Author has written 18 stories for Supernatural. Hey, it's me! Thanks for taking the time to check my profile! As you might guessed already I'm from Germany, I'm 30 years old (well, my body's 30 years old, my mind sometimes switches back to the age of 8 or 10, especially when my son plays in his ball pit and I feel the need to jump right in it with him) and I'm what a shrink would call "obsessed": with a certain tv show of two brothers fighting evil sons of bitches. Well, shouldn't everyone aquire a vice? That language thing... I know, I'm taking the risk that people want to rip something out, too, their eyes maybe, when they read my stories. But I hope that the mistakes in grammar and spelling are kept to a minimum and in case you find one, you're willing to just ignore them because you're so riveted by the story itself. What do I write? That's it so far, you're not here to read about me, are ya. I hope you enjoy my woozy thoughts! Take care! Barbara |
gaelicspirit (75) glittergoddess13 (31) K Hanna Korossy (574) | MeAzrael (217) Mirrordance (75) Moonshayde (104) | ontara (15) Zatnikatel (16) |