Author has written 4 stories for Lord of the Rings.
Well, it's nearing the two year anniversary of my writing time on I must say it's been very fun and muchly ego-lifting to have input from all of you who ever reviewed or put me on your favorites or author alert lists. However, I signed on this morning to find that the admin had deleted six of my fics. They were these:
Yet Another Lord of the Rings Alternate Script Yet Another Two Towers Alternate Script Yet Another Harry Potter Alternate Script v2.0 Battle of the Little Magic Dudes Frodo's Excellent Adventure Lord of the Rings, Western Style! The reason for the removals was this:
Main reason for removal: "Not allowed: mst, chat, real person based, interactive, etc." Which none of those were. And, wouldn't I have needed to be "reported" in order for those to be removed? The first Lord of the Rings script has been on for nearly two years. Why was it removed now? A couple hundred of reviews went with the removals, as well as my patience, and my desire to stay on this site. I will continue to write, of course, as it is my passion, but I won't update here any longer. Probably the rest of my stories will be removed under the same "reasons" as the other was. I have a website, http://, and also a LJ (http:///users/kate_andy) where I will continue to update. If you want to find my writing, it will be there. I've been writing on this website since I was fifteen years old, I'm nearly eighteen now and I'm rather upset that this had to happen now. I don't understand it and I don't pretend to, but I'm not going to put up with my fics, which have broken no rules, being removed. So this is my goodbye. See ya around. -Caitlin (Soyotome)