Author has written 24 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars. Lets see... Name: GwenithCoy Age: Silly! I'm a girl! Girls don't tell their age. Sex: Female Where abouts: good old USA Interests: Transformers, comic books, music, reading, writing, I love scary movies, hockey, hiking, sleeping in, you get the picture. Progress report: 11/05-
Thank you!! 08/06 - Hey everyone! I'm sorry but unless I'm struck with sudden intense inspiration, you won't be seeing much from me in the next month and half. Serious studying going down and writing time has been converted to study time. :( Sucks, but must be done. Wish me luck! 5/12- What I'll be working on in the next two weeks: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - I'm just starting on the next chapter. My goal is to have this chapter out by or before 5/27. There's a lot to this story, a lot of setting up for furure events in this chapter and a lot of dark DARK yandere. Hard Copy - I want to start working on this one again, it's on my list to hit up and start this week. Shattered Bliss - I actually only have one more chapter for this story and would like to get it out. I'll be working on this one as well as WISC. 04/10- Yeah, another's like some kind of record! OK, here's the deal. I keep getting asked if I'm working on this story or that story or when the next update will be. Don't get me wrong, anyone, I LOVE that people out there are THAT eager to read more of my stories. It's flat out awesome! However, as much as I love writing and posting stories, these take a good chunk of time to write. I have real life that likes to step in and totally mess up my writing schedule, I have work and family (these can be sources of stress at times too, which cuts into writing time), I have classes I'm studying for, friends, and various other projects I'm working on. My time can get REALLY divided. So if you come to my profile (and that's a BIG if) you'll know what stories I'm currently working on and here they are: 04/10/12- Surprises all around update - I, for the first time (to my knowledge anyway) have been plagiarized. I'd be angry if I weren't so darn amused! I don't see what I write as, you know, steal worthy, so worrying about someone plagiarizing my fics never really crossed my mind. I write these for fun and absolutely adore it when people read them or are so kind to comment (makes my day!) but to think someone would come along, snatch a fic of mine, add their own (rather shoddy, if I may say so) OC and OC's dialogue/interactions, as if that will somehow allow them to hide the fact they copied nearly word for word 90% of my fic. Silly plagiarizer! I'm sure there is nothing wrong with plagiarizer's imagination or ability to write. They simply need to do what we all do. Start off small, learn, practice. It will come to you. That said, I don't ever EVER want to discourage someone from reading a fic of mine, loving the idea, and trying their own hand at it. By all means, if anything I write totally trips your trigger and you want to write a fic about the same idea, go for it! I'm not selfish, I won't horde ideas or claim them as my own and say no one can touch. I only ever ask they people let me know, not because I think they will do me wrong, but because I want to read and enjoy their fic too. And know that that's out of the way, story updates...or kind of lack there of. Sadly, some stories are getting tabled for now. This means you probably won't see updates in a long while. Plot bunnies are crazy things, they come and go so quickly. I have soooooooooooo many things I want to write about. It's frustrating at times. So, a lot of my Prowl/Jazz fics have been tabled for now. I'll probably leave these alone for the next few months till summer. I love P/J...but, dang it, KO/BD consume my thoughts and it's their fics I'll be working to complete. I'll have everyone know the Kink Meme over on LJ is HUGELY responsible for my lack of updates. The flow of ideas, and writing for it does eat up a lot of my time. And because it's for the Kink Meme and contains things like sticky and various other 'things' I won't post here on FFN, I'm not posting as much on FFN. Now, if you are one of those close to my own heart (meaning you like the kink!), let me know and I'll show you were I hide all my kinky/dark/sexy fics. :) Last update - Thought I'd stop in here and give an update. My apologizes for my stories getting so few updates. Work has been long and I'm also studying for tests. It's taking a chunck out of me. My inspiration for writing has been low. Oddly enough, the plot bunnies have YET to leave me alone. This leaves me very frustrated. I have all kinds of ideas but either no time to write them or, worse, no inspiration. Bear with me, this will pass! I'm also working on cleaning up my stories. Grammar/spelling errors are my enemies! Also, I'm never, NEVER, opposed to people "poking" me alittle by sending me a "Hey! Hey! Where are you on this story?". Sometimes all I need is that poke to get my attention focused again. Not everytime (dang it!) but sometimes. Also, got ideas for stories you want to pitch to me? Please do! Send me a message. I can't promise anything but, again, sometimes that's all I need to get me on track and I love picking up ideas and prompts or trying something new. Story Progress. Where I'm at with what... Ball and Chain Chapter 3 is getting outlined. Blackmail Cycling Chaos Back burner at the moment. Hard Copy Chapter 3 is getting outlined. Honor Thy Father Oh hold at the moment, will pick up at a later date. If At First You Don't Succeed Technically completed. However, plot bunnies keep at me to do more on this...might in the future. It Took Only One Chapter 4 getting outlined. Lost and Found On Hold. Nightbeat This one is a "as the mood hits me" kinda story. Plot Bunnies Unleashed I have lots of plot bunnies but not currently working on anything right now...this is another "as the mood hits me" kinda thing. Seduced Via Saboteur I'm fighting with this one at the moment. I want to do more on it and soon. Should Have Known Better Outlined Chapter 4. I've got this kinda outlined through Chapter you guys have plenty more to look forward to! :) Still have writing troubles with this one. Standing on the Sideline Chapter 3 is outlined but on hold. The Pot Calls the Kettle Black Another that can be called complete but could get another chapter...inspiration and time will tell! The Replacements On Hold. Theres None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See Through the Looking Glass I want to do more with this. Am working on another chapter. To Make Right Complete Faction Rogue Was taken down and is under construction. |
Ghost of the Dawn (30) |