Author has written 18 stories for Naruto, Higurashi/Umineko series, Twilight, Anime X-overs, Ouran High School Host Club, Harry Potter, and Left 4 Dead. This author was made in the USA and is shipped all around as her life goes on. She is most receptive to good music, good concerts, artwork, writing, baking, trippy, mindscrewy, and/or clever movies, and a story well told. Sometimes she has to play a song over and over again to get the scene right. She is not big on shipping wars, and sees them as a waste of time. She will not ostracize a work for its pairings; what really matters is how believably they're written, not who is getting with who. The only pairings she really dislikes are incest and pairings that abide to the words, "Rape is love."LGBT couples are a-okay. She enjoys a good old chat, too, and if you really need someone to talk to, just know that you can PM her anytime. Really. Thank you for reading. My FictionPress Account: For readers of The Ambiguous Sexuality Of Sasuke & Other Tales: http:///gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d3k76g1 This is important. I apologize to my readers, but at least for the time being, I am going to leaving my fanfiction to work on original stories. I have realized that my strengths lie moreso in creating original characters and worlds rather than working within the limits of someone else's universe. It has been a good run, and I thank you all for sticking with me. I don't expect this to last forever-I have a couple of plot bunnies bouncing around, and they can't be put away for too long. Also, I am still available for beta reading. If there is anyone would like to continue writing The Ambiguous Sexuality Of Sasuke, please send me a PM. Jonathan is going to finally be starring in his (for the most part) own story, which will be posted on Fictionpress once I've completed it. Thank you all. 8/4/11 |
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