(Nervously pokes head out of hiding place for the last year...)

Ok... so well, yeah... Hi everyone!

Been a while hasn't it? I've just spent a very amusing past few minutes looking at my LJ account and some of the responses I've gotten to my original post there... and in response to one of the comments in particular I feel an incredible need to prove that I am actually still alive. So congratulations to those of you who felt that Shinichi/ Conan may be needed to solve my inexplicable death as you have managed to drag me out of hiding with my tail between my legs.

I'm not quite sure how to justify the amount of time I've spent away from the story, but I'll tell you my reasons and you can decide whether they're good enough or not. But first I would like to say I am very sorry for choosing possibly the worst chapter (evil cliffie) to leave you guys hanging at, I'm so sorry!

First and foremost: I am a perfectionist. I absolutely loathe the idea of leaving any story of mine in a state that I find unacceptable and since my brief attempt at writing a Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfiction which some of you may remember, I haven't uploaded a story as I didn't want to post one on until I was at the stage where it was nearly finished as by then I would know if I had included and double checked everything I needed to double check. In fact, the only reason that my story was not in that state when I first uploaded it was that I took part in a bet with high stakes on the line with my "friends" and they made me bet that I would upload my story as it stood if I lost the bet... I have since found out that that bet was rigged against me... but, well it's a little too late now isn't it?

Anyway, as I have been rambling for quite a while now, the reason I mentioned my perfectionism is that I found huge glaringly obvious mistakes throughout my story (mainly spelling) that I feel I can't leave unchecked.

And on top of my perfectionism, the longer I feel that I have a left a story abandoned for, the more guilty I feel for abandoning it and the more I put off writing it as I'm feeling guilty and horrible. This is a pathetic reason and I am aware of that, please feel no need to comment :)

So, now after proving to everyone that, no, I have not died in some tragic and unforeseeable accident, I suppose I had best make the following promises.

First off, because I did not want to post the story in the first place until I had checked and double checked etc, I will not be updating this story until I have first modified and tweaked the original chapters. This tweaking may include adding more parts to the chapters, it may not, it depends what sorry state I've left them in, so be warned new content may be appearing throughout the original chapters.

My second promise is that now with the most hectic time of my school career coming to an end (and with only two exams left until I leave forever!) is that I am now in a position where I can dedicate time to the story comfortably. So I will be updating some time within the next couple of months.

… Right, so I think that's it. I've offered apologies, my reasons (however pathetic) and I've given my promises. Now if maybe one or two of my kind reviewers could PM me every now and again with a more polite version of "hurry the hell up" I can actually stick to the promises and try to get back into the swing of this story.

So to all my lovely reviewers, I offer another apology and the hopes that you will still stick with this story after I begin the tweaks and the eventual updates. So for now...

Bye Bye,
