Since I was meant to be studying, I decided that this was a more effective use of my time, lol. This is really just smut for the sake of smut, idle hands really are the devil's plaything. That and I'm stuck with When it Rains so I couldn't procrastinate with that. Hope you enjoy :)

For the purposes of this story Jenny and Gibbs are having a relationship of sorts.

The moment her front door clicked shut, Jennifer Sheppard let her bag drop to the floor and only just resisted the urge to kick it across the floor. Shrugging off her jacket while simultaneously kicking off her heels, Jenny reflected on her day.

It hadn't been one giant catastrophe that had caused this black mood. No, it had been a culmination of small annoyances which on their own wouldn't have caused more than a small grumble, but combined had left her antsy, restless and tense. These annoyances had included but were not exclusive to; Cynthia phoning in sick, a terse conversation over budget concerns with Sec Nav, the heel on her favourite shoes snapping and Jethro seeing fit to piss off one of the JAG attorneys which led to her getting her ear chewed off about his attitude, yet again. The final straw however had been an operation into a weapons ring in the middle east coming up blank, with it looking as though the perpetrators had been tipped off. Knowing that this was going to result in yet another conversation with Sec Nav, Jenny had called it a day and headed home without her usual stack of papers - she was in no mood to even look at them tonight, never mind read them.

Rolling her neck and listening to it crack in protest at the movement, she quickly decided that a hot shower was needed. Abandoning her clothes in a pool outside the cubicle Jenny stepped under the hot spray, waiting for the heat to seep into her muscles and the tension to ease. Ten minutes later she was still waiting. Letting out a near snarl of annoyance she reached instead for the shampoo and briskly worked first that and then the conditioner into her hair, but it was to no avail, she still felt on edge and was having to force herself not to clench her jaw.

In a last ditch attempt to wind down she worked her fingertips into the bunched up muscles of her shoulders, only to find that if anything that just exacerbated the problem. Finally she admitted defeat and gave up.

Jenny quickly got dried and blasted her hair with the dryer and then wrapping her thin silk robe around herself, she headed downstairs in search of a sleeping pill. Knowing that otherwise she'd be tossing and turning all night long.

Sprinting down the stairs, she ground to a sudden halt halfway down when she noticed the light eking out from underneath her study door. Frowning, she moved closer and slowly pushed the door, letting it swing open to reveal Jethro lounging casually on her sofa, glass of bourbon in his hand. Letting out an irate sigh, her voice broke the ensuing silence, "I don't remember issuing an invitation to you tonight."

A throaty chuckle escaped from his lips before he replied, "Because I've always waited for one."

"What are you doing here?"

"You've had a stressful day-"

Jenny interrupted him, "Which you added to."

He gave a small shrug and replied easily, "Well maybe that's why I'm here, to make up for my part in it."

Jenny rubbed at her forehead, she really wasn't up to any verbal sparring at the moment, she just wanted to relax and sleep.

Gibbs watched the almost jerky movement of her arm, it contrasted greatly with her normal elegance and grace. He'd seen the strain on her face when she'd left the office earlier and had wanted to check on her, wanted to get her to relax and rest for a change. Reaching up, he tugged her down onto the sofa beside him, and offered her his glass. She took the glass and drained the remaining liquid before placing it back on the table. Ignoring his raised eyebrow, she pushed herself back to her feet and headed to her desk drawer.

Gibbs frowned as she pulled out the foil packet, getting to his feet he moved behind her and whipped it out of her hand before she had the chance to react. "Sleeping pills, I thought you'd stopped taking these."

"I have for the most part, but I want to sleep Jethro, and so tonight I need these."

He gave an inelegant snort, replying, "What you need is to relax. These," he held them up. "Won't do that."

"And you have a better idea?"

Flashing her one of his rare smiles, he inclined his head towards her. "As it happens, yes."

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Just give me back the damn pills."

"Not yet. But if I can't get you to fall asleep, completely relaxed in the next hour I'll give them back. Do we have a deal?"

Jenny considered arguing, but not only did she not really have the energy, she was also intrigued by his offer. She tilted her head and grinned up at him challengingly. "Deal."

His smile widened, and placing his hand in the curve of her lower back he pulled her closer to him, his lips brushing lightly over hers. "I'll be up in a few minutes, you go ahead."

She shot him an odd look but complied nonetheless, moving slowly out of the room, her gown swaying enticingly around her bare legs. Gibbs smiled at the sight, waiting until she was gone before tucking the pills into the inside of his jacket pocket, confident that she wouldn't be needing them.

Pausing at the stairs, he hung his jacket over the banister and kicked off his shoes and socks before moving quietly and determinedly up the stairs. He paused in the doorway, his lips curving into a faint smile at the sight of Jenny sitting on the edge of her bed, her legs crossed and one foot tapping agitatedly. Gibbs moved closer and she stood up. His smile deepened and he reached out to run one finger along the silken lapel of her dressing gown. "Nice as this is," he muttered deeply. "It's going to have to come off."

The briefest flash of impatience flittered momentarily across her face before her nimble fingers undid the sash and she shrugged off her only item of clothing. Despite her black mood, the sight of him staring unashamedly at her naked form, dragged a small smile from her and gave her a slight ego boost on top of it.

He nodded towards the bed. "Lie down on your front," he told her firmly.

Jenny eyed him for the briefest moment before complying, taking great care to make sure her movements were easy and graceful as she stretched herself out along the bed. Crossing her arms she propped her chin up on top of them and shot him a look over her shoulder.

Gibbs let his gaze drift over her languid form, noting that even with the amount of effort she was putting into looking relaxed, her form wasn't as supple as it usually was. He waited until she had removed her gaze from him and was staring at the headboard before making his next move.

She felt the bed dip as he moved on it, and felt the brush of denim against both sides of her hips as he settled over her. His firm, calloused hands brushed firmly up her back, one on either side of her spine before brushing out over her shoulders, his fingers seeking out the largest knots and soothing them. Jenny gave a small murmur at the action and arched into the contact, feeling the tension finally start to fade.

Once he'd worked out every knot in her shoulders, she felt him shift again. Making to lift her head, she paused when she felt him grasp one calf and prop it onto his shoulder, his fingers working out any tension in there before switching to the opposite leg.

Gradually she began to relax, although as pleasant as this interlude had been, she was still dubious about it getting her mind to switch off enough for her to sleep.

However when his attention switched to her thighs, Jenny felt the tension rise again - only this one was of a completely different sort. She let a muffled groan out into her fore-arm before lifting her head to look at him. "Jethro that isn't helping."

Gibbs smirked at her, asking, "Really?" As his thumbs swept even further up.

Attempting to repress the shiver that had just traversed her spine, Jenny attempted a glare - although she could tell from his face that it wasn't the least bit intimidating. "No," she bit out. "It's not. You're just putting me more on edge."

He smiled at that, commenting mildly, "Well I'll just have to do something about that." His hands still continuing their pursuit, even as his head dipped forward to trail his mouth down her spine.

Jenny was just about to give another protest when she felt his hands shift and curve round her stomach, brushing upwards until they cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing across nipples that peaked easily under the attention. She subdued a moan, as his mouth nuzzled into her neck. Just as she arched into his attentions, a thought occurred to her and her eyes shot open. Flipping round so that she was on her back, she glared up at him, snapping accusingly, "You planned this all along."

Gibbs gave a small, throaty chuckle as he nodded, lowering his head so his lips touched her ear, he told her quietly, "This type of tension's a lot easier to get rid of, Jen."

"Is that a fact?" She replied, trying and failing to suppress the glint of amusement in her green eyes.

"Well known one."

Winding one arm around his neck, Jenny pulled herself into sitting position and pulled his head towards her, capturing his lips with her own in an almost bruising kiss. Breaking apart for a moment she shot him a brief smirk before turning her attention to removing his clothing.

Gibbs allowed her, this moment of dominance deciding that it could actually work out to his advantage as he shifted his hips to facilitate the removal of his pants. He smirked to himself as she kissed him again, although it turned into another expression entirely when she pressed her lips to the hectic pulse at his throat as her fingers explored the more definitive ridge of his growing erection.

He fell back on the bed, his head landing on the pillows watching and waiting for the opportune moment to turn the tables. He got it when Jenny straddled his hips, before her hands could balance themselves on his chest, he curled his fingers tightly around her hips and tugged her firmly forward.

Jenny let out an undignified squeal of surprise as she felt her centre of gravity shift, her hands shot out in front of her in an attempt to grab something to steady herself with, finally grasping hold of the headboard. She glanced down to find that she was now hovering around Jethro's mouth as he looked triumphantly up at her. "Jethro! What on earth-"

The words died in her throat as his mouth began to caress her inner thigh, his hands tugging her further down to him as they stroked at the delicate skin covering her hip bones.

Jenny swallowed heavily as his mouth moved higher, her eyes fluttering shut as his tongue ran teasingly over her labia before dipping into the wet heat in-between, causing a strangled moan to escape from her.

Her breathing became even heavier as his tongue moved upwards still, and she jerked and cried out when his tongue made contact with her clit, flicking at the underside of it insistently before backing away. She felt him pause and glanced downward, her muscles clenching when she saw him, head between her legs, something she found turned her on a lot more from this angle.

Then his tongue thrust into her and she cried out as it moved, her knuckles turning white as a result of the death grip she had on the headboard and she struggled to keep control.

She was almost there when he stopped again, one hand trailing down from her waist. Jenny's back arched as two of his fingers entered her, moving until they found the spot that had her panting. As his tongue turned it's attention back to her clit, teasing it mercilessly, his fingers rubbed and twisted inside of her. Broken moans that were only interspersed by the almost incoherent babbling of his name fell from her lips as one hand moved to tangle in Gibbs short hair in an attempt to urge him on.

Finally it was just too much sensation and she snapped, a low howl was pulled from her lips as she contracted around him, her vision blurring at the edges.

He eased her back from the edge, avoiding the over-sensitized bundle of nerves in favour of nuzzling the soft, damp skin of her inner thighs instead. Only a few moments had passed before she felt him shift, and she glanced down to see that he was moving out from under her. She was just about to shift when she felt him behind her, his hands clamping down either side of her. Turning her head so that her still dazed green eyes met with his darkened blue as he answered her unspoken question, "I'm not finished. I don't think you're relaxed enough yet." With that he lowered his mouth to hers, his hand curling almost possessively around her chin, his tongue brushing against hers.

Jenny felt the arousal in her stomach flare up again as she tasted herself in his kiss and his fingers gently pinched her nipple before rolling it between his fingers.

Gibbs tilted her forward slightly as he pushed slowly inside her, his mouth moving to the exposed line of her neck as her head fell backwards against his shoulder, her chest heaving in an effort to drag in more breath.

He gave her a moment to let her adjust before moving again, thrusting as deep as he could, one hand continuing to torment a nipple as the other curved around her stomach, holding her in place.

Letting out a low hiss of pleasure, Jenny tightened her muscles around him as he attempted to move back out. Her eyes met his as he let out a strangled moan, her look triumphant as his lips took hers again. Her neck ached as she continued to kiss him from that angle, but she refused to stop. Eventually the need for breath overtook them and she pulled back, gasping into his cheek as his thrusts grew in both force and speed.

Gibbs felt her muscles flutter around him and knew that she was close. As they fluttered again, he felt every muscle in his body tense in an effort not to surrender to her tight heat. He gritted his teeth determinedly and trailed his hand from her breast to her clit, his arm around her stomach tightening as she bucked when he rubbed his thumb over it. A strangled cry escaped her and the flutters deepened into contractions as she came. Giving into the sensation, he let himself go, following her into oblivion barely even cognizant of the groans that were escaping from him.

When it was all over he fell onto his side, pulling her with him. He heard her sigh contentedly as she curved her back into his chest, her languid form only just managing a small shudder as he pulled out of her.

Leaning over her, Gibbs smirked as he watched heavy eyes flutter shut and listened to her breathing even out. Settling down beside her, he placed a soft kiss to her shoulder and muttered, "Sleeping pills my ass."