Author has written 8 stories for Gilmore Girls, and Gone with the Wind. So the thing is, I never really wanted to write. I kind of fell into Gilmore Girls' fic and once I read everything I wanted to read, I wrote a story that I would want to read myself. Five chapters posted in one shot on a whim and here we are, waiting for me to hurry up and finish that sequel already! I never saw myself as a writer or someone with a burning desire to get published. I’m not a natural; I’m not poetic or deep. I’m not a literature lover and I can’t really spell that well. So, I refuse to take it too seriously. (That's why I've recycled this from my previous profile...) Drama and angst, grand gestures, fairytales, princesses, so-bad-they’re-good-boys, declarations of love, the girl-getting-the-guy, Hollywood-hot-pink-firework romance are all things I love to write about. I suppose I feel it’s because life is never like the movies and Real True Happy Endings are hard to find, so why not write about it? The cruel thing is, of course, that as I’m coming up on my 3rd year of fan fic writing, I’m actually writing professionally about things that are decidedly not about what I've outlined above. I so want to write these lovely Gilmore stories, brood over what I should make Logan say or Rory do. But when I come home, I can’t get in that right frame of mind. Or I spend time writing novelesque emails to my friends, or write journal entries that are for my eyes only. Or read other people’s books, like Jessica Darling and Princess Mia and Harry Potter, wishfully thinking that it’d be so cool to write a novel. See my name in curly swift behind a bookstore display (or, let’s face it, a link to Amazon and a download for Kindle…) Still, I won’t start on any of these projects before I finish these fics. My plan is to have them both completed by the end of this year. I’ll be honest, that goal looks more realistic for LG than it does for NYN II but I’ll do my best for it to work out. And to make it worthy. I’d hate to wrap up in a terribly sucky way. Also, I bought the Gilmore DVDs. I started watching season 1 and I’m in love all over again. I’m listening to old-school Train and new Matt Nathason and a mix of old and new Justin Vernon/Bon Iver. There’s lyrics in there that inspire me, that make me wish I could create something like that and not just lift and apply to Rory and Logan. Ah well. And, just a quick word of thanks to YOU! Obviously, I wouldn’t still be here without you! Thank you so much for reading and encouraging and writing. You guys are crazy, passionate, fun readers to have and your loyalty throughout the ups and down, periods of silence, bad grammar and boo-boos, and honest critique is truly and astoundingly touching. You all shine like stars! An occasional PM might speed up the updating process, but a friendly "hi!" is welcome, too! |