9 – Without the Screaming Please

Anna was grinning widely. "They didn't!"

Lily nodded. "Oh yeah! Eating each other's faces off over near the boys' dorm!"

"Oh Merlin…" Anna mumbled and poured some scrambled eggs on her plate. "Little Mary Macdonald has suddenly grown up!"

Lily giggled slightly. "It's just a kiss. Okay, wild kiss! But whoa!"

"With Remus!"

"What happened to Remus?"

Lily turned around to see James and Sirius behind her. Anna was already facing them.

"If he hadn't told you," Lily said, "then we won't tell you either."

"Oh, c'mon!" James whined.

"Maybe you should ask Mary. She'll know!" Anna said.

Sirius' eyes grew big. "Did Remus and Mary -!"

Anna smirked. "Maybe!"

"All right!" James grinned and clapped Sirius' hand.

Both boys sat down and started to eat breakfast with Lily and Anna. They had barely taken any food before someone stopped behind them. It was Remus.

"Well, well, well," James grinned as he turned. "There he is!"

But he didn't look at James. Instead he was looking at Lily and Anna, looking slightly green.

"You haven't see Mary, have you?"

"Mrs. Lupin?" Anna smirked. Everyone but Remus laughed.

Lily shook her head. "She was still sleeping when we left, but I'm sure she'll be here soon."

"Wanna continue where you left last night?" Sirius grinned.

Anna kicked him slightly under the table. Remus was just about to sit down when someone stopped next to him.

"Err… Remus?"

He turned and faced Mary, going slightly red. "Aha?"

"Do you…" she said slowly. "Do you have a moment?"

He nodded and followed her out of the Great Hall. Both James and Sirius were looking after them with wide eyes.

"You can pop your eyes back inside your heads, boys," Anna said. "They are gone and won't go shagging in a broom closet!"

"You never know," Sirius grinned.

"They're not you, Sirius," Lily said.

"I'm offended," he said, taking a hand to his heart. "What is it you think of me, Miss Evans?"

"Just the same as everyone else," Anna muttered, trying to get food onto her fork without using her injured arm.

James broke out laughing. "Good one Anna!"

Mary was literally shaking. She was making her way down towards the Great Hall where she hoped to meet Remus. She hadn't talked to him since last night. The problem was that she had no idea what was about to happen between them now. Did he put the same feelings into the kisses as she did or what?

As she entered the Great Hall, her heart skipped a beat when she saw him down at the Gryffindor table. She quickly walked down there. The others were talking, but she couldn't put the words together into sentences. At last she stood right behind him

"Err… Remus?" she asked.

He turned and faced her. "Aha?"

"Do you…" she said slowly. Oh the awkwardness. "Do you have a moment?"

He nodded and she turned. She could feel him right behind her all the way out of the Great Hall. She continued outside, Remus still behind her. She first stopped when they reached a white bench. She sat down with Remus next to her. She sighed.

"We need to talk," she said.

He nodded. "I think so too."

There were a few minutes of awkward silence. Mary shifted uncomfortable around with her bracelet, until Remus at last spoke.

"Do you regret what happened last night?"

"Do you?"

He smiled slightly, looking at his hands. "I don't think so… I mean, I like you… very much… you're one of the people who know me best and I feel comfortable around you…" he said it all as it took him a great amount of willpower to do it, but at the same time it was the truth.

"I feel the same way," Mary said and nodded. "But it's just hard to go from friendship to relationship in a day. I'm not sure I can handle it."

Remus looked up from his hands. "Can you see yourself in a relationship with me?" he asked.

She looked into his beautiful light brown eyes. They were searching hers. She couldn't help but think he looked extremely cute when he hadn't combed his hair and his tie was a bit loose. She smiled weakly.

"Yeah…" she said. "I can, but not now."

He frowned. "Why?"

She shrugged. "It's just the feeling… It takes some time to get used to. I'm not sure I'm ready." Her mind told her how silly it sounded, but it was true.

"Okay…" he mumbled, looking down. "That wasn't what I had hoped to hear… But to be honest I agree…"

Mary slowly took hold of his hand. "It wasn't what I had thought I'd say either. I mean, I've been secretly in love with you since our fifth year and never thought I'd say no to you." she rolled her eyes.

"But you just did."

"We can work on it, alright? I just don't like to move too fast."

"Neither do I," he admitted.

She smiled widely at him. "Thanks for understanding."

He shrugged. "So…" he said. "What we are now is kind of… err, friends with benefits?"

"Yeah," she grinned.

He looked at her, slightly raised eyebrow. "Then I guess this is okay," he said and kissed her.

His lips were soft against Mary's and she enjoyed it, but they were gone as quickly as they had been there. He smiled carefully at her.

"It is," she said and dragged him into another kiss.

Both Lily and Anna jumped up from the couch when they saw Mary enter. As soon as they saw she was alone they got nervous. Lily was the first by Mary's side.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Tell us," Anna said as she stepped up there too.

"Well," Mary said. "We agreed on not really being friends, but not really being a couple. We're a thing in the middle and then we'll see what it leads to." She blushed.

Anna frowned. "I don't get it."

Lily sighed. "It's obvious, Anna. You're – what to say? – friends with benefits?"

"Exactly!" Mary exclaimed. "That's what he said too."

Lily and Anna squealed and hugged Mary.

"I guess this'll lead to a more-than-friends-relationship later?" Lily asked.

Mary shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe," she said, but couldn't help but smile.

Lily was slightly out of breath. Yet, she was walking fast back towards the Gryffindor tower. She'd just been out running. But what had surprised her was that lately she'd improved a lot, and now she could run a whole mile without have to take a break. She smiled at the thought.

"Sorry!" she yelled as she bumped into someone.

"Watch out, Mudblood!"

Lily stopped as soon as the words had made her ears. She turned around and stood face to face with the ugliest Slytherin of all time; Rosier. One of his friends Lily did not recognise was right behind him. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Try to come up with something new," she said and turned around.

Next she felt a hex hit her in the back of her head, then laughter. She turned around again and noticed the two Slytherins were gone, but all the other people weren't and they were laughing. Lily noticed her hair, that hung loose had turned an awful colour of acid-green. She groaned loud and turned to leave. When she was away from the students she found her wand and tried to change her hair back, but her concentration was lacking.

"Need help?"

Lily spun around and found herself face to face with James. He had his wand out.

"Where did you come from?"

"Here," he said and tried without success to close his bag unnoticeably.

Lily was fast and quickly grabbed what hang out from the bag. It was some silvery material and felt almost like water that had been sewed into the fabric.

"Is this… Is this an invisibility cloak?" she almost whispered.

"Err… would you believe me if I said no?" James asked, scratching his neck nervously.

"No," Lily answered with out hesitating. "So who did you steal this from?"

"No one!" he said, offended and snatched it back. "It's my own. I inherited it from my father."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! And him from his father. It's a family heirloom. Don't you believe me?"

Lily was quiet some seconds. "Yeah… I do. It actually explains a lot. All those times I've been so close to catching you when you've made trouble, but you just disappeared. And when no one was around when someone was tripped… I can't even count all those times when this would fit into it."

"Ahh, it maybe wasn't me all the times."

"Yeah, right…" Lily dragged her eyes away from it. "Hey, could you help with my hair?"

"Yeah okay." He grabbed his wand and looked at her. "Just promise you won't tell anyone about the cloak."


James smiled and with a fast movement he transferred her hair back to red.

"Thanks, James," she mumbled.

"For what?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Not being an idiot I guess…" she said. "And fixing my hair of course."

He smiled down at her. "You're welcome. But the green colour could have been worse," he smirked and winked.

She groaned. "I hate green!"


"Yeah!" she sighed. "Awful, awful colour."

"Your eyes are pretty," he said silently. "They're green and the most beautiful thing about you."

Lily blushed unwillingly. "No need to flatter, James," she said.

"I'm just… honest."

Lily looked up at him; he really seamed honest. "Oh, this is awkward," she mumbled.

He looked away. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he said and then Lily looked away. "Forget it! Come!"

Suddenly James had grabbed Lily's hand and stormed towards the Gryffindor tower. Lily had to run after him to follow.

"Wait, James!" she yelled. "Where're we going?"

"Gryffindor tower," he said shortly.



"Sirius! C'mon!"

Anna looked at Sirius with a pleading gaze. They were alone in the boys' dorm and Sirius had just taken his guitar from his drawer. Anna had asked him if he wanted to teach her, but he refused.

"Why, Anna?"

"Because I want to learn how!"

Sirius sighed deeply and put his fingers on the strings. "Maybe… I need to think about it."

Anna jumped up from Edward's bed and instead walked over and fell forwards down on Sirius'. She placed her head in the palms of her hands and looked up at Sirius.


Sirius looked down at her, a sparkle playing in his eyes. "Fine," he sighed at last.

"YEAH!" Anna exclaimed and hugged Sirius' stomach.

"Okay, okay," he grinned. "I get it."

Anna slowly sat up and looked at Sirius. "Thanks."

Sirius smiled back at her a few seconds, then suddenly his head snatched up. He looked at the door before shrinking his guitar and putting it back. Footsteps outside were heard and the next second, the door slammed open and James and Lily entered. Lily looked mildly bewildered and James was smiling. First, Anna noticed they were holding hands. They both stopped at the sight of Anna and Sirius.

"Hi!" Lily said a bit out of breath."Hey…" Anna said, raising an eyebrow.

Lily suddenly blushed and pulled her hand out of James'. Anna noticed Sirius grinned at James and he blushed too.

"Wait here," he mumbled to Lily.

"What are you two up to?" Sirius finally said.

Lily shrugged. "Ask James. I have no idea."

James then pulled a broom out from under his bed. "We're going flying!" he grinned.

"But I don't have a broom, James," Lily said. "And I've just been out running. I'm really not up to it."

"Oh, you can have mine!" Anna said quickly. "And does it matter if you're tired or not?"

"Or mine!" Sirius grinned.

"Won't be necessary," James said and got up with his broom in his hand. "Lily's going to be the only one who's flying!"

"What?!" Lily exclaimed, then continued in a lower voice. "Aren't you going to fly?"

"Why?" he asked, frowning. "You're the one who has to learn. I'm your teacher! You asked me too."


"Relax Lily," Anna sighed. "You're not going to die."

"I could fall. What if I do that?"

"Then I'll save you," James said. "Simple as that. Are we going?"

Lily groaned and followed James out again, sending Anna a pleading gaze. Anna just waved at her before both she and Sirius burst out laughing as the door closed.

"Did you see her face?" Anna said, trying to control her laugh.

"Yes! Why is she so afraid?" Sirius asked, wiping a tear away from his right eye. "Priceless!"

At the Quidditch pitch, the air was cold, but the sky was blue. Lily, on the other hand, was green. Just looking up at the goal posts from a far distance almost made her sick, and she hadn't cared that James, before they entered the pitch, had placed his arm around her waist, leading the way.

"Err, James?" she asked weakly.

"Aha?" he asked, looking around.

"I think I've changed my mind. You don't need to waste your time out here with me."

"Oh, I'm not wasting my time," he said and slowly removed his arm from her waist. "Here!"

Lily slowly took hold of the broom, swallowing. "Okay?"

James sighed. "Well you have to place your other foot on the other side of the broom. Otherwise you can't ride it."

"Aha…" Lily said even weaker than before and slowly did as told. "James, I'm dying."

He snorted. "No you're not. Now kick softly off the ground."

Lily looked at James nervously before she did it. She felt her feet lose touch with the ground and she shrieked.
"Relax, Lily!" James said. "You're only two feet from the ground. Just land again."

"I don't know how!" Lily cried.

James sighed deeply before he grabbed the end handle of the broom and softly pulled Lily back on earth. Lily opened her eyes which had been shut and looked apologetically atJames.

"Well," James said, scratching his neck, "that was awful."

She couldn't help but smile. "Sorry."

"What exactly did you spend our flying lessons doing in first year?"

Lily looked away. "Please don't tell anyone… but I skipped most of them."

James' jaw dropped. "You skipped them?"

"Yes," Lily said and nodded. "Can't we just focus on this instead?"

"Sure," James said. "Try again… without the screaming please."

Lily sent him a death glare before looking down at her hands. She softly pushed away form the ground and felt how the broom raised a few foot before it stopped. She looked down and suppressed the urge to scream and try to come down again.

"Good," James smiled. "Now try to fly a bit."

Lily looked at him nervously before she leaned slightly forward and tried to get the broom to move, closing her eyes. She was sure it could sense her nervousness, it could in first year and she couldn't even make the broom jump up in her hands.

"Err, Lily… Nothing's happening."

Lily opened her eyes and looked at James. He was right. She hadn't moved an inch. James once again grabbed the broom and pulled her down, sighing.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "I really want to learn. But…"

"But what?" James asked.

"I… Don't laugh. But… I'm afraid of heights…" she said. "Really, really afraid."

James just looked at her, but she didn't see as she was busy looking at the ground. She moved uncomfortably.

"Okay," James said after a few seconds.

Lily's head snapped up. "What?"

"It's okay to be afraid. We all got something to be afraid of. Take me for example. I'm scared to death just as I see a crow."

"Crows?" Lily asked, raised eyebrows.

James nodded. "Yeah… they're all black and creepy. I'm also scared that someday Voldemort will come take my parents away from me and I never will have had the chance to tell them that I love them. Lily, we all have fears. You just have to learn to control them."

"But I'm really afraid of heights," she mumbled, looking down at the broom.

James wore a thinking expression as he studied her a few seconds. "Move," he then said.


"Move a bit. Then I can sit behind you and show how it's done!"

Lily did as she was told and the next second could feel James sit on the broom right behind her. He placed one hand on the broom. Then he stopped.

"Can you hold onto the broom yourself?" he asked.

"Err?" she uttered. "I'm not sure… What if I fall down?"

And without further hesitation he placed the last hand around her waist. "Ready?"

"Will it help if I say no?" she asked.

He laughed and set of the ground. She screamed and tightened her grip around the broom.

Anna got up from Sirius' bed as she heard a shriek from the outside. She looked out and saw something that made her smile.

"Oi, Sirius come and take a look!"

Sirius got up and walked over to the window, stopping right behind her, looking over her shoulder. She could feel his breath on her bare neck.

"It's James…" he said. "And he's riding a broom where Lily's also on."

Anna nodded grinning. "Exactly!"

"See that's romantic."

Anna was about to say something, but Sirius suddenly put his hand over her mouth. She tried to remove his hand, but he hushed her. A second later he pushed her over to the closet, opened it and pushed her inside, closing it behind her.

"Sirius, what are you-?"

"Edward's coming!" he said.



Anna stopped talking, wondering what the heck Sirius was playing at. A second later, the door to the dorm opened and two people stepped inside. Anna could hear the voices. It was Edward and Patricia. They stopped talking as soon as they saw Sirius.

"Oh," Edward said.

"Oh, what?" Sirius asked.

"Nothing," Patricia said. "We'll just be going again."

"Sure," Sirius said forced and the two people walked out again.

A second later the door to the closet opened again. Anna had crossed her arms and looked at Sirius with raised eyebrows.

"I demand an explanation," she said. "Now!"

"What?" he asked.

"This!" she exclaimed. "Sirius you are not afraid of letting Edward see me up here… are you?"

Sirius looked out of the window. "No."

"Lair," she grinned.

"You're so afraid!"

He sighed. "As I've said before. You're brother is very strong!"