Author has written 1 story for Detective Conan/Case Closed.
Name: Xialdon
Birthday: November 28th
Gender: Female
Age: ... Well if I didn't give the year with my birthday, I'm certainly not giving this out ;P
I am an aspiring writer who has been bouncing from fandom to fandom ever since I first discovered I used to have a story under the Yugioh category, but due to an increased uninterest of the fandom on my part, I found I couldn't complete the story and instead removed it. I have now settled into a new, more permanent fandom, in which I hope to post several fanfictions over the next year.
Random Quotes
(My friend and I are engaging in our favourite classroom pasttime; beating the hell outta each other, when my friend suddenly starts blocking the area I'm meant to be hitting)
Me: Hey! You can't do that, it's against the rules!
My friend: There's rules to this madness?!
Me: So... I'm not really bothered about either, but I know you are so... Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?
My friend: You can't ask that! It's like asking me to choose bewteen Woody and Buzz, I can't!!
My friend: You abandoned me yesterday!
Me: I was hungry.
My friend: You abandoned me for food!!!!
Me: I abandoned you for a bacon sandwich... it was totally worth it.