. I always read new books so hopefully this list will grow larger. Favourite Animes: Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero), Moon Phase, School Rumble, Love Hina, Shuffle!, Negima!?, Chobits, Kodocha, Kampfer, Full Metal Alchemist, Avatar, Inukami, DearS, Sekerei, Omamori Himari, Pokemon (still no shame), Ladies vs Butlers, Naruto, One Piece, Ao No Exorcist, The Legend of Legendary Heroes (it's legendary), Trigun, Highschool of the Dead, Kore wa Zombie desu. There's lots more but I can't remember the names. I continually look for more good animes so hopefully this list will grow much larger. Favourite Bands / Music Artists: Skyhooks, AC/DC, Cold Chisel, Billy Joel, Meatloaf, Choir Boys, Guns 'n' Roses, Led Zepplin, Grinspoon, Greenday, Nickleback, Linkin Park, Tripod, The Offspring, Bryan Adams. There's lots more but I can't remember the names. I can't really stand all this modern music. Sometimes you get a somewhat good one but mostly all of them are about the same thing with people screeching out lyrics like dying cats. Honestly, it drives me crazy. I stick with good old Rock and other classic music. What can I say? I just enjoy the days when people could sing about something original and at least make an effort to hide their language. Screaming f*ck and sh*t over the music isn't my idea of a great song. My Favorite Superhero: It's Bat Man, no it's Spider Man waaaait a second...it's Spat Man!! Thing I Hate The Most: If you have read my stories you will probably think that Navi is the thing that I hate the most. Well she's not even though that little fairy can be extremely annoying and useless. There is someone out there who is even more annoying and useless than Navi and it is that someone that I hate the most...Barney the Dinosaur. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNN!! Now for a little word of wisdom from your friendly neighbourhood author (me!)...none of these were created by me: Pokemon OC: Name: Kenta Hammer Personality: A generally care free and laid back kind of guy, Kenta likes to relax and joke around with friends. Kenta really loves being with his Pokemon out on the open road, experiencing and overcoming whatever challenges life throws at them. He also has a slightly perverted nature (think of Brock) which can sometimes land him in some compromising situations. Every day Attire (Clothes): Wears a black, button up cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbows; faded, comfortable jeans; black converse sneakers; a silver watch worn on the left wrist; has contact lenses. Career: Trainer Relationship with main OC in other stories: Friend if possible but I don't mind him being a rival as long as it's one of those friendly rivalries as compared to "I hate you and I'm going to beat you at everything" type rivalry. Pokemon: Training/Treatment of Pokemon: Kenta trains his Pokemon with patience and respect. He loves his Pokemon (especially Ace) and will do his best for them no matter the situation. If they lose a battle or don't perform well, Kenta just encourages his Pokemon and congratulates them on doing their best. Character Skills: Character Fears: Character Weaknesses/Flaws: (Need three) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Stop Flamers Now! No more shall we tolerate flamers that flame for stupid reasons such as for pairings, who wrote the story, and just because they can! Copy and paste this into your profile if you want to join the organization called "Stop Flamers Now!" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If you support odd pairings and have NO explanation as to why, copy and post this to your page. If you're tired of Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers, and High School Musical, copy and paste this to your page. If you are obsessed with anime, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever spent a long amount of time looking for something that you were holding/wearing, copy this to your profile If you have ever said something that has nothing to do with the current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile If you get a kick out of explosions, copy and paste this to your profile. (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!) If you are a Nintendo fan to your very core, copy and paste this into your profile.(Nintendo for LIFE!) If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy and paste this into your profile. If your obsessed with dragons, foxes, wolves and fantasy copy and paste this in your profile Ninety-five percent of teenagers are concerned about being popular. If you are one of the five percent who aren't, copy and paste this into your profile. 92 percent of teenagers would die if Abercrombie and Fitch told them it wasn't cool to breathe. Put this in your profile if you would be part of the 8 percent laughing your ass off. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. If you know a video game/book/movie/anime/manga character or weapon that need(s) to exist, copy and paste this into your profile. Milk tastes good. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile! If you've ever had a mad laughing fit for no reason, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. .eliforp ruoy otni etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI If you are weird, insane, crazy, odd, not-normal, a freak of nature, psychotic, random or anything similiar, copy this into your profile. If sometimes your fanfics seem to write themselves, copy this into your profile (it's the little gremlins) If you are obsessed with something so much you even scare yourself copy & paste this into your profile If you are the kind of person who gets excited when you get like two reviews, copy this into your profile If you hate those obnoxious preppy people PLEASE copy this in your profile. If you have ever slapped your self on the head and/or banged your head on a table then put this on your profile. If you are one of the few teens who don't have or want to have a myspace/facebook, copy and paste this into your profile 90 percent of teenagers can't do Math. If you are one of the 15 percent who can, copy and paste this into your profile. (haha lol) If you are a complete fan to the Legend of Zelda series/ or / Twilight Princess, copy & paste this to your profile. If you're THE The Legend of Zelda fan, copy and paste this into your profile. If you know some one who should be run over by a bus,copy this to your profile. (the list goes is endless) If you have music in your soul, post this on your profile. If you wish you were in a different world, copy this into your profile. If you and your friends have a nickname, title, or anything else for each other, copy and paste this in your profile. If your friends are weird (But not as weird as you) put this on your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy and paste this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, StarDragon411, Mystic Katt, TrueThinker, Softballgirl9411, Witchdoctor42, crocgirl2815, mewmewice, Kin756894, Shadows of the Storm, DarthRevanShepard, LinkHammer If you think that Writer's Block blows (sucks),copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive minutes,copy and paste this into your profile. If you have/had a scary crush on a book, anime, or game character, then copy and post this into your profile. If you or your best friend (s) is insane, copy this into your profile. If you hate homework,copy and paste this into your profile. Paste this in your profile if you have ever seen a ghost or something supernatural. If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are aware that so many people nowadays pretend to be someone they're not, copy this into your profile. Admitting you are weird means you are normal. Saying that you are normal is odd. If you admit that you are weird and like it, copy this onto your profile. If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile. Put This In Your Profile If You're Still 5 Inside...No Matter How Old You Are Now (YAAAAY!!) If you have WAY too much time on your hands and your on fanfiction.net with that time, copy and paste this in your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile. 98 percent of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy and paste this in your profile. If you have ever said something that has nothing to do with the current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile If you have ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile. If you're hyper, like being hyper, and are hyper all the time, COPY THIS INTO YOUR PROFILE! If you think that writing fanfics is fun, put this in your profile! Recent studies show that 92 percent of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you are the 8 percent that have stayed with rock, put this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy this into your profile. If you and your friend break out into song in a public area, put this into your profile. 98 of the internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2 that can resist stupid fads, copy and paste this into your profile Everyone knows how to be good. Everyone knows how to bad. Some people be bad to have fun others because they hate being good. If your one of the few people who like being good MOST of the time then put this on your profile. If you have weird friends put this on your profile. If YOU are weird, put this on your profile. If you have ever fallen down the staris, put this on your profile. If you don't watch Laguna Beach or the O.C.C. or The Hills, never have, never will, and are proud of it, put this on your profile. (I've never heard of those TV shows in my entire life) Everyone has problems, things that don't go as planned, days that they don't want to think of again. Some are worse than others, but we just have to remember, you're not the only one. If you agree, put this on your profile. If you have ever gotten hit in the face with a ball and then started to laugh your ass off, put this on your profile. If you have ever run into a tree, copy this to your profile! If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile If you have ever stayed up for over 40 hours continuously just because you frickin' could, copy this into your profile. If you've ever tried to put your hair behind your ears and ended up poking yourself in the eye, copy this into your profile. 98 percent of teenagers drink or have been around alcohol, put this in your profile if you like MUFFINS! If you don't agree with war copy and paste this into your profile. If you could read that put it in your profile If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer. |