Author has written 3 stories for Brave, 2012, and Despicable Me. Hello everyone, I trust that you found your way here alright? Good. Well, then let me introduce myself, my pen name is Gam3rG1rl13 and this is my little corner of this massive fanfiction library. As you can see, I am a little sparse in my material at the moment. I used to have a slew of stories on the site, but since I feel that I had outgrown those early writings, I decided to begin anew. Brave is my obsession. That much is obvious. However, I also enjoy A host of other shows, movies, games and cartoons. Maybe someday I can share all of them with you. I have included a link to my deviant art account if you would like to see sketches of the older versions of the Brave characters from my story. I have Shae, Merida and Colin uploaded as well as a few random scenes and other ideas. And you are more than welcome to check out the rest of my gallery if you'd like. Sorry for the long delays in updates, but thank you for understanding. Peace and Blessings upon you. |
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