Story type: Drabble (Word count: 100) | E/O Challenge | Challenge word is Independent
Genre: General
Characters: Sam, John
Timeline: Pre-Series
Summary: E/O Challenge – Independent – In between Stanford's acceptance and Sam's actual departure from home many fights were fought between Sam and John.
And they all had one thing in common.
Rating: K
Warnings: None
It reminded Sam of a rollercoaster ride. Only that the ups weren't pleasurable and the downs were only the calm before the storm.
He glared at his father's back while John glared through the window. They had just gotten over another 'up' and licked their wounds. Prepared themselves for the storm.
"I'm already more independent than you ever wanted me to be. The leash you put around my neck is already crumbling. Why don't you just let me go?"
John wordlessly grabbed the keys and left.
This would be a long 'down'. The following 'up' would be a hurricane.