Author has written 50 stories for NCIS, Taggart, Harry Potter, Island at War, Sound of Music, Once Upon a Time, Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Smallville, and Madam Secretary. I'm a big fan of a happy ending. Don't get me wrong I love some angst, but I'm a softie at heart and life is depressing enough at times without making fiction depressing on top. That being said I like something to be realistic, unless you're classing it as supernatural, then it's fine. That's another thing I secretly love. I love writing something from a supernatural aspect and I just wish I had plot bunnys for it more often. I'm more than happy to recieve feedback on my stories and that includes criticism, which I think is important when it comes to improving my writing skills. So as long as it's fair and not a flame, which is never helpful, then I don't mind. I hate and I mean HATE my earlier work, it makes me cringe at times. But I refuse to delete them because then I can't look back and remind myself what not to do. However one story in particular I loathe and at times I have found myself sorely tempted. I have to admit that I'm not the best at answering reviews, although I appreciate them all. However if you ask a question in a review or send a PM then I will get back to you as quickly as I can. Stories in Progress or Possible Upcoming Stories All NCIS stories that remain up and are incomplete are going to remain that way. I haven't watched the show in years - not even repeats - and so I have lost my ability to even attempt to write the characters. For the meantime I'm leaving them up as they are but they may one day be removed. As for every other story I have on the go, of which they're are many, they will be sporadically updated as and when my muse strikes. I know that's not helpful but they are all still ongoing at least. |