I blame the suckiness on my Japan. She was breathing down my neck to finish this. At least she likes it XD;
Yay updates?
Kiku breathed heavily, knotting his hands in Feliciano's hair. His bare leg was hiked into the air as if it were a testament to his current situation. He called Feliciano's name under his breath, unable to muster more than that due to his state. Feliciano's own hands gripped Kiku's hips to prevent the man from moving very much. The Italian's lips closed around Kiku's swollen length to cause the other man to moan headily into his fist (his hands having flown up to cover his mouth).
"I-Italy-san…" the Japanese man's voice uttered slowly, finally having found the volume to say anything audible. The moan traveled to Feliciano, who hummed around Kiku to elicit a shiver and a scream of pleasure from the vibrations. A half-second later, the black-haired man came violently in Feliciano's mouth, his body dropping back onto the grass in exhaustion.
Kiku's coffee-colored eyes opened slightly, taking in the image of Feliciano over him. He couldn't help but let his body react once more to the sight of flushed tan skin, dripping gently with sweat and Kiku's release. The Japanese ally felt himself blush darker at the thought of what he'd just done, and assumed he couldn't get any redder when Feliciano began undoing his tie and shirt. Huh, he'd apparently arrived without his jacket. The intrusive garments were quickly tossed to the side and the Italian leaned down to Kiku, planting soft kisses along his neck.
"Ne, Japan-kun… can I…?"
Kiku felt the other become warm, and realized he was blushing. He knew what Feliciano was asking, and it caused him to stiffen. The prospect of such an intimate act with the other was embarrassing, despite understanding how they felt about each other. "Ahn… y-yes… but, what if someone sees us…?" This worry came to mind immediately, but he flushed as some part of him became excited at the thought of Ludwig or someone of equal importance discovering them on this (suddenly very heated) hillside.
Feliciano disregarded Kiku's worries and reached up to slip a finger into his mouth, coating it with a generous layer of saliva. The smaller male turned red at the action but was easily distracted by the other's hand sliding down to his backside. With a small gasp from Kiku, the finger probed into his entrance and was quickly joined by a second. Kiku squirmed stiffly under Feliciano as the intruding digits moved around slowly, easily stretching the ring of muscles.
"Ahh… Italy-san…!"
The moan was lost on the wind. Feliciano's lips landed on Kiku's jaw beneath his ear and he breathed a small moan. "Ne… s-should I-"
"Mhm!" Kiku clenched his eyes shut, mentally preparing himself for losing his virginity to his Italian ally. "P-please, Italy-san, k-keep going…" He almost felt selfish for demanding the continuation, but he could tell the younger man above him was having trouble holding back as well.
Several heavy breaths later, Feliciano slid into Kiku with surprising ease, causing the smaller male to gasp and moan in slight pain. The black-haired man threw his head back onto the grass, his teeth clenched as he tried to adjust to the sudden girth.
"A-ah… itai… Italy-san…" His voice was forced, and he tried to distract himself from the pain by digging his nails into Feliciano's shoulders. The Italian flinched slightly and pulled back.
"L-let me move, Japan-kun…" he muttered, his face heavily flushed from the sensation of being completely surrounded by his Japanese lover. Kiku nodded and gasped again, wrapping his legs around the other's waist as Feliciano pushed in and out slowly.
The deliberately steady pace quickly dulled the pain in Kiku's back. He moaned quietly, squeezing his eyes shut. The feeling that spun through his body was new, and he was shocked at how enjoyable it all was. He had to admit that he had sneaked looks at the magazines and books that Ludwig kept (poorly) hidden in his library, but nothing could compare theory and practice properly. Kiku tried to relate the fact to his martial arts, but he knew that when it came down to the bare truth, this experience he held with Feliciano was more amazing than any fighting strategy he could learn.
A soft nip on his neck brought him back to the task at hand and he tightened his legs' grip on Feliciano, looping his arms around the other's neck to bring him closer. "I-Italy-san…" he moaned, his expression loosening slightly as the Italian moved even faster, his arms supporting his movement on the grass. Kiku faintly realized that he would have grass stains on his jacket, but was easily distracted by wet kisses given by the younger man.
Heavy, broken panting filled the space between them as they continued to move together. Kiku quickly realized the pace and shifted his hips to meet Feliciano's with each thrust, receiving and releasing wanton moans from both pairs of lips. The elder male opened his eyes slightly in order to see the Italian's face, but met the pure blue of the sky and he gave up, throwing his head back as Feliciano hit a spot within him that drove him over the edge in a fraction of a second.
"Italy-san!" he gasped out, his hands digging into his elbows at the sudden tsunami of pleasure. He heard a hum of acknowledgement from the other male and moaned as Feliciano's hand slid between their bodies, grabbing Kiku's arousal and pumping it in time with his thrusts.
"Let's… t-together…" the broken voice huffed, muffled in Kiku's neck. The Japanese man nodded and with another fierce thrust, threw his head back and came across his and Feliciano's stomachs. A few shudders later, he moaned as he felt the Italian's seed fill him to the brim.
Feliciano pulled out and Kiku whined quietly at the loss. They lay like that for a while, until Kiku opened his eyes and realized that the sun was dangerously low in the sky. He looked over and noticed Feliciano breathing peacefully into the elder's waist. Kiku hmph-ed, sitting up gingerly to shake the brunette awake.
"Italy-san… we should go. Germany-san will wonder where we are," he said simply as Feliciano grumbled and sat up. Bleary brown eyes met each other and the two nations blushed, looking away to find their discarded clothing.
Feliciano was the first to speak as they made their way up the hill and back to Germany's house, which was a quick trip down a wooded lane to the green grounds. "Ne, Japan-kun… do you… regret doing-"
"Never." Kiku flushed as he stared ahead, avoiding the Italian's gaze. "I don't have regrets, Italy-san. Anyway, I love you, and I hope you have no reason to regret doing that either."
Feliciano blinked in surprise before laughing, a wide smile spreading across his features. "Ok!" He leaned over and landed a soft kiss on Kiku's cheek, earning a deeper blush from the slightly-limping male.
The black-haired man looked at his feet and clutched his uniform around his shoulders. "Though I must say… I could have done without the pain."
The Italian squeaked. "I'm sorry, Japan-kun! I didn't mean to!"
Kiku smiled. "No regrets, though, Italy-kun."
Feliciano returned the gesture easily, but blushed at the sudden change in honorific. "No regrets!"
Ok, so I really wanted to have a sappy ending... did I do good? (puppy eyes)
Reviews appreciated, not demanded, and flames will be used to stoke the fire of Mrs. Lovett's oven. (though I must say, I agree with my first reviewer that JaIta is hotter than Mrs Lovett's oven. (winks) tee hee...)