![]() Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter. Hey! I am: Vicki. 21 years old. Wondering if anyone ever reads this. Writing: Harry Potter fanfictions, mostly from the Marauders' Era, but I have written other things. About my stories, go to the bottom. Listening to: Three Days Grace. Thornley. The All-American Rejects. Nickelback. Die Mannequin. Seether. Muse. Skillet. L.O.C. Breaking Benjamin. Nephew. Britney Spears. Private. Apocalyptica. Johnny Deluxe. Will Smith. Avril Lavigne. My Chemical Romance. Paula Abdul. Nik & Jay. A lot of other different and random artists. Reading: Harry Potter. Eragon. 13 Reasons Why. And other random stuff. Movies: Oh... I'll get to this soon... or not. TV: Scrubs. Glee. How I Met Your Mother. Dexter. Random info about me you just (don't) have to know: I live in Denmark, or more precisely; Jutland! I love Harry Potter (of course) and my favourite book of the series is OOTP. I’m very weird, crazy some would say. But I'm a smiling person and do that most of the time. I write a lot. Many of the things I write won't ever be read by any others than me. I've begun practising making avatars too. I love to watch and play handball. I don’t consider myself as brave, even though I’m a Gryffindor. I’m pretty sure the Sorting Hat was wrong and I should have been sent to Slytherin instead. I’m a huge, huge, huge Three Days Grace fan. My top five of Music is Three Days Grace, Thornley, Muse, the All-American Rejects, Seether. I buy CD's, I don't download as I want to support the artist. That often result in a bank account below zero. Ups. I’m very clumsy and fall a lot. Therefore I often have bruises on my knees and elbows. I get embarrassed way too easily. I love to speak Spanish, even though I’m not good at it. I love speaking English too. I do not like scary movies. I like my work which is now at a man selling fish (how weird does that sound?). I’m in love with Johnny Depp, Ben Barnes and Kellan Lutz. I almost can’t see the carpet in my own room. I'm very forgetful. I’ve recently changed my Kawasaki shoes with Converse. It hurt. I can absolutely not sing. I wish I could though. I can’t dance either. I’m terrified of spiders. I haven’t figured out the meaning with life yet, but I’m working on it. I’m a dreamer. I'm a good listener and often helps people with problems, giving a piece of advice and such. It took me three tries to come through the first HP book, because I hated reading. Now I love it. I sleep more than I think is healthy. I love kids and want to have at least four myself. I’m only 164 cm “tall” (that’s barely five foot five). I have bad humour and can be very sarcastic. Most of the things I say should be taken with a grain of salt. I’m extremely stubborn. Besides the HP books I likethe Twilight books. And Edward… Sometimes I say things I don't mean. I apologize to everyone who’ve been a victim for that. On the other hand I tend to be a bit too polite to people I don't know well. I love the Die Hard films, Friends, Sex and the City and loads of other series. I'm addicted to liquorice, ice tea and strawberries. I no longer watch Circus and shows with animals in because I feel sorry for them. I believe luck hates me. I spend way to much time showering as I feel it’s the only time at day I can truly relax. I'm an idiot with computers and internet. Small noise irritates me when I read. Loud noise doesn’t, strangely. I have an iPod which I love. I like to wear clothes I can relax in. I talk way too much. There’s a ton more things about me, but I don’t want to bore you to death. And I’m actually surprised I could hold you here so long. Great! About my stories: So, I thought it might be time to tell you a bit about my stories... if anyone really wants to know. Hehe. Well, in general, I try to stay away from cornyness, clichés and everything which has been seen too much before. I like to be original, and that's what I'm known for around. If you're reading this before my stories, I suggest you to stop, there are a few spoilers. With that said, let's look at the stories, shall we? Their Happy Ending: I got this idea a little more than two years ago, 2007. I was on Mallorca, first day/night there. My mobile phone (no, the mobile, I'd borrowed because my own had died) had five songs on it. Yep, five. Which of four of them was Avril Lavigne, who I didn't like. I came to like her. I remember this so clearly because I was sitting in this dark, dark bus, listening to this stupid song, 'Fall to Pieces' while thinking Harry Potter. A glimpse of my third last chapter came to my mind. Having no paper, or anything at hand, I had to think it all. The song changed. 'My Happy Ending' was playing. Oh, boy, did the whole story just write itself in my mind! When arriving at the hotel, the whole story was planned. I got paper and started writing. When I got home to Denmark I only needed the last chapter and a chapter in the middle. It took me some time to write it onto my computer, but when I got, I was more than satisfied with the outcome. I was nervous when starting posting it, I'd never written anything sad before, but found I that I could do that too. Several of my readers told me I'd made them cry. Wow, I had no idea I could do that too. Thanks to Anita, Avril Lavinge for amazing song and all of my awesome readers. One Love Only: Well, this story was born last summer, 2007. July, I think. I was still in writing of my very first L/J story, but thought it was beginning to sound worn. I sat down thinking exactly how I could make something different, something not seen before. How could I make Lily realise just how great James was? The answer came to me right away: force them together, the chain. But how was I going to do that? Then Joey was born. Neighbour to James and Lily's best friend (It was first much later the Joey/Sirius thing was born). Well, Joey and Sirius seemd like the perfect two persons to be so mean they'd actually tie people togehter. That's what they did. In my very first drawings of this story, it'd end along with the summer. The infamous kiss between James and Lily should lead to a relationship, but I thought, "No, Lily's much more stubborn than that." Michaela was born and along with her, came the rest of the story. Another plan I actually had for this story was to finish it along with Hogwarts, I've cut that part. I'm sad it's over, but relieved at the same time. It's been over a year, and when looking back I can see my improvements and I'm proud. It just shows you can always get better. Thanks to all my readers, Nadia, Anita and everyone else who have helped me. The 30 Points Plan: As my A/N for this story says, this story was born because I needed a bit time off from my other stories. At first it was just a flick of something ridiculous, a story without meaning. James trying to get Lily with help from a simple list. I wrote what came on my mind, and nothing else, no wondering and no thinking, just acting. It was a better portrait by real boys I had created, a believeable. I never inteded to make is so long. I'd counted on four chapters max. I'd written the story to an end before I'd posted the first chapter. What I hadn't counted on either was people to actually think it was funny. My first site to post it on was VTM and the responce I got was... overwhelming in lack of better words. I learned so much writing this, and even though I'm a girl, I feel it's made me understand boys better. Strange as it sounds, it's true. I'm thinking much more about my writing now than before, it's helped me a lot. Thanks to everyone supporting me on VTM, Jessica and every reader who stuck with me and laughed. Such Language: Even though it's one of the newest one-shots I've written, I can't really remember how I got the idea. I think I had only intended Lily to try and make a point to James, but failing as she didn't see her own mistake: spending as much time on a boy she hated, but she really didn't hate. She fell in with both feet. To those who don't know what my summary means it's simple that you don't spend as much time as Lily did on a person you hate. It turned out to be most popular on here. Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed, found mistakes, Jessica and those sites on the internet which I used to find the phrases. I Hate Everything...: This was my very first one-shot I wrote. I was listening to my favourite band, Three Days Grace, and that song when the idea suddenly hit me. It was exactly how I'd imagined Lily's feelings. The story nearly wrote itself. I didn't use any names or speak, it seemed out of place. Outside it's the one I've gotten the most and best respond on, and it's even today the one-shot I'm mostly proud off. Thanks to all the amazing readers from VTM and here, Nadia and Three Days Grace. Or Something: Yes, if you're one of those who have read it, you'll know how this was born. I got the idea when thinking of how I wanted to have Sirius and Joey get together if I could see it. It was written and sent to my beta in less than one day. Thanks to everyone who have reviewed or read and Anita. Seize the Day: As said in the A/N, I got the idea listening to the song 'Seize the Day' by Avenged Sevenford. I thought it was beautiful and couldn't help thinking a bit more about it. I got this flash of Lily standing in the middle of the crowd, suddenly looking at James and realised she had wasted a chance. It's the very first part in the story. I tried to make both a bit sad, and a little awkward. When re-reading it, I can't help but loving it, because it's so different. No screaming, no James being smart. It's vulnerable, and I think it shows. Thanks to every reader and reviewer, Jessica and Avenged Sevenford. Wave of Popular Feeling: Like many of my one-shots this story was born as I listened to music. Again this time it was listening to my favourite band, Three Days Grace, though in their earlier days as Groundswell. I liked the edge the song had and an image of a sad Lily being comforted and finding something in her worst enemy, something that actually made her feel better. The song, in my ears, is about finding comfort even though it seem possible and wrong. I like this because contrary other L/J one-shots, they don't actually get together, though I've written one which could be but in the same story. Thanks to my readers as always and Anita. Home: You're probably sick of hearing this, but this too was inspired by a Three Days Grace song. Haha. But it was. I wrote this at the nearly same time as I wrote 'I Hate Everything...' I was actually just listening to the CD, thinking Harry Potter and my other fics when my thoughts ended up at Sirius. That's when 'Home' played. The story wrote itself. The song did everything for me. In the beginning I had planned a lot more arguing between Sirus and his mother, but cut it out as I didn't really like it that way. Thanks to Nadia, Three Days Grace and every reader and reviewer! Playing With Fire: This is annother attempt of mine to create something original. At first I'd planned it to be centred around Anna and Sirius, but found the other two girls' adventures would be just as exciting, and I changed the POV to third person so all the girls could be followed. The list was of course the first step, and a hard step too. It took me several days to work out a perfect list which could be used. This of course means I've alreayd planned the whole story and unfortunately don't take suggestions. Thanks to Nadia, Jessica and every reader plus reviewer! Burn: This took a long time for me to write. At first I just had this idea of James and Severus finally having a civil, I was listening to a song called burn (yes, Three Days grace did write it). It was hard to write, because I was afriad. I'd never portrayed anything with Snape before and had no idea how he reacted to certain things. It took me at least one month to finish so I was satisfied with the work. It was probably the last I wrote of something like that too. Thanks to Anita and my readers and reviewers . 10 Flaws: I have absolutely no idea how I came up with this... I think it was because I was thinking of writing something with each point as a chapter, but they simply weren't long enough. I might have been thinking of the idea to another thing I've been writing. Anyways... I'm actually pretty satisfied with the way it turned out. In writing style it reminds me of The 30 Points Plan and Such Language, and I like that a lot. Thanks to Jessica for betaing it and helping me with the name. And thanks to all my readers and reviewers! Elevator: Well, I got this idea once when watching Grey's Anatomy. The picture of two friends (this being Derek and Mark) talking calmly while going somewhere was simply too strong in my mind, and I wondered who these two men where. First I thought it as James and Sirius. In my head they were old though, and not the young men. So I realised this would have to be after they died, and so of course did I have to have Remus there. And the story had practically written itself with the simple question, What would these three men talk about when meeting each other again? Thanks to Anita for helping me out and every reader and reviewer! Sleepless and Sleepless Again: Well. I read this story on HPFF, Sleepless Knights, and I got inspired to write the first installment. I got permission from the writer of Sleepless Knights, and the story was written very fast. After the first one was up, people asked me what was happening after this between James and Lily. After a lot of askings, I decided to just write it. I wanted it to be the same, yet different, in mood, especially the mood and the way the two interact with each other is very important in this story. It wasn't hard, but I had to bring it further. Therefore I brought the other three Marauders into it, and a beginning relationship between the two. Thanks to Jessica, my amazing beta, Childish_Fairy and of course my readers! Conversations and Lists: I was just bored really. Much like The 30 Points Plan I needed to write something light and silly. What better than a story with no plot but a bunch of lists? I think the idea of basing a story purely on lists tempted me a little too much. It was too good. Thanks to Aly and every reader and reviewer! Believe: I've always been a big fan of this 'She doesn't know she's in love with him until she nearly loses him'-thing. And when listening to All-American Rejects sometime back in the Spring, I got this idea. Believe. Yeah, but I didn't want to go cliché and have him wake up because of her. Because he isn't. Not really. He's waking up because it's time and maybe because Lily was there, speaking to him. It's up to the reader. I like this one because it's a traditional story, but not that cliché. Thanks to Jessica, The All-American Rejects and of course every reader out there! |