AN: Sorry been so lax with updating! Don't worry, I still love these stories. ^.^


"No I don't think it's weird."

"It's totally weird!" Lucy leaned in a bit, chuckling softly as her partner and date seemed to flush at her words. "I mean… a cardboard box? That's the best you could come up with as a helmet?"

"Vat do you expect I was eight!" Gru rushed his words, ready to defend himself. Lucy watched him with her tiny smirk growing, loving his reaction. "Not like et was weird though…"

The redhead tugged on his hand that was comfortably held in hers. "Partner, I'm teasing. I bet it was flippin' adorable."

Gru gave her a pressed smile, the low light of the half-moon making it barely visible. The pair was on their fourth date, a simple dinner and a walk around Lucy's side of town. With talks of their younger selves Lucy was surprised when they already arrived in front of the small apartment she called home.

Gru noticed, pausing in his step. Like other dates, he'd say his goodnight and walk her to the door. But Lucy was just curious about one thing; "Did you want to come up for some coffee?"

It's amazing how a mind can presume a million different ideas and things all in the blink of an eye. "Oh.." Gru started. What did she mean by coffee? Was this the code that he had heard of? Like in movies or shows, this was an invite for more wasn't it?

Gru shifted just barely in his stance, glancing from Lucy's inquiring eyes to the stairs close by. Just up one flight and he'd be at her door. Lucy was implying her move, wasn't she? Gru had seen enough Sex in the City episodes to know where this was going…

"Gru?" Her sweet voice reminded him of his baring's. He looked back to her, trying to put on a charming grin.

"Coffee vould be great."

This was his first time in her apartment. The woman had a feng shui all her own; but he didn't take much time to study the fine detail work in the paintings in the hallway. Gru was completely engrossed in the idea that Lucy had just invited him up for coffee and all he could think about was if he brought the right protection in his wallet.

"Eh, sorry about things being a little out of place." Lucy spoke, her hands moving to let her purse and keys rest on a side table. The door was shut- Gru knew there was no escape.

Not that he wanted an escape! Lucy was beautiful. Being around her made him smile in a new way entirely, sure he had been happy when he adopted the girls but now…

"Hey, no big deal." He shrugged, playing it off coolly. Yeah, be smooth Gru. "With three gurls you learn to appreciate more den a clean house."

Her smile was so sweet. "That's a good way to view it. C'mon. Kitchen's in here."

Wasn't that the pick-up line? The start of this romp? Lucy disappeared in a room down the hall, the light flooding the dark apartment as she hit the switch. Gru felt himself stuck in his spot. He wasn't used to this, dating, being invited up and the casual aspect of intimacy. He felt the back of his neck turn red as all he could start thinking about was how Lucy was going to want him to stay. While he cared about her- this wasn't all he wanted.

"Lucy.." He walked to the doorway, glancing inside. "I don't think dis is a good idea…"

Her face turned away from the stove to look at him. The stove was turned on, the kettle resting on the burner with a small thud. She looked as confused as he was. ", do what? Also is instant okay? I had a coffee machine once but it kinda short circuit on me and I had to get rid of it.."

His expression must have worried her. "Or would you want something without caffeine? I have some tea.. oh that has it too.." Her hand went to the cabinet; opening it up. "Green tea doesn't have much! Oh I forgot I had some chai.."

Relief swept over him. Lucy didn't want anything more than exactly what she said. Coffee. With him. He suddenly also started to feel ashamed for thinking something else entirely. Biting back all the emotions filling up inside of him the bald man just shook his head. "Coffee is fine!"

The redhead smiled and set up the mugs, her voice sounding excited. "So tell me again, you built an actual working rocket when you were nine?"

His pride kicked in. "Dat's right!" Gru moved to a seat, leaning back as he spoke. "Got to the highest level of de stratosphere before coming back down!"

Lucy turned with her hip resting on her counter. The water would take a few minutes to boil so she instead put her focus on him. "Where did it land?"

"Eh.." Pride diminished he instead put on a sheepish smile. "..Somewhere dat is no longer around now."

"Implying either you blew it up with that rocket or it was torn down over the years.." Her lips curled in a smirk; a tiny one that actually had Gru feel a little flushed.

"Let's not lose sight of de real picture!" The man grinned back, waving his hand while the other tucked under his arm. "Gru, de mastermind at nine."

Her laughter rang in the kitchen which sounded more like soft bells than anything to Gru. Maybe next time if she did offer him inside it would be different. But for now this was a perfect fourth date.