Author has written 31 stories for Legend of Dragoon, Death Note, Fatal Frame, Soul Eater, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Vocaloid, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur, Japanese Mythology, Folklore, Deception series, Silent Hill, Thor, ObsCure, Dynasty Warriors, and Power Rangers. NAME • // Tricia (トリシャ) NICKNAMES • // Téa (テイア), Kazuko (和子), Azusa (梓), Rí (リー) PERSONALITY • // INFP-T HIGHLIGHTS Might be asexual but I’m still trying to figure that out. 23 years old. Born on April 21, 1994 at 5:45pm. Eldest. Autistic brother (AJ; 21) and sister (Julia; 16) on mother’s side; two sisters (Mariah and Megan; 21 and 18) and a brother (Michael; June 6, 1996 - October 26, 1996) on father’s side. Played video games since the age of three. Heavily enjoys RPGs and survival horror games. Ultimate goal to watch and critique all horror movies. Makes AMVs. Draws and writes fanwork. Cosplayer. Auditory processing disorder (APD). Speech impediment. Social anxiety. |
hikari4luv (4) | kara hikaru (18) | StrandedSeraphim (6) |